## Vue.js component implementing the [sticky-sidebar-v2](https://github.com/blixhavn/sticky-sidebar-v2) library. ![Version](https://badgen.net/npm/v/vue-sticky-sidebar) ![Downloads/Week](https://badgen.net/npm/dw/vue-sticky-sidebar) ![Minified Bundlesize](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/min/vue-sticky-sidebar) ![Minified Gzipped Bundlesize](https://badgen.net/bundlephobia/minzip/vue-sticky-sidebar) ## Installation Using npm: ```shell $ npm install --save vue-sticky-sidebar ``` Using yarn: ```shell $ yarn add vue-sticky-sidebar ``` ## Usage ```html ``` ## Props | Name | Type | Default | Description | |---------------------|--------------------|--------------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | topSpacing | Numeric, Function | 0 | Additional top spacing of the element when it becomes sticky. | | bottomSpacing | Numeric, Function | 0 | Additional bottom spacing of the element when it becomes sticky. | | containerSelector | String, False | false | Container sidebar selector to know what the beginning and end of sticky element. | | innerWrapperSelector| String | .inner-wrapper-sticky | Inner wrapper selector. | | stickyClass | String, False | is-affixed | The name of CSS class to apply to elements when they have become stuck. | | resizeSensor | Boolean | true | Detect when sidebar and its container change height so re-calculate their dimensions. | | minWidth | Numeric | 0 | The sidebar returns to its normal position if its width below this value. | Find more reference at official [sticky-sidebar-v2](https://github.com/blixhavn/sticky-sidebar-v2). ## Todo - Add Events