Changelog ========= All changes in the package are documented in the main repository. See: Changes for the past releases are available below. ## [19.0.0]( (April 29, 2020) ### Other changes * Improved the performance of processing (loading) long lists. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6581]( ([b52db48]( ## [18.0.0]( (March 19, 2020) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([92c4ec0]( ## [17.0.0]( (February 19, 2020) ### Bug fixes * Focus the editor before executing the toolbar buttons' command. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#353]( ([4af8783]( ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([f87974b]( ## [16.0.0]( (December 4, 2019) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([53e1503]( ## [15.0.0]( (October 23, 2019) ### MAJOR BREAKING CHANGES * The structure of the to-do list has changed (both in the editing and in the data). Refer to the documentation for the information about used class names as it can impact the existing styles of your application. ### Features * Introduces content styles for to-do lists. Unified the to-do list representation in the editing and data. Extracted feature styles to a `todolist.css` file. Closes [#147]( Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#2063]( ([5605663]( ### Bug fixes * Improved conversion of invalid nested lists. Closes [#115]( ([ea55a54]( * Keyboard navigation should work inside to-do lists in Right-to-Left (RTL) content (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5-list#134]( ([63deb51]( * To-do list item styles should not be interactive when applied to editor data (content). Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#2090]( ([5662d4e]( * Use model-to-view position mapping in to-do lists. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#2009]( Closed [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1980]( ([ff460f8]( ### Other changes * Added `pluginName` property to the editing plugin. ([48be07f]( * Added `pluginName` property to the to-do editing plugin. ([3fd6758]( * Updated translations. ([a6cf5dd]( ([4f67d34]( ## [12.1.0]( (August 26, 2019) ### Features * Introduced to-do lists. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1434]( ([56a7a7a]( ### Bug fixes * The UI buttons should be marked as toggleable for better assistive technologies support (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1403]( ([bb12325]( ### Other changes * The issue tracker for this package was moved to See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1988]( ([5507ac6]( * Updated translations. ([10e296d]( ## [12.0.4]( (July 10, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [12.0.3]( (July 4, 2019) ### Other changes * Attach `'indentList'` and `'outdentList'` commands to `'indent'` and `'outdent'` commands. ([3a67531]( The `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-indent` feature introduces the "indent" and "outdent" buttons which you can use to manipulate lists and other blocks. * Updated translations. ([6c4b520]( ## [12.0.2]( (June 6, 2019) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([b7f3abc]( ## [12.0.1]( (April 4, 2019) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([d595449]( ## [12.0.0]( (February 28, 2019) ### Bug fixes * The editor was crashing if multiple, specific block elements were inside the list item in loaded or pasted data. Closes [[ckeditor/ckeditor5#1572](]( ([788eea3]( * Some specific content resulted in creating additional, incorrect list items when loaded. Closes [#121]( ([50ec81d]( ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([c61b7fc]( ([e38333a]( ([f26a79c]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * Upgraded minimal versions of Node to `8.0.0` and npm to `5.7.1`. See: [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1507]( ([612ea3c]( ## [11.0.3]( (December 5, 2018) ### Bug fixes * Block filler will be inserted into the list item if its last child is a `
` element. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1312]( ([cb6708e]( * Preserve the correct order of block elements inside list items during the view-to-model conversion. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1263]( ([abccef4]( ### Other changes * Optimized SVG icons size. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5-theme-lark#206]( ([d424329]( ## [11.0.2]( (October 8, 2018) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([00fed4b]( ## [11.0.1]( (July 18, 2018) ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([f2d8f6c]( ## [11.0.0]( (June 21, 2018) ### Other changes * Rename list attributes `indent` and `type` to `listIndent` and `listType` to avoid collisions with possible generic `type` attribute which could be used on other elements. Closes [#103]( ([7a1ece6]( * Updated translations. ([340ee3d]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The `indent` attribute is now called `listIndent`. See [#103]( for more information. * The `type` attribute is now called `listType`. See [#103]( for more information. ## [10.0.0]( (April 25, 2018) ### Other changes * Changed the license to GPL2+ only. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( ([e93f96c]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The license under which CKEditor 5 is released was changed from a triple GPL, LGPL, and MPL license to a GPL2+. See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#991]( for more information. ## [1.0.0-beta.4]( (April 19, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [1.0.0-beta.2]( (April 10, 2018) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [1.0.0-beta.1]( (March 15, 2018) ### Features * Updated icons for compatibility with the refreshed Lark theme. Minor adjustments in toolbar configurations (see [ckeditor/ckeditor5#645]( ([d1fae4b]( ### Other changes * Aligned feature class naming to the new scheme. ([d677fb6]( * Removed the `ViewListItemElement` class and introduced the `createViewListItemElement()` utility method. Closes [#89]( ([e4ac704]( * Updated translations. ([762a9ed]( ## [1.0.0-alpha.2]( (November 14, 2017) ### Bug fixes * Pressing Backspace at the beginning of the first list item will turn it into a paragraph instead of merging with the previous block. Closes [#68]( ([5160277]( ### Other changes * Updated translations. ([a1c4477]( ## [1.0.0-alpha.1]( (October 3, 2017) ### Bug fixes * The editor will no longer crash in certain cases during pasting when pasted content could not be converted at all. Closes [#80]( ([40d0bf5]( * The editor will no longer crash when the spell checker corrects a word inside a list item in a certain scenario. Closes [#70]( ([f0b8b44]( ## [0.7.0]( (September 3, 2017) ### Bug fixes * `ListCommand` should check whether it can be applied to the selection. Closes [#62]( ([12b77ae]( * `view.UIElement` will no longer be incorrectly removed instead of the `
  • ` element if it was before the `
  • ` element to remove. Closes [#74]( ([aa7855c]( * Fixed a bug when the editor sometimes crashed when a list item was moved outside and before a container in which it was. Closes [#78]( ([3d8814e]( * The list model fixer will not be triggered if a change to fix is in a `transparent` batch. ([0779f35]( * The `