// src/index.ts import path2 from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import fs from "node:fs"; import process2 from "node:process"; import { bold, dim, green, yellow } from "kolorist"; import { normalizePath as normalizePath2 } from "vite"; import MagicString2 from "magic-string"; // src/compiler/template.ts import path from "node:path"; import MagicString from "magic-string"; import { parse as vueParse, transform as vueTransform } from "@vue/compiler-dom"; import { parse as babelParse, traverse as babelTraverse } from "@babel/core"; import vueJsxPlugin from "@vue/babel-plugin-jsx"; import typescriptPlugin from "@babel/plugin-transform-typescript"; import importMeta from "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-meta"; import decoratorsPlugin from "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators"; import importAttributesPlugin from "@babel/plugin-syntax-import-attributes"; import { normalizePath } from "vite"; var EXCLUDE_TAG = ["template", "script", "style"]; var KEY_DATA = "data-v-inspector"; async function compileSFCTemplate({ code, id, type }) { const s = new MagicString(code); const relativePath = normalizePath(path.relative(process.cwd(), id)); const result = await new Promise((resolve) => { switch (type) { case "template": { const ast = vueParse(code, { comments: true }); vueTransform(ast, { nodeTransforms: [ (node) => { if (node.type === 1) { if (node.tagType === 0 && !EXCLUDE_TAG.includes(node.tag)) { if (node.loc.source.includes(KEY_DATA)) return; const insertPosition = node.props.length ? Math.max(...node.props.map((i) => i.loc.end.offset)) : node.loc.start.offset + node.tag.length + 1; const { line, column } = node.loc.start; const content = ` ${KEY_DATA}="${relativePath}:${line}:${column}"`; s.prependLeft( insertPosition, content ); } } } ] }); break; } case "jsx": { const ast = babelParse(code, { babelrc: false, configFile: false, comments: true, plugins: [ importMeta, [vueJsxPlugin, {}], [ typescriptPlugin, { isTSX: true, allowExtensions: true } ], [ decoratorsPlugin, { legacy: true } ], [ importAttributesPlugin, { deprecatedAssertSyntax: true } ] ] }); babelTraverse(ast, { enter({ node }) { if (node.type === "JSXElement") { if (node.openingElement.attributes.some( (attr) => attr.type !== "JSXSpreadAttribute" && attr.name.name === KEY_DATA )) return; const insertPosition = node.openingElement.end - (node.openingElement.selfClosing ? 2 : 1); const { line, column } = node.loc.start; const content = ` ${KEY_DATA}="${relativePath}:${line}:${column}"`; s.prependLeft( insertPosition, content ); } } }); break; } default: break; } resolve(s.toString()); }); return result; } // src/utils/index.ts function parseVueRequest(id) { const [filename] = id.split("?", 2); const url = new URL(id, "http://domain.inspector"); const query = Object.fromEntries(url.searchParams.entries()); if (query.vue != null) query.vue = true; if (query.src != null) query.src = true; if (query.index != null) query.index = Number(query.index); if (query.raw != null) query.raw = true; if (query.hasOwnProperty("lang.tsx") || query.hasOwnProperty("lang.jsx")) query.isJsx = true; return { filename, query }; } var FS_PREFIX = "/@fs/"; var IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === "win32"; var queryRE = /\?.*$/s; var hashRE = /#.*$/s; function idToFile(id) { if (id.startsWith(FS_PREFIX)) id = id = id.slice(IS_WINDOWS ? FS_PREFIX.length : FS_PREFIX.length - 1); return id.replace(hashRE, "").replace(queryRE, ""); } // src/index.ts var toggleComboKeysMap = { control: process2.platform === "darwin" ? "Control(^)" : "Ctrl(^)", meta: "Command(\u2318)", shift: "Shift(\u21E7)" }; function getInspectorPath() { const pluginPath = normalizePath2(path2.