# Copyright (c) 2003-2024, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. # # !!! IMPORTANT !!! # # Before you edit this file, please keep in mind that contributing to the project # translations is possible ONLY via the Transifex online service. # # To submit your translations, visit https://www.transifex.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5. # # To learn more, check out the official contributor's guide: # https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/framework/guides/contributing/contributing.html # msgid "" msgstr "" "Language-Team: Chinese (China) (https://app.transifex.com/ckeditor/teams/11143/zh_CN/)\n" "Language: zh_CN\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgctxt "Name of the special characters plugins, visible in a dropdown and as a button tooltip." msgid "Special characters" msgstr "特殊字符" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing all available symbols." msgid "All" msgstr "全部" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing arrow symbols." msgid "Arrows" msgstr "箭头" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing currency symbols." msgid "Currency" msgstr "货币" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing latin symbols." msgid "Latin" msgstr "拉丁文" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing mathematical symbols." msgid "Mathematical" msgstr "数学" msgctxt "A category name is displayed in a special characters dropdown representing text symbols." msgid "Text" msgstr "文本" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "leftwards simple arrow" msgstr "向左简单箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "rightwards simple arrow" msgstr "向右简单箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "upwards simple arrow" msgstr "向上简单箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards simple arrow\" symbol." msgid "downwards simple arrow" msgstr "向下简单箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "leftwards double arrow" msgstr "向左双箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "rightwards double arrow" msgstr "向右双箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "upwards double arrow" msgstr "向上双箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards double arrow\" symbol." msgid "downwards double arrow" msgstr "向下双箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "leftwards dashed arrow" msgstr "向左虚线箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "rightwards dashed arrow" msgstr "向右虚线箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "upwards dashed arrow" msgstr "向上虚线箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards dashed arrow\" symbol." msgid "downwards dashed arrow" msgstr "向下虚线箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"leftwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "leftwards arrow to bar" msgstr "头部带杠的向左箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"rightwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "rightwards arrow to bar" msgstr "头部带杠的向右箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"upwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "upwards arrow to bar" msgstr "头部带杠的向上箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"downwards arrow to bar\" symbol." msgid "downwards arrow to bar" msgstr "头部带杠的向下箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"up down arrow with base\" symbol." msgid "up down arrow with base" msgstr "处于基线的上下箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"back with leftwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "back with leftwards arrow above" msgstr "带有back标识的向左箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"end with leftwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "end with leftwards arrow above" msgstr "带有end标识的向左箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above\" symbol." msgid "on with exclamation mark with left right arrow above" msgstr "带有NO!标识的左右双向箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"soon with rightwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "soon with rightwards arrow above" msgstr "带有soon标识的向右箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"top with upwards arrow above\" symbol." msgid "top with upwards arrow above" msgstr "带有top标识的向上箭头" msgctxt "A label for the \"dollar sign\" symbol." msgid "Dollar sign" msgstr "美元符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"euro sign\" symbol." msgid "Euro sign" msgstr "欧元符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"yen sign\" symbol." msgid "Yen sign" msgstr "日元符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"pound sign\" symbol." msgid "Pound sign" msgstr "英镑符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"cent sign\" symbol." msgid "Cent sign" msgstr "分币符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"euro-currency sign\" symbol." msgid "Euro-currency sign" msgstr "欧元货币符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"colon sign\" symbol." msgid "Colon sign" msgstr "科朗符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"cruzeiro sign\" symbol." msgid "Cruzeiro sign" msgstr "克鲁塞罗符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"french franc sign\" symbol." msgid "French franc sign" msgstr "法国法郎符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"lira sign\" symbol." msgid "Lira sign" msgstr "里拉符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"currency sign\" symbol." msgid "Currency sign" msgstr "货币符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"bitcoin sign\" symbol." msgid "Bitcoin sign" msgstr "比特币符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"mill sign\" symbol." msgid "Mill sign" msgstr "密尔符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"naira sign\" symbol." msgid "Naira sign" msgstr "奈拉符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"peseta sign\" symbol." msgid "Peseta sign" msgstr "比塞塔符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"rupee sign\" symbol." msgid "Rupee sign" msgstr "卢比符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"won sign\" symbol." msgid "Won sign" msgstr "韩元符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"new sheqel sign\" symbol." msgid "New sheqel sign" msgstr "新谢克尔符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"dong sign\" symbol." msgid "Dong sign" msgstr "越南盾符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"kip sign\" symbol." msgid "Kip sign" msgstr " 基普符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"tugrik sign\" symbol." msgid "Tugrik sign" msgstr "图格里克符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"drachma sign\" symbol." msgid "Drachma sign" msgstr "德拉克马符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"german penny sign\" symbol." msgid "German penny sign" msgstr "德国便士符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"peso sign\" symbol." msgid "Peso sign" msgstr "比索符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"guarani sign\" symbol." msgid "Guarani sign" msgstr "瓜拉尼货币符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"austral sign\" symbol." msgid "Austral sign" msgstr "澳大利亚货币符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"hryvnia sign\" symbol." msgid "Hryvnia sign" msgstr "戈里夫纳符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"cedi sign\" symbol." msgid "Cedi sign" msgstr "塞地符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"livre tournois sign\" symbol." msgid "Livre tournois sign" msgstr "里弗尔符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"spesmilo sign\" symbol." msgid "Spesmilo sign" msgstr "斯佩斯米洛符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"tenge sign\" symbol." msgid "Tenge sign" msgstr "坚戈符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"indian rupee sign\" symbol." msgid "Indian rupee sign" msgstr "印度卢比符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"turkish lira sign\" symbol." msgid "Turkish lira sign" msgstr "土耳其里拉符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"nordic mark sign\" symbol." msgid "Nordic mark sign" msgstr "北欧马克征符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"manat sign\" symbol." msgid "Manat sign" msgstr "马纳特符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"ruble sign\" symbol." msgid "Ruble sign" msgstr "俄罗斯卢布" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter a with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter a with macron" msgstr "带长音符的大写拉丁字母a" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter a with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter a with macron" msgstr "带长音符的小写拉丁字母a" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter a with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter a with breve" msgstr "带短音符的大写拉丁字母a" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter a with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter a with breve" msgstr "带短音符的小写拉丁字母a" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter a with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter a with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的大写拉丁字母a" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter a with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter a with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的小写拉丁字母a" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的大写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的小写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with dot above" msgstr "带上点的大写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with dot above" msgstr "带上点的小写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter c with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter c with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter c with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter c with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母c" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter d with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter d with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母d" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter d with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter d with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母d" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter d with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter d with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的大写拉丁字母d" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter d with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter d with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的小写拉丁字母d" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with macron" msgstr "带长音符的大写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with macron" msgstr "带长音符的小写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with breve" msgstr "带短音符的大写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with breve" msgstr "带短音符的小写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with dot above" msgstr "带上点的大写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with dot above" msgstr "带上点的小写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的大写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的小写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter e with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter e with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter e with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter e with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母e" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with breve" msgstr "带短音符的大写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with breve" msgstr "带短音符的小写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with dot above" msgstr "带上点的大写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with dot above" msgstr "带上点的小写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter g with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter g with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter g with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter g with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母g" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter h with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter h with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母h" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter h with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter h with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母h" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter h with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter h