import { promises } from 'node:fs'; import 'fs'; import sourceMap from 'source-map-js'; import * as babelParser from '@babel/parser'; function sharedPlugin(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var Type = types.Type; var builtin = types.builtInTypes; var isNumber = builtin.number; function geq(than) { return Type.from( (value) => isNumber.check(value) && value >= than, isNumber + " >= " + than ); } const defaults = { // Functions were used because (among other reasons) that's the most // elegant way to allow for the emptyArray one always to give a new // array instance. "null": function() { return null; }, "emptyArray": function() { return []; }, "false": function() { return false; }, "true": function() { return true; }, "undefined": function() { }, "use strict": function() { return "use strict"; } }; var naiveIsPrimitive = Type.or( builtin.string, builtin.number, builtin.boolean, builtin.null, builtin.undefined ); const isPrimitive = Type.from( (value) => { if (value === null) return true; var type = typeof value; if (type === "object" || type === "function") { return false; } return true; }, naiveIsPrimitive.toString() ); return { geq, defaults, isPrimitive }; } function maybeSetModuleExports(moduleGetter) { try { var nodeModule = moduleGetter(); var originalExports = nodeModule.exports; var defaultExport = originalExports["default"]; } catch { return; } if (defaultExport && defaultExport !== originalExports && typeof originalExports === "object") { Object.assign(defaultExport, originalExports, { "default": defaultExport }); if (originalExports.__esModule) { Object.defineProperty(defaultExport, "__esModule", { value: true }); } nodeModule.exports = defaultExport; } } var __defProp$2 = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp$2 = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp$2(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField$2 = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp$2(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; const Op$1 = Object.prototype; const objToStr = Op$1.toString; const hasOwn$6 = Op$1.hasOwnProperty; class BaseType { assert(value, deep) { if (!this.check(value, deep)) { var str = shallowStringify(value); throw new Error(str + " does not match type " + this); } return true; } arrayOf() { const elemType = this; return new ArrayType(elemType); } } class ArrayType extends BaseType { constructor(elemType) { super(); this.elemType = elemType; __publicField$2(this, "kind", "ArrayType"); } toString() { return "[" + this.elemType + "]"; } check(value, deep) { return Array.isArray(value) && value.every((elem) => this.elemType.check(elem, deep)); } } class IdentityType extends BaseType { constructor(value) { super(); this.value = value; __publicField$2(this, "kind", "IdentityType"); } toString() { return String(this.value); } check(value, deep) { const result = value === this.value; if (!result && typeof deep === "function") { deep(this, value); } return result; } } class ObjectType extends BaseType { constructor(fields) { super(); this.fields = fields; __publicField$2(this, "kind", "ObjectType"); } toString() { return "{ " + this.fields.join(", ") + " }"; } check(value, deep) { return ==={}) && this.fields.every((field) => { return field.type.check(value[], deep); }); } } class OrType extends BaseType { constructor(types) { super(); this.types = types; __publicField$2(this, "kind", "OrType"); } toString() { return this.types.join(" | "); } check(value, deep) { if (this.types.some((type) => type.check(value, !!deep))) { return true; } if (typeof deep === "function") { deep(this, value); } return false; } } class PredicateType extends BaseType { constructor(name, predicate) { super(); = name; this.predicate = predicate; __publicField$2(this, "kind", "PredicateType"); } toString() { return; } check(value, deep) { const result = this.predicate(value, deep); if (!result && typeof deep === "function") { deep(this, value); } return result; } } class Def { constructor(type, typeName) { this.type = type; this.typeName = typeName; __publicField$2(this, "baseNames", []); __publicField$2(this, "ownFields", /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); // Includes own typeName. Populated during finalization. __publicField$2(this, "allSupertypes", /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); // Linear inheritance hierarchy. Populated during finalization. __publicField$2(this, "supertypeList", []); // Includes inherited fields. __publicField$2(this, "allFields", /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); // Non-hidden keys of allFields. __publicField$2(this, "fieldNames", []); // This property will be overridden as true by individual Def instances // when they are finalized. __publicField$2(this, "finalized", false); // False by default until .build(...) is called on an instance. __publicField$2(this, "buildable", false); __publicField$2(this, "buildParams", []); } isSupertypeOf(that) { if (that instanceof Def) { if (this.finalized !