// Downloaded from https://github.com/malyw/css-vars (and modified) @use 'sass:list'; @use 'sass:map'; // global map to be filled via variables $css-vars: (); // the variable may be set to "true" anywhere in the code, // so native CSS custom properties will be used instead of the Sass global map $css-vars-use-native: false !default; /// // Assigns a variable to the global map /// @function css-var-assign($varName: null, $varValue: null) { @return map-merge( $css-vars, ( $varName: $varValue, ) ); } /// // Emulates var() CSS native function behavior // $args[0] {String} "--" + variable name // [$args[1]] Optional default value if variable is not assigned yet // E.G.: // color: var(--main-color); // background: var(--main-background, green); /// @function var($args...) { // CHECK PARAMS @if length($args) == 0 { @error 'Variable name is expected to be passed to the var() function'; } @if str-length(nth($args, 1)) < 2 or str-slice(nth($args, 1), 0, 2) != '--' { @error "Variable name is expected to start from '--'"; } // PROCESS $var-name: list.nth($args, 1); $var-value: map.get($css-vars, $var-name); @if $css-vars-use-native { // CSS variables // Native CSS: don't process function in case of native @return unquote('var(' + $args + ')'); } @else { @if not $var-value { // variable is not provided so far @if length($args) == 2 { $var-value: list.nth($args, 2); } } // Sass: return value from the map @return $var-value; } } /// // Sass mixin to provide variables // E.G.: // @include css-vars(( // --color: rebeccapurple, // --height: 68px, // --margin-top: calc(2vh + 20px) // )); /// @mixin css-vars($var-map: null) { // CHECK PARAMS @if not $var-map { @error 'Map of variables is expected, instead got: null'; } @if type_of($var-map) != map { @error 'Map of variables is expected, instead got another type passed: #{type_of($var, ap)}'; } // PROCESS @if $css-vars-use-native { // CSS variables // Native CSS: assign CSS custom properties to the global scope @at-root :root { @each $var-name, $var-value in $var-map { @if type_of($var-value) == string { #{$var-name}: $var-value; // to prevent quotes interpolation } @else { #{$var-name}: #{$var-value}; } } } } @else { // Sass or debug // merge variables and values to the global map (provides no output) @each $var-name, $var-value in $var-map { $css-vars: css-var-assign($varName, $varValue) !global; // store in global variable } } }