# Changelog #### 7.0.0 - Vue 3 support. - Updated plyr version. - Removed `emit` option. - Removed unnecessary `
` wrapper for components. - Completely redid the bundling process. - Added polyfilled versions. - Updated examples and added some more of them. - Some other things. - Maybe some other small thi ngs I've forgotten about. #### 6.0.4 - Remove useless nuxt plugin. #### 6.0.3 - Update docs. - Bump version number. #### 6.0.1 - Fix `vue-runtime-helper` being a dependency by bundling it. - Reorganize exports (yeah breaking but I honestly don't want to bump the version again). - Add nuxt plugin file. ### 6.0.0 - Change import to be more natural. - Move to esm export. - Change demo. - Revamp how using the plugin works. - Remove player event. #### 5.1.2 - Fix readme because I forgot to bump it previously. #### 5.1.1 - Update plyr to [3.5.2](https://github.com/sampotts/plyr/blob/master/changelog.md#v352). #### 5.1.0 - Remove auto import of CSS within JS to prevent CJS errors. - Import CSS with `` so bili would find it. - Restructure demos. - Add nuxt demo. - Change all & to be &. - Change `refs="player"` to `refs="plyr"` in readme. - Update nuxt usage in readme. - Update dependencies to latest version. #### 5.0.4 - Update documentation to include new and better methods to access player instance and events. - Slightly reorganize readme. #### 5.0.3 - Prevent default option from being accidentally overwritten. - Fix readme footer. - Update readme to reflect installation methods. - Re-Add named exports. #### 5.0.2 - Fix default export. - Fix component not registered issue. #### 5.0.1 - Update Plyr version. #### 5.0.0 - Major change because of breaking fix. - Change import scheme to be more common (`Vue.use(VuePlyr)`) - Remove sass/scss from dependencies because it wasn't needed. - Update dependencies to latest versions. - Remove demo build - Remove 1440p video from demo (CDN no longer hosted video file) - Add and refactor some tests - Streamline installation by adding from NPM. - Streamline installation by including in `