import isRetryAllowed from 'is-retry-allowed'; const namespace = 'axios-retry'; /** * @param {Error} error * @return {boolean} */ export function isNetworkError(error) { return ( !error.response && Boolean(error.code) && // Prevents retrying cancelled requests error.code !== 'ECONNABORTED' && // Prevents retrying timed out requests isRetryAllowed(error) ); // Prevents retrying unsafe errors } const SAFE_HTTP_METHODS = ['get', 'head', 'options']; const IDEMPOTENT_HTTP_METHODS = SAFE_HTTP_METHODS.concat(['put', 'delete']); /** * @param {Error} error * @return {boolean} */ export function isRetryableError(error) { return ( error.code !== 'ECONNABORTED' && (!error.response || (error.response.status >= 500 && error.response.status <= 599)) ); } /** * @param {Error} error * @return {boolean} */ export function isSafeRequestError(error) { if (!error.config) { // Cannot determine if the request can be retried return false; } return isRetryableError(error) && SAFE_HTTP_METHODS.indexOf(error.config.method) !== -1; } /** * @param {Error} error * @return {boolean} */ export function isIdempotentRequestError(error) { if (!error.config) { // Cannot determine if the request can be retried return false; } return isRetryableError(error) && IDEMPOTENT_HTTP_METHODS.indexOf(error.config.method) !== -1; } /** * @param {Error} error * @return {boolean} */ export function isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError(error) { return isNetworkError(error) || isIdempotentRequestError(error); } /** * @return {number} - delay in milliseconds, always 0 */ function noDelay() { return 0; } /** * @param {number} [retryNumber=0] * @return {number} - delay in milliseconds */ export function exponentialDelay(retryNumber = 0) { const delay = Math.pow(2, retryNumber) * 100; const randomSum = delay * 0.2 * Math.random(); // 0-20% of the delay return delay + randomSum; } /** * Initializes and returns the retry state for the given request/config * @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config * @return {Object} */ function getCurrentState(config) { const currentState = config[namespace] || {}; currentState.retryCount = currentState.retryCount || 0; config[namespace] = currentState; return currentState; } /** * Returns the axios-retry options for the current request * @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config * @param {AxiosRetryConfig} defaultOptions * @return {AxiosRetryConfig} */ function getRequestOptions(config, defaultOptions) { return { ...defaultOptions, ...config[namespace] }; } /** * @param {Axios} axios * @param {AxiosRequestConfig} config */ function fixConfig(axios, config) { if (axios.defaults.agent === config.agent) { delete config.agent; } if (axios.defaults.httpAgent === config.httpAgent) { delete config.httpAgent; } if (axios.defaults.httpsAgent === config.httpsAgent) { delete config.httpsAgent; } } /** * Checks retryCondition if request can be retried. Handles it's retruning value or Promise. * @param {number} retries * @param {Function} retryCondition * @param {Object} currentState * @param {Error} error * @return {boolean} */ async function shouldRetry(retries, retryCondition, currentState, error) { const shouldRetryOrPromise = currentState.retryCount < retries && retryCondition(error); // This could be a promise if (typeof shouldRetryOrPromise === 'object') { try { const shouldRetryPromiseResult = await shouldRetryOrPromise; // keep return true unless shouldRetryPromiseResult return false for compatibility return shouldRetryPromiseResult !== false; } catch (_err) { return false; } } return shouldRetryOrPromise; } /** * Adds response interceptors to an axios instance to retry requests failed due to network issues * * @example * * import axios from 'axios'; * * axiosRetry(axios, { retries: 3 }); * * axios.get('') // The first request fails and the second returns 'ok' * .then(result => { *; // 'ok' * }); * * // Exponential back-off retry delay between requests * axiosRetry(axios, { retryDelay : axiosRetry.exponentialDelay}); * * // Custom retry delay * axiosRetry(axios, { retryDelay : (retryCount) => { * return retryCount * 1000; * }}); * * // Also works with custom axios instances * const client = axios.create({ baseURL: '' }); * axiosRetry(client, { retries: 3 }); * * client.get('/test') // The first request fails and the second returns 'ok' * .then(result => { *; // 'ok' * }); * * // Allows request-specific configuration * client * .get('/test', { * 'axios-retry': { * retries: 0 * } * }) * .catch(error => { // The first request fails * error !== undefined * }); * * @param {Axios} axios An axios instance (the axios object or one created from axios.create) * @param {Object} [defaultOptions] * @param {number} [defaultOptions.retries=3] Number of retries * @param {boolean} [defaultOptions.shouldResetTimeout=false] * Defines if the timeout should be reset between retries * @param {Function} [defaultOptions.retryCondition=isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError] * A function to determine if the error can be retried * @param {Function} [defaultOptions.retryDelay=noDelay] * A function to determine the delay between retry requests * @param {Function} [defaultOptions.onRetry=()=>{}] * A function to get notified when a retry occurs */ export default function axiosRetry(axios, defaultOptions) { axios.interceptors.request.use((config) => { const currentState = getCurrentState(config); currentState.lastRequestTime =; return config; }); axios.interceptors.response.use(null, async (error) => { const { config } = error; // If we have no information to retry the request if (!config) { return Promise.reject(error); } const { retries = 3, retryCondition = isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError, retryDelay = noDelay, shouldResetTimeout = false, onRetry = () => {} } = getRequestOptions(config, defaultOptions); const currentState = getCurrentState(config); if (await shouldRetry(retries, retryCondition, currentState, error)) { currentState.retryCount += 1; const delay = retryDelay(currentState.retryCount, error); // Axios fails merging this configuration to the default configuration because it has an issue // with circular structures: fixConfig(axios, config); if (!shouldResetTimeout && config.timeout && currentState.lastRequestTime) { const lastRequestDuration = - currentState.lastRequestTime; // Minimum 1ms timeout (passing 0 or less to XHR means no timeout) config.timeout = Math.max(config.timeout - lastRequestDuration - delay, 1); } config.transformRequest = [(data) => data]; onRetry(currentState.retryCount, error, config); return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve(axios(config)), delay)); } return Promise.reject(error); }); } // Compatibility with CommonJS axiosRetry.isNetworkError = isNetworkError; axiosRetry.isSafeRequestError = isSafeRequestError; axiosRetry.isIdempotentRequestError = isIdempotentRequestError; axiosRetry.isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError = isNetworkOrIdempotentRequestError; axiosRetry.exponentialDelay = exponentialDelay; axiosRetry.isRetryableError = isRetryableError;