with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的大写拉丁字母h" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter h with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter h with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的小写拉丁字母h" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with tilde" msgstr "带腭化符的大写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with tilde" msgstr "带腭化符的小写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with macron" msgstr "带长音符的大写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with macron" msgstr "带长音符的小写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with breve" msgstr "带短音符的大写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with breve" msgstr "带短音符的小写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的大写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter i with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter i with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的小写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter i with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter i with dot above" msgstr "带上点的大写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter dotless i\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter dotless i" msgstr "没有点的小写拉丁字母i" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital ligature ij\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital ligature ij" msgstr "大写拉丁连字符ij" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small ligature ij\" symbol." msgid "Latin small ligature ij" msgstr "小写拉丁连字符ij" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter j with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter j with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母j" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter j with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter j with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母j" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter k with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter k with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母k" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter k with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter k with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母k" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter kra\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter kra" msgstr "小写拉丁字母kra" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的大写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的小写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with middle dot\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with middle dot" msgstr "带中点的大写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with middle dot\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with middle dot" msgstr "带中点的小写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter l with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter l with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的大写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter l with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter l with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的小写拉丁字母l" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter n with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter n with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的大写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的小写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter n with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter n with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter n with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter n with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter n preceded by apostrophe" msgstr "冠以撇号的小写拉丁字母n" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter eng\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter eng" msgstr "大写拉丁字母eng" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter eng\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter eng" msgstr "小写拉丁字母eng" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter o with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter o with macron" msgstr "带长音符的大写拉丁字母o" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter o with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter o with macron" msgstr "带长音符的小写拉丁字母o" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter o with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter o with breve" msgstr "带短音符的大写拉丁字母o" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter o with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter o with breve" msgstr "带短音符的小写拉丁字母o" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter o with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter o with double acute" msgstr "带双锐音符的大写拉丁字母o" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter o with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter o with double acute" msgstr "带双锐音符的小写拉丁字母o" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital ligature oe\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital ligature oe" msgstr "大写拉丁连字符oe" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small ligature oe\" symbol." msgid "Latin small ligature oe" msgstr "小写拉丁连字符oe" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter r with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter r with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的大写拉丁字母r" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter r with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter r with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的小写拉丁字母r" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter r with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter r with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母r" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter r with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter r with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母r" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter r with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter r with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母r" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter r with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter r with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母r" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的大写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的小写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter s with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter s with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter s with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter s with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母s" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter t with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter t with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的大写拉丁字母t" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter t with cedilla\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter t with cedilla" msgstr "带软音符的小写拉丁字母t" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter t with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter t with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母t" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter t with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter t with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母t" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter t with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter t with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的大写拉丁字母t" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter t with stroke\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter t with stroke" msgstr "带删节线的小写拉丁字母t" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with tilde" msgstr "带腭化符的大写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with tilde\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with tilde" msgstr "带腭化符的小写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with macron" msgstr "带长音符的大写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with macron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with macron" msgstr "带长音符的小写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with breve" msgstr "带短音符的大写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with breve\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with breve" msgstr "带短音符的小写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with ring above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with ring above" msgstr "带上圆圈的大写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with ring above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with ring above" msgstr "带上圆圈的小写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with double acute" msgstr "带双锐音符的大写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with double acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with double acute" msgstr "带双锐音符的小写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter u with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter u with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的大写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter u with ogonek\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter u with ogonek" msgstr "带反尾形符的小写拉丁字母u" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter w with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter w with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母w" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter w with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter w with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母w" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter y with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter y with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的大写拉丁字母y" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter y with circumflex\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter y with circumflex" msgstr "带扬抑符的小写拉丁字母y" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter y with diaeresis\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter y with diaeresis" msgstr "带分音符的大写拉丁字母y" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter z with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter z with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的大写拉丁字母z" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter z with acute\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter z with acute" msgstr "带锐音符的小写拉丁字母z" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter z with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter z with dot above" msgstr "带上点的大写拉丁字母z" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter z with dot above\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter z with dot above" msgstr "带上点的小写拉丁字母z" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin capital letter z with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin capital letter z with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的大写拉丁字母z" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter z with caron\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter z with caron" msgstr "带抑扬符的小写拉丁字母z" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter long s\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter long s" msgstr "小写拉丁字母长s" msgctxt "A label for the \"less-than sign\" symbol." msgid "Less-than sign" msgstr "小于号" msgctxt "A label for the \"greater-than sign\" symbol." msgid "Greater-than sign" msgstr "大于号" msgctxt "A label for the \"less-than or equal to\" symbol." msgid "Less-than or equal to" msgstr "小于等于" msgctxt "A label for the \"greater-than or equal to\" symbol." msgid "Greater-than or equal to" msgstr "大于等于" msgctxt "A label for the \"en dash\" symbol." msgid "En dash" msgstr "短破折号" msgctxt "A label for the \"em dash\" symbol." msgid "Em dash" msgstr "长破折号" msgctxt "A label for the \"macron\" symbol." msgid "Macron" msgstr "长音符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"overline\" symbol." msgid "Overline" msgstr "上划线" msgctxt "A label for the \"degree sign\" symbol." msgid "Degree sign" msgstr "度数符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"minus sign\" symbol." msgid "Minus sign" msgstr "负号" msgctxt "A label for the \"plus-minus sign\" symbol." msgid "Plus-minus sign" msgstr "正负号" msgctxt "A label for the \"division sign\" symbol." msgid "Division sign" msgstr "除号" msgctxt "A label for the \"fraction slash\" symbol." msgid "Fraction slash" msgstr "分数斜线" msgctxt "A label for the \"multiplication sign\" symbol." msgid "Multiplication sign" msgstr "称号" msgctxt "A label for the \"latin small letter f with hook\" symbol." msgid "Latin small letter f with hook" msgstr "带钩的拉丁文小写字母 F" msgctxt "A label for the \"integral\" symbol." msgid "Integral" msgstr "积分" msgctxt "A label for the \"n-ary summation\" symbol." msgid "N-ary summation" msgstr "N 元求和" msgctxt "A label for the \"infinity\" symbol." msgid "Infinity" msgstr "无穷大" msgctxt "A label for the \"square root\" symbol." msgid "Square root" msgstr "平方根" msgctxt "A label for the \"tilde operator\" symbol." msgid "Tilde operator" msgstr "波浪线运算符" msgctxt "A label for the \"approximately equal to\" symbol." msgid "Approximately equal to" msgstr "近似等于" msgctxt "A label for the \"almost equal to\" symbol." msgid "Almost equal to" msgstr "约等于" msgctxt "A label for the \"not equal to\" symbol." msgid "Not equal to" msgstr "不等于" msgctxt "A label for the \"identical to\" symbol." msgid "Identical to" msgstr "恒等于" msgctxt "A label for the \"element of\" symbol." msgid "Element of" msgstr "属于" msgctxt "A label for the \"not an element of\" symbol." msgid "Not an element of" msgstr "不属于" msgctxt "A label for the \"contains as member\" symbol." msgid "Contains as member" msgstr "包含" msgctxt "A label for the \"n-ary product\" symbol." msgid "N-ary product" msgstr "N 元乘积" msgctxt "A label for the \"logical and\" symbol." msgid "Logical and" msgstr "逻辑与" msgctxt "A label for the \"logical or\" symbol." msgid "Logical or" msgstr "逻辑或" msgctxt "A label for the \"not sign\" symbol." msgid "Not sign" msgstr "非" msgctxt "A label for the \"intersection\" symbol." msgid "Intersection" msgstr "交集" msgctxt "A label for the \"union\" symbol." msgid "Union" msgstr "并集" msgctxt "A label for the \"partial differential\" symbol." msgid "Partial differential" msgstr "偏微分" msgctxt "A label for the \"for all\" symbol." msgid "For all" msgstr "对于全部" msgctxt "A label for the \"there exists\" symbol." msgid "There exists" msgstr "存在" msgctxt "A label for the \"empty set\" symbol." msgid "Empty set" msgstr "空集" msgctxt "A label for the \"nabla\" symbol." msgid "Nabla" msgstr "劈形算符" msgctxt "A label for the \"asterisk operator\" symbol." msgid "Asterisk operator" msgstr "星号运算符" msgctxt "A label for the \"proportional to\" symbol." msgid "Proportional to" msgstr "比例" msgctxt "A label for the \"angle\" symbol." msgid "Angle" msgstr "角" msgctxt "A label for the \"vulgar fraction one quarter\" symbol." msgid "Vulgar fraction one quarter" msgstr "普通分数四分之一" msgctxt "A label for the \"vulgar fraction one half\" symbol." msgid "Vulgar fraction one half" msgstr "普通分数二分之一" msgctxt "A label for the \"vulgar fraction three quarters\" symbol." msgid "Vulgar fraction three quarters" msgstr "普通分数四分之三" msgctxt "A label for the \"single left-pointing angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Single left-pointing angle quotation mark" msgstr "单左尖括号" msgctxt "A label for the \"single right-pointing angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Single right-pointing angle quotation mark" msgstr "单右尖括号" msgctxt "A label for the \"left-pointing double angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Left-pointing double angle quotation mark" msgstr "双左尖括号" msgctxt "A label for the \"right-pointing double angle quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Right-pointing double angle quotation mark" msgstr "双右尖括号" msgctxt "A label for the \"left single quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Left single quotation mark" msgstr "左单引号" msgctxt "A label for the \"right single quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Right single quotation mark" msgstr "右单引号" msgctxt "A label for the \"left double quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Left double quotation mark" msgstr "左双引号" msgctxt "A label for the \"right double quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Right double quotation mark" msgstr "右双引号" msgctxt "A label for the \"single low-9 quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Single low-9 quotation mark" msgstr "低位后单引号" msgctxt "A label for the \"double low-9 quotation mark\" symbol." msgid "Double low-9 quotation mark" msgstr "低位后双引号" msgctxt "A label for the \"inverted exclamation mark\" symbol." msgid "Inverted exclamation mark" msgstr "反感叹号" msgctxt "A label for the \"inverted question mark\" symbol." msgid "Inverted question mark" msgstr "反问号" msgctxt "A label for the \"two dot leader\" symbol." msgid "Two dot leader" msgstr "二点前导符" msgctxt "A label for the \"horizontal ellipsis\" symbol." msgid "Horizontal ellipsis" msgstr "省略号" msgctxt "A label for the \"double dagger\" symbol." msgid "Double dagger" msgstr "双剑号" msgctxt "A label for the \"per mille sign\" symbol." msgid "Per mille sign" msgstr "千分号" msgctxt "A label for the \"per ten thousand sign\" symbol." msgid "Per ten thousand sign" msgstr "万分号" msgctxt "A label for the \"double exclamation mark\" symbol." msgid "Double exclamation mark" msgstr "双叹号" msgctxt "A label for the \"question exclamation mark\" symbol." msgid "Question exclamation mark" msgstr "疑问感叹号" msgctxt "A label for the \"exclamation question mark\" symbol." msgid "Exclamation question mark" msgstr "感叹疑问号" msgctxt "A label for the \"double question mark\" symbol." msgid "Double question mark" msgstr "双问号" msgctxt "A label for the \"copyright sign\" symbol." msgid "Copyright sign" msgstr "版权符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"registered sign\" symbol." msgid "Registered sign" msgstr "注册商标" msgctxt "A label for the \"trade mark sign\" symbol." msgid "Trade mark sign" msgstr "商标符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"section sign\" symbol." msgid "Section sign" msgstr "节标记" msgctxt "A label for the \"paragraph sign\" symbol." msgid "Paragraph sign" msgstr "段落符号" msgctxt "A label for the \"reversed paragraph sign\" symbol." msgid "Reversed paragraph sign" msgstr "反向段落符号" msgctxt "A label for a tooltip showing when the user hovers over the plugin icon." msgid "Character categories" msgstr "字符类别"