== true || that.finalized !== true) { throw new Error(""); } return hasOwn$, this.typeName); } else { throw new Error(that + " is not a Def"); } } checkAllFields(value, deep) { var allFields = this.allFields; if (this.finalized !== true) { throw new Error("" + this.typeName); } function checkFieldByName(name) { var field = allFields[name]; var type = field.type; var child = field.getValue(value); return type.check(child, deep); } return value !== null && typeof value === "object" && Object.keys(allFields).every(checkFieldByName); } bases(...supertypeNames) { var bases = this.baseNames; if (this.finalized) { if (supertypeNames.length !== bases.length) { throw new Error(""); } for (var i = 0; i < supertypeNames.length; i++) { if (supertypeNames[i] !== bases[i]) { throw new Error(""); } } return this; } supertypeNames.forEach((baseName) => { if (bases.indexOf(baseName) < 0) { bases.push(baseName); } }); return this; } } class Field { constructor(name, type, defaultFn, hidden) { = name; this.type = type; this.defaultFn = defaultFn; __publicField$2(this, "hidden"); this.hidden = !!hidden; } toString() { return JSON.stringify( + ": " + this.type; } getValue(obj) { var value = obj[]; if (typeof value !== "undefined") { return value; } if (typeof this.defaultFn === "function") { value =; } return value; } } function shallowStringify(value) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return "[" +", ") + "]"; } if (value && typeof value === "object") { return "{ " + Object.keys(value).map(function(key) { return key + ": " + value[key]; }).join(", ") + " }"; } return JSON.stringify(value); } function typesPlugin(_fork) { const Type = { or(...types) { return new OrType( => Type.from(type))); }, from(value, name) { if (value instanceof ArrayType || value instanceof IdentityType || value instanceof ObjectType || value instanceof OrType || value instanceof PredicateType) { return value; } if (value instanceof Def) { return value.type; } if (isArray.check(value)) { if (value.length !== 1) { throw new Error("only one element type is permitted for typed arrays"); } return new ArrayType(Type.from(value[0])); } if (isObject.check(value)) { return new ObjectType(Object.keys(value).map((name2) => { return new Field(name2, Type.from(value[name2], name2)); })); } if (typeof value === "function") { var bicfIndex = builtInCtorFns.indexOf(value); if (bicfIndex >= 0) { return builtInCtorTypes[bicfIndex]; } if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new Error("missing name"); } return new PredicateType(name, value); } return new IdentityType(value); }, // Define a type whose name is registered in a namespace (the defCache) so // that future definitions will return the same type given the same name. // In particular, this system allows for circular and forward definitions. // The Def object d returned from Type.def may be used to configure the // type d.type by calling methods such as d.bases,, and d.field. def(typeName) { return hasOwn$, typeName) ? defCache[typeName] : defCache[typeName] = new DefImpl(typeName); }, hasDef(typeName) { return hasOwn$, typeName); } }; var builtInCtorFns = []; var builtInCtorTypes = []; function defBuiltInType(name, example) { const objStr =; const type = new PredicateType( name, (value) => === objStr ); if (example && typeof example.constructor === "function") { builtInCtorFns.push(example.constructor); builtInCtorTypes.push(type); } return type; } const isString = defBuiltInType("string", "truthy"); const isFunction = defBuiltInType("function", function() { }); const isArray = defBuiltInType("array", []); const isObject = defBuiltInType("object", {}); const isRegExp = defBuiltInType("RegExp", /./); const isDate = defBuiltInType("Date", /* @__PURE__ */ new Date()); const isNumber = defBuiltInType("number", 3); const isBoolean = defBuiltInType("boolean", true); const isNull = defBuiltInType("null", null); const isUndefined = defBuiltInType("undefined", void 0); const isBigInt = typeof BigInt === "function" ? defBuiltInType("BigInt", BigInt(1234)) : new PredicateType("BigInt", () => false); const builtInTypes = { string: isString, function: isFunction, array: isArray, object: isObject, RegExp: isRegExp, Date: isDate, number: isNumber, boolean: isBoolean, null: isNull, undefined: isUndefined, BigInt: isBigInt }; var defCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); function defFromValue(value) { if (value && typeof value === "object") { var type = value.type; if (typeof type === "string" && hasOwn$, type)) { var d = defCache[type]; if (d.finalized) { return d; } } } return null; } class DefImpl extends Def { constructor(typeName) { super( new PredicateType(typeName, (value, deep) => this.check(value, deep)), typeName ); } check(value, deep) { if (this.finalized !