import { defineCommand, runMain as runMain$1 } from 'citty'; import consola from 'consola'; import { startTunnel } from './index.mjs'; import 'node:fs'; const name = "untun"; const version = "0.1.3"; const description = "Tunnel your local HTTP(s) server to the world! Powered by Cloudflare Quick Tunnels."; const tunnel = defineCommand({ meta: { name: "tunnel", description: "Create a tunnel to a local server" }, args: { url: { type: "positional", description: "The URL of the tunnel", required: false }, port: { type: "string", description: "The port of the tunnel (default: 3000)" }, hostname: { type: "string", description: "The hostname of the tunnel (default: localhost)", valueHint: "localhost|" }, protocol: { type: "string", description: "The protocol of the tunnel (default: http)", valueHint: "http|https" } }, async run({ args }) { const tunnel2 = await startTunnel({ url: args.url }); if (!tunnel2) { console.log("Tunnel not started."); process.exit(1); }"Waiting for tunnel URL..."); consola.success(`Tunnel ready at \`${await tunnel2.getURL()}\``); } }); const main = defineCommand({ meta: { name, description, version }, subCommands: { tunnel } }); const runMain = () => runMain$1(main); export { main, runMain, tunnel };