Changelog ========= All changes in the package are documented in the main repository. See: Changes for the past releases are available below. ## [19.0.0]( (April 29, 2020) ### Bug fixes * Mention UI is no longer appearing when mention command is disabled. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#5958]( ([eca1e48]( * Mentions can now be matched by any character typed. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#6398]( ([aa7d04d]( ## [18.0.0]( (March 19, 2020) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [17.0.0]( (February 19, 2020) ### Features * Implemented a debounce mechanism for requesting a mention feed. Closes [ckeditor/ckeditor5#4619]( ([f50db9c]( ## [16.0.0]( (December 4, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [15.0.0]( (October 23, 2019) ### Other changes * Bind the `feed` callback function to the editor instance. ([0ba40a9]( Thanks [@oliverguenther]( for the contribution! ## [13.0.0]( (August 26, 2019) ### Other changes * The issue tracker for this package was moved to See [ckeditor/ckeditor5#1988]( ([2a33675]( * Use RegExp Unicode support feature detection from `ckeditor5-utils`. ([d47923e]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The `mention/featuredetection` namespace is removed. Use `env.features` from `ckeditor5-utils` instead. ## [12.0.1]( (July 10, 2019) Internal changes only (updated dependencies, documentation, etc.). ## [12.0.0]( (July 4, 2019) ### Bug fixes * It should be possible to type before a mention which is at the beginning of a block. Closes [#77]( ([946e762]( * Mentions should work when different UTF character classes are used in the feed configuration. Closes [#38]( ([764f099]( * Partial mentions should not be downcasted (for example, copied to clipboard). Closes [#24]( ([8956b1f]( ### Other changes * Moved the `TextWatcher` utility to `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing`. ([a644043]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The `TextWatcher` utility was moved to `@ckeditor/ckeditor5-typing`. ## [11.0.0]( (June 6, 2019) ### Bug fixes * A mention can now be preceded by characters such as brackets, quotes, soft breaks, etc. Closes [#44]( ([86262d1]( * The mention plugin should not throw errors when another `ContextualBalloon` is already visible. Closes [#67]( ([de9ee71]( * The mention panel should have precedence over all other panels. Closes [#74]( ([3e8a84c]( * The Mention UI will use `ContextualBalloon` plugin to display to prevent balloon collisions with other features. Closes [#27]( ([9ae7f30]( ### Other changes * Remove unknown stack option from `ContextualBalloon#add()` method call. ([b6a50cf]( * Use `Model#insertContent()` instead of `model.Writer#insertText()`. Closes [#69]( ([ee973bb]( ### BREAKING CHANGES * The `MentionUI#panelView` property is removed. The mention feature now uses the `ContextualBalloon` plugin. ## [10.0.0]( (April 4, 2019) The initial release.