import { tmpdir } from 'node:os'; import fs__default from 'node:fs'; import path$1 from 'node:path'; import https from 'node:https'; import { execSync, spawn } from 'node:child_process'; import { p as path } from '../shared/nuxi.610c92ff.mjs'; const CLOUDFLARED_VERSION = process.env.CLOUDFLARED_VERSION || "2023.10.0"; const RELEASE_BASE = ""; const cloudflaredBinPath = path.join( tmpdir(), "node-untun", process.platform === "win32" ? `cloudflared.${CLOUDFLARED_VERSION}.exe` : `cloudflared.${CLOUDFLARED_VERSION}` ); const cloudflaredNotice = ` \u{1F525} Your installation of cloudflared software constitutes a symbol of your signature indicating that you accept the terms of the Cloudflare License, Terms and Privacy Policy. \u276F License: \`\` \u276F Terms: \`\` \u276F Privacy Policy: \`\` `; const connRegex = /connection[ =]([\da-z-]+)/i; const ipRegex = /ip=([\d.]+)/; const locationRegex = /location=([A-Z]+)/; const indexRegex = /connIndex=(\d)/; const LINUX_URL = { arm64: "cloudflared-linux-arm64", arm: "cloudflared-linux-arm", x64: "cloudflared-linux-amd64", ia32: "cloudflared-linux-386" }; const MACOS_URL = { arm64: "cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz", x64: "cloudflared-darwin-amd64.tgz" }; const WINDOWS_URL = { x64: "cloudflared-windows-amd64.exe", ia32: "cloudflared-windows-386.exe" }; function resolveBase(version) { if (version === "latest") { return `${RELEASE_BASE}latest/download/`; } return `${RELEASE_BASE}download/${version}/`; } function installCloudflared(to = cloudflaredBinPath, version = CLOUDFLARED_VERSION) { switch (process.platform) { case "linux": { return installLinux(to, version); } case "darwin": { return installMacos(to, version); } case "win32": { return installWindows(to, version); } default: { throw new Error("Unsupported platform: " + process.platform); } } } async function installLinux(to, version = CLOUDFLARED_VERSION) { const file = LINUX_URL[process.arch]; if (file === void 0) { throw new Error("Unsupported architecture: " + process.arch); } await download(resolveBase(version) + file, to); fs__default.chmodSync(to, "755"); return to; } async function installMacos(to, version = CLOUDFLARED_VERSION) { const file = MACOS_URL[process.arch]; if (file === void 0) { throw new Error("Unsupported architecture: " + process.arch); } await download(resolveBase(version) + file, `${to}.tgz`); process.env.DEBUG && console.log(`Extracting to ${to}`); execSync(`tar -xzf ${path$1.basename(`${to}.tgz`)}`, { cwd: path$1.dirname(to) }); fs__default.unlinkSync(`${to}.tgz`); fs__default.renameSync(`${path$1.dirname(to)}/cloudflared`, to); return to; } async function installWindows(to, version = CLOUDFLARED_VERSION) { const file = WINDOWS_URL[process.arch]; if (file === void 0) { throw new Error("Unsupported architecture: " + process.arch); } await download(resolveBase(version) + file, to); return to; } function download(url, to, redirect = 0) { if (redirect === 0) { process.env.DEBUG && console.log(`Downloading ${url} to ${to}`); } else { process.env.DEBUG && console.log(`Redirecting to ${url}`); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!fs__default.existsSync(path$1.dirname(to))) { fs__default.mkdirSync(path$1.dirname(to), { recursive: true }); } let done = true; const file = fs__default.createWriteStream(to); const request = https.get(url, (res) => { if (res.statusCode === 302 && res.headers.location !== void 0) { const redirection = res.headers.location; done = false; file.close(() => resolve(download(redirection, to, redirect + 1))); return; } res.pipe(file); }); file.on("finish", () => { if (done) { file.close(() => resolve(to)); } }); request.on("error", (err) => { fs__default.unlink(to, () => reject(err)); }); file.on("error", (err) => { fs__default.unlink(to, () => reject(err)); }); request.end(); }); } function startCloudflaredTunnel(options = {}) { const args = ["tunnel"]; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(options)) { if (typeof value === "string") { args.push(`${key}`, value); } else if (typeof value === "number") { args.push(`${key}`, value.toString()); } else if (value === null) { args.push(`${key}`); } } if (args.length === 1) { args.push("--url", "localhost:8080"); } const child = spawn(cloudflaredBinPath, args, { stdio: ["ignore", "pipe", "pipe"] }); if (process.env.DEBUG) { child.stdout.pipe(process.stdout); child.stderr.pipe(process.stderr); } const urlRegex = /\|\s+(https?:\/\/\S+)/; let urlResolver = () => void 0; let urlRejector = () => void 0; const url = new Promise( (...pair) => [urlResolver, urlRejector] = pair ); const connectionResolvers = []; const connectionRejectors = []; const connections = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1; i++) { connections.push( new Promise( (...pair) => [connectionResolvers[i], connectionRejectors[i]] = pair ) ); } const parser = (data) => { const str = data.toString(); const urlMatch = str.match(urlRegex); urlMatch && urlResolver(urlMatch[1]); const connMatch = str.match(connRegex); const ipMatch = str.match(ipRegex); const locationMatch = str.match(locationRegex); const indexMatch = str.match(indexRegex); if (connMatch && ipMatch && locationMatch && indexMatch) { const [, id] = connMatch; const [, ip] = ipMatch; const [, location] = locationMatch; const [, idx] = indexMatch; connectionResolvers[+idx]?.({ id, ip, location }); } }; child.stdout.on("data", parser).on("error", urlRejector); child.stderr.on("data", parser).on("error", urlRejector); const stop = () => child.kill("SIGINT"); return { url, connections, child, stop }; } export { cloudflaredBinPath, cloudflaredNotice, installCloudflared, startCloudflaredTunnel };