Changelog ========= All changes in the package are documented in the main repository. See: Changes for the past releases are available below. ## [19.0.0]( (April 29, 2020) ### MINOR BREAKING CHANGES * The `translate` function from the `translation-service` was marked as protected. See [#334]( * The format of stored editor translations has been changed. If you use `window.CKEDITOR_TRANSLATIONS` please see [#334]( * The `getPositionedAncestor()` helper will no longer return the passed element when it is positioned. ### MAJOR BREAKING CHANGES * `env.isEdge` is no longer available. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6202]( ### Features * Added the support for initializing `Collection` items via the `constructor()`. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6319]( ([8846e66]( * Provided support for plural forms internalization. Part of [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6526]( ([5f6ea75]( ### Bug fixes * Do not execute `ResizeObserver` callbacks when the resized element is invisible (but still in DOM) (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6570]( ([fb13d9d]( * Editor will now load correctly in environment with `Symbol` polyfill. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6489]( ([7cd1f48]( * Fixed various cases with typing multi-byte Unicode sequences (like emojis). Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#3147]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6495]( ([6dc1ba6]( * The `getOptimalPosition()` helper should prefer positions that fit inside the viewport even though there are some others that fit better into the limiter. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6181]( ([7cd1238]( ### Other changes * Removed `env.isEdge` as Edge is now detected and treated as Chrome. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6202]( ([2902b30]( * The `getPositionedAncestor()` helper should use `offsetParent` instead of `getComputedStyle()` for performance reasons. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6573]( ([7939756]( ## [18.0.0]( (March 19, 2020) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [17.0.0]( (February 19, 2020) ### MINOR BREAKING CHANGES * The `getResizeObserver()` helper is no longer available. We recommend using the [`ResizeObserver`]( class instead. ### Features * Added iterator interface to the `Config` class. ([1fdf2f1]( ### Other changes * Improved `toMap()` method performance. This results in improved editor data processing speed. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5854]( ([fef816e]( * Replaced the `getResizeObserver()` helper with the `ResizeObserver` class for performance reasons. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6145]( ([05c97f8]( * The `uid()` helper should be a lot faster. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6188]( ([b57fc3f]( ## [16.0.0]( (December 4, 2019) ### Bug fixes * Improved error re-throwing by replacing the error stack. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5595]( ([7685c0d]( ## [15.0.0]( (October 23, 2019) ### Features * Implemented the `getResizeObserver()` helper that offers an entry to the native `ResizeObserver` API (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#416]( ([875d5a4]( * Introduced `assertEqualMarkup()` test utility method. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office#14]( ([ee1655f]( * Introduced support for creating elements in other XML namespaces. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1842]( ([37fbcb9]( Thanks [@Sebobo](! ### Bug fixes * `Rect#excludeScrollbarsAndBorders` should support RTL environments. Fixed incorrect output of the method. Closes [#297]( ([35f34fc]( ### Other changes * Introduced the `CKEditorError.rethrowUnexpectedError()` helper. Added custom error handling for the `Emitter#fire()` function. Part of [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1304]( ([1d84705]( ## [14.0.0]( (August 26, 2019) ### Features * Add feature detection of Unicode properties entities' support. ([21c0f6b]( * Allowed specifying editor content language in `Locale`. Implemented the (UI and content) language direction discovery in `Locale`. Implemented `Locale#uiLanguage`, `Locale#uiLanguageDirection`, `Locale#contentLanguage`, and `Locale#contentLanguageDirection` properties. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1151]( ([91c95f3]( ### Other changes * The issue tracker for this package was moved to See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1988]( ([71469ac]( * Removed the CKEditor 5 logger and its usage. Part of [ckeditor/ckeditor5#383]( ([584ef1d]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The`Locale()` constructor arguments syntax has changed. Please refer to the API documentation to learn more. * The `Locale#language` property has been deprecated by `Locale#uiLanguage`. Please refer to the API documentation to learn more. * Removed the CKEditor 5 logger utility. ## [13.0.1]( (July 10, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [13.0.0]( (July 4, 2019) ### Features * Added `env.isAndroid`. ([591f641]( ### Other changes * Added context as second required argument to the `CKEditorError`'s constructor, changed `isCKEditorError()` method to `is()`. Introduced the `areConnectedThroughProperties()` utility. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5-watchdog#1]( ([bacc764]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The list of `CKEditorError()`'s parameters was changed – now it requires the message, context and then data. The `isCKEditorError()` method was renamed to `is()`. ## [12.1.1]( (June 6, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [12.1.0]( (April 4, 2019) ### Features * Added `isSafari` property and `isSafari()` helper to the `env` module. See: [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1463]( ([f1ba6ae]( * Made `FocusTracker#focusedElement` observable to bring support for multi-root editors (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1599]( ([952d440]( ## [12.0.0]( (February 28, 2019) ### Features * Introduce `Collection.has()` method. Closes [#266]( ([312d55e]( ### Bug fixes * Prevent infinite loops on `.once()`. Closes [#272]( Closes [#204]( ([54b8108]( * Fixed memory leaks during editor initialization and destruction (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1341]( ([94bc59e]( ### Other changes * Configuration options should be cloned to prevent features from altering the original values. Closes [#257]( ([7981d4e]( * DOM Elements will not be cloned when returned from `editor.config.get()`. Closes [#264]( ([4ad23b1]( * Optimized `diff()` function to use `fastDiff()` function internally for large data sets. Closes [#269]( ([ee9bed0]( * Replaced `for..of` statement in `EventEmitter` with `Array.prototype.forEach`. This changes allows building a React application using `create-react-app@2`. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-react#40]( ([900b54b]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Upgraded minimal versions of Node to `8.0.0` and npm to `5.7.1`. See: [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1507]( ([612ea3c]( ## [11.1.0]( (December 5, 2018) ### Features * Implemented `env#isGecko()`. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine#1439]( ([53b7c94]( ### Other changes * Various fixes in the API documentation. Thanks to [@denisname](! ## [11.0.0]( (October 8, 2018) ### Other changes * Removed the `lodash` library from this package (a modular `lodash` build has been kept under `src/lib/lodash/`). We now recommend using `lodash-es` directly. Closes [#251]( ([637c9e3]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Removed the `lodash` library from this package (a modular `lodash` build has been kept under `src/lib/lodash/`). We now recommend using `lodash-es` directly. ## [10.2.1]( (July 18, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [10.2.0]( (July 18, 2018) ### Features * Implemented a module exposing the `CKEDIOR_VERSION` to the global scope. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1005]( ([3546ac4]( * Introduced `env.isEdge`. ([13d4af4]( ### Bug fixes * The `isWindow()` helper should work in the Electron environment. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#879]( ([d561151]( ## [10.1.0]( (June 21, 2018) ### Features * Introduced `set:{property}` event in `ObservableMixin`. Closes [#171]( ([6ef1246]( * Introduced `fastDiff()` function. Closes [#235]( ([81fefc9]( ### Bug fixes * Error should not be thrown when scrolling the viewport from within an iframe in a different domain. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#930]( ([ad4656e]( ## [10.0.0]( (April 25, 2018) ### Other changes * Changed the license to GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( ([3177252]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The license under which CKEditor 5 is released has been changed from a triple GPL, LGPL and MPL license to a GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( for more information. ## [1.0.0-beta.4]( (April 19, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [1.0.0-beta.2]( (April 10, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [1.0.0-beta.1]( (March 15, 2018) ### Features * Introduce `bind().toMany()` binding chain in `ObservableMixin`. Closes [#224]( ([cfa7d0e]( * Introduced skipping items when binding collections. Closes [#215]( Closes ([6e0d063]( ### Bug fixes * `Rect.getDomRangeRects()` should not throw if the provided DOM range starts in a text node. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5-ui#317]( ([bfa55e9]( * Bulletproofed `isDomNode()` helper when used in iframes. Removed `isWindow()` logic from the helper. Closes [#201]( ([84ccda2]( * Long keystrokes should be handled properly by getEnvKeystrokeText on Mac. Added support for ⇧ and ⌥ modifiers. Closes [#206]( ([d8443e2]( ### Other changes * `ObservableMixin#unbind()` should not throw if used for an attribute which is not bound. Closes [#5]( ([848a818]( * Aligned behaviors of `EmitterMixin` methods responsible for adding end removing listeners. Closes [#144]( ([460d7f4]( The `emitter.on()` now has the same behavior as `emitter.listenTo( emitter )` as well as `` is the same as `emitter.stopListening( emitter )`. This made `emitter.stopListening()` correctly remove all listeners added in any way to it which prevents memory leaks. * Aligned code to the new Translation Service ([ckeditor/ckeditor5#624]( ([a51767a]( * Introduced the `isText()` helper. Closes [#214]( ([a9a6bec]( * Renamed `env.mac` to `env.isMac`. Closes [#222]( ([dc6b226]( * Renamed `isDomNode()` to `isNode()`. Closes [#219]( ([1823196]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Renamed `env.mac` to `env.isMac`. * `isDomNode()` was renamed to `isNode()`. ## [1.0.0-alpha.2]( (November 14, 2017) ### Bug fixes * Removed a period at the end of an error message because some browsers included the period in links to errors. Closes [#193]( ([fdebc2f]( ## [1.0.0-alpha.1]( (October 3, 2017) ### Features * Scrolling DOM utilities should support multi-window scenarios. Closes [#175]( ([a5c27ea]( ### Other changes * `CKEditorError#message`, `log.error()` and `log.warn()` will contain a link to the error documentation. Closes [#185]( ([b7a00c9]( ## [0.10.0]( (September 3, 2017) ### Bug fixes * `FocusTracker` should remain in sync when multiple `blur` events are followed by the `focus` event. Closes [#159]( ([0ff1b34]( ### Features * `KeystrokeHandler` should support priorities and proper keystroke cancelling. Closes [#180]( ([14af24c]( * Added support for `'space'` key code in the `parseKeystroke()` helper. Closes [#169]( ([f86b1ad]( * Introduced `ObservableMixin#decorate()` and support for setting `EmitterMixin#fire()`'s return value by listeners. Closes [#162]( ([377c875]( * Introduced a static `Rect.getDomRangeRects()` method for external usage. Closes [#168]( ([f67aea1]( ### Other changes * The `getOptimalPosition()` utility should accept the target option defined as a function. Closes [#157]( ([d63abae]( ## [0.9.1]( (May 7, 2017) ### Bug fixes * The `Rect` utility should work for collapsed DOM Ranges. Closes [#153]( ([92aff35]( * The `getOptimalPosition()` utility should consider limiter ancestors with CSS overflow. Closes [#148]( ([6bf1741]( ## [0.9.0]( (April 5, 2017) ### Bug fixes * The `getOptimalPosition()` utility should work fine when the parent element has a scroll. Closes [#139]( ([b878949]( ### Features * `Collection.bindTo()` method now is not only available in the `ViewCollection` but in all `Collection`s. Closes [#125]( ([4e299be]( * Added the `first()` function. Closes [#130]( ([8ab07d2]( * Two–way data binding between `Collection` instances. Closes [#132]( ([6b79624]( ## [0.8.0]( (March 6, 2017) ### Features * Added ability to provide default configurations to `Config` constructor. Closes [#126]( ([16a2a31](