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))); return pluginPath.replace(/\/dist$/, "/src"); } function normalizeComboKeyPrint(toggleComboKey) { return toggleComboKey.split("-").map((key) => toggleComboKeysMap[key] || key[0].toUpperCase() + key.slice(1)).join(dim("+")); } var DEFAULT_INSPECTOR_OPTIONS = { vue: 3, enabled: false, toggleComboKey: process2.platform === "darwin" ? "meta-shift" : "control-shift", toggleButtonVisibility: "active", toggleButtonPos: "top-right", appendTo: "", lazyLoad: false, launchEditor: process2.env.LAUNCH_EDITOR ?? "code" }; function VitePluginInspector(options = DEFAULT_INSPECTOR_OPTIONS) { const inspectorPath = getInspectorPath(); const normalizedOptions = { ...DEFAULT_INSPECTOR_OPTIONS, ...options }; let config; const { vue, appendTo, cleanHtml = vue === 3 // Only enabled for Vue 3 by default } = normalizedOptions; if (normalizedOptions.launchEditor) process2.env.LAUNCH_EDITOR = normalizedOptions.launchEditor; return [ { name: "vite-plugin-vue-inspector", enforce: "pre", apply(_, { command }) { return command === "serve" && process2.env.NODE_ENV !== "test"; }, async resolveId(importee) { if (importee.startsWith("virtual:vue-inspector-options")) { return importee; } else if (importee.startsWith("virtual:vue-inspector-path:")) { const resolved = importee.replace("virtual:vue-inspector-path:", `${inspectorPath}/`); return resolved; } }, async load(id) { if (id === "virtual:vue-inspector-options") { return `export default ${JSON.stringify({ ...normalizedOptions, base: config.base })}`; } else if (id.startsWith(inspectorPath)) { const { query } = parseVueRequest(id); if (query.type) return; const file = idToFile(id); if (fs.existsSync(file)) return await fs.promises.readFile(file, "utf-8"); else console.error(`failed to find file for vue-inspector: ${file}, referenced by id ${id}.`); } }, transform(code, id) { const { filename, query } = parseVueRequest(id); const isJsx = filename.endsWith(".jsx") || filename.endsWith(".tsx") || filename.endsWith(".vue") && query.isJsx; const isTpl = filename.endsWith(".vue") && query.type !== "style" && !query.raw; if (isJsx || isTpl) return compileSFCTemplate({ code, id: filename, type: isJsx ? "jsx" : "template" }); if (!appendTo) return; if (typeof appendTo === "string" && filename.endsWith(appendTo) || appendTo instanceof RegExp && appendTo.test(filename)) return { code: `${code} import 'virtual:vue-inspector-path:load.js'` }; }, configureServer(server) { const _printUrls = server.printUrls; const { toggleComboKey } = normalizedOptions; toggleComboKey && (server.printUrls = () => { const keys = normalizeComboKeyPrint(toggleComboKey); _printUrls(); console.log(` ${green("\u279C")} ${bold("Vue Inspector")}: ${green(`Press ${yellow(keys)} in App to toggle the Inspector`)} `); }); }, transformIndexHtml(html) { if (appendTo) return; return { html, tags: [ { tag: "script", injectTo: "head", attrs: { type: "module", src: `${config.base || "/"}@id/virtual:vue-inspector-path:load.js` } } ] }; }, configResolved(resolvedConfig) { config = resolvedConfig; } }, { name: "vite-plugin-vue-inspector:post", enforce: "post", apply(_, { command }) { return cleanHtml && vue === 3 && command === "serve" && process2.env.NODE_ENV !== "test"; }, transform(code) { if (code.includes("_interopVNode")) return; if (!code.includes("data-v-inspector")) return; const fn = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const s = new MagicString2(code); s.replace(/(createElementVNode|createVNode|createElementBlock) as _\1,?/g, (_, name) => { fn.add(name); return ""; }); if (!fn.size) return; s.appendLeft(0, `/* Injection by vite-plugin-vue-inspector Start */ import { ${Array.from(fn.values()).map((i) => `${i} as __${i}`).join(",")} } from 'vue' function _interopVNode(vnode) { if (vnode && vnode.props && 'data-v-inspector' in vnode.props) { const data = vnode.props['data-v-inspector'] delete vnode.props['data-v-inspector'] Object.defineProperty(vnode.props, '__v_inspector', { value: data, enumerable: false }) } return vnode } ${Array.from(fn.values()).map((i) => `function _${i}(...args) { return _interopVNode(__${i}(...args)) }`).join("\n")} /* Injection by vite-plugin-vue-inspector End */ `); return { code: s.toString(), map: s.generateMap({ hires: "boundary" }) }; } } ]; } var src_default = VitePluginInspector; export { DEFAULT_INSPECTOR_OPTIONS, src_default as default, normalizeComboKeyPrint };