== true) { throw new Error( "prematurely checking unfinalized type " + this.typeName ); } if (value === null || typeof value !== "object") { return false; } var vDef = defFromValue(value); if (!vDef) { if (this.typeName === "SourceLocation" || this.typeName === "Position") { return this.checkAllFields(value, deep); } return false; } if (deep && vDef === this) { return this.checkAllFields(value, deep); } if (!this.isSupertypeOf(vDef)) { return false; } if (!deep) { return true; } return vDef.checkAllFields(value, deep) && this.checkAllFields(value, false); } build(...buildParams) { this.buildParams = buildParams; if (this.buildable) { return this; } this.field("type", String, () => this.typeName); this.buildable = true; const addParam = (built, param, arg, isArgAvailable) => { if (hasOwn$, param)) return; var all = this.allFields; if (!hasOwn$, param)) { throw new Error("" + param); } var field = all[param]; var type = field.type; var value; if (isArgAvailable) { value = arg; } else if (field.defaultFn) { value =; } else { var message = "no value or default function given for field " + JSON.stringify(param) + " of " + this.typeName + "(" + { return all[name]; }).join(", ") + ")"; throw new Error(message); } if (!type.check(value)) { throw new Error( shallowStringify(value) + " does not match field " + field + " of type " + this.typeName ); } built[param] = value; }; const builder = (...args) => { var argc = args.length; if (!this.finalized) { throw new Error( "attempting to instantiate unfinalized type " + this.typeName ); } var built = Object.create(nodePrototype); this.buildParams.forEach(function(param, i) { if (i < argc) { addParam(built, param, args[i], true); } else { addParam(built, param, null, false); } }); Object.keys(this.allFields).forEach(function(param) { addParam(built, param, null, false); }); if (built.type !== this.typeName) { throw new Error(""); } return built; }; builder.from = (obj) => { if (!this.finalized) { throw new Error( "attempting to instantiate unfinalized type " + this.typeName ); } var built = Object.create(nodePrototype); Object.keys(this.allFields).forEach(function(param) { if (hasOwn$, param)) { addParam(built, param, obj[param], true); } else { addParam(built, param, null, false); } }); if (built.type !== this.typeName) { throw new Error(""); } return built; }; Object.defineProperty(builders, getBuilderName(this.typeName), { enumerable: true, value: builder }); return this; } // The reason fields are specified using .field(...) instead of an object // literal syntax is somewhat subtle: the object literal syntax would // support only one key and one value, but with .field(...) we can pass // any number of arguments to specify the field. field(name, type, defaultFn, hidden) { if (this.finalized) { console.error("Ignoring attempt to redefine field " + JSON.stringify(name) + " of finalized type " + JSON.stringify(this.typeName)); return this; } this.ownFields[name] = new Field(name, Type.from(type), defaultFn, hidden); return this; } finalize() { if (!this.finalized) { var allFields = this.allFields; var allSupertypes = this.allSupertypes; this.baseNames.forEach((name) => { var def = defCache[name]; if (def instanceof Def) { def.finalize(); extend(allFields, def.allFields); extend(allSupertypes, def.allSupertypes); } else { var message = "unknown supertype name " + JSON.stringify(name) + " for subtype " + JSON.stringify(this.typeName); throw new Error(message); } }); extend(allFields, this.ownFields); allSupertypes[this.typeName] = this; this.fieldNames.length = 0; for (var fieldName in allFields) { if (hasOwn$, fieldName) && !allFields[fieldName].hidden) { this.fieldNames.push(fieldName); } } Object.defineProperty(namedTypes, this.typeName, { enumerable: true, value: this.type }); this.finalized = true; populateSupertypeList(this.typeName, this.supertypeList); if (this.buildable && this.supertypeList.lastIndexOf("Expression") >= 0) { wrapExpressionBuilderWithStatement(this.typeName); } } } } function getSupertypeNames(typeName) { if (!hasOwn$, typeName)) { throw new Error(""); } var d = defCache[typeName]; if (d.finalized !== true) { throw new Error(""); } return d.supertypeList.slice(1); } function computeSupertypeLookupTable(candidates) { var table = {}; var typeNames = