Changelog ========= All changes in the package are documented in the main repository. See: Changes for the past releases are available below. ## [19.0.0]( (April 29, 2020) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([4d7336d]( ## [18.0.0]( (March 19, 2020) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([e2a6a7d]( ## [17.0.0]( (February 19, 2020) ### MAJOR BREAKING CHANGES * Changed the class denoting the exception spans from `ck-restricted-editing-exception` to `restricted-editing-exception`. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5-restricted-editing#6]( The data produced by version 16.0.0 of this package will not be recognized by the new version of this package. The easiest migration method is to replace all occurrences of `class="ck-restricted-editing-exception"` with `class="restricted-editing-exception"` prior to loading the data into the editor. ### Features * Add `enableCommand()` method to `RestrictedEditingModeEditing`. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6041]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6011]( ([e617559]( * Allow pasting content into exception areas in the restricted editing mode. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5802]( ([6704d21]( * Pressing Ctrl+A when the selection range is inside an exception selects text only within an exception in restricted editing. Second Ctrl+A selects the entire text in the editor. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5826]( ([569d588]( * Remove the entire exception when collapsed selection is inside text with restricted attribute. Closes [#5828]( ([44f443e]( ### Bug fixes * Fix non-flat exception markers. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6003]( ([70e3e12]( * Focus the editor before executing toolbar buttons' command. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#353]( ([e7f9d23]( * Pressing "Tab" or "Shift+Tab" should move focus outside the editor in restricted mode if the selection is anchored in the last (or first) exception. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5834]( ([dc26f4c]( * Restricted editing boundaries should not be crossed by delete content and input command. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5840]( ([3ae681a]( ### Other changes * Added CSS classes to the editable elements to differentiate between the restricted and standard modes. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5829]( ([de38be8]( * Align CSS class names to the changes in the restricted editing feature. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5899]( ([3ba00b0]( * Updated translations. ([c076842]( ## [16.0.0]( (December 4, 2019) The initial release.