=generate-utility($utility, $infix, $forceDir) $values: map-get($utility, values) // If the values are a list or string, convert it into a map @if type-of($values) == "string" or type-of(nth($values, 1)) != "list" $values: zip($values, $values) @each $value in $values $properties: map-get($utility, property) // Multiple properties are possible, for example with vertical or horizontal margins or paddings @if type-of($properties) == 'string' $properties: append((), $properties) // Property can be a map, where the key is a mixin to include @if type-of($properties) == 'map' @each $dir in $properties $mixin: nth($dir, 1) // SASS doesn't support dynamic mixin invocation // https://github.com/sass/sass/issues/626 @if $mixin == 'ltr' .v-application--is-ltr +generate-utility-body($utility, nth($dir, 2), $value, $infix) @else if $mixin == 'rtl' .v-application--is-rtl +generate-utility-body($utility, nth($dir, 2), $value, $infix) @else @error 'Only RTL and LTR are supported' @else @if $forceDir == 'ltr' .v-application--is-ltr +generate-utility-body($utility, $properties, $value, $infix) @else if $forceDir == 'rtl' .v-application--is-rtl +generate-utility-body($utility, $properties, $value, $infix) @else .v-application +generate-utility-body($utility, $properties, $value, $infix) =generate-utility-body($utility, $properties, $value, $infix) // Use custom class if present $property-class: map-get($utility, class) $property-class: if($property-class, $property-class, nth($properties, 1)) // Don't prefix if value key is null (eg. with shadow class) $property-class-modifier: if(nth($value, 1), "-" + nth($value, 1), "") $value: nth($value, 2) .#{$property-class + $infix + $property-class-modifier} @for $i from 1 through length($properties) $property: nth($properties, $i) $val: $value @if type-of($value) == 'list' and length($properties) == length($value) $val: nth($value, $i) @if $val != false // Check if unimportant property exists. // This allows you to conditional skip // defining a property as important. $unimportant: map-get($utility, unimportant) #{$property}: $val if(index($unimportant, $property), null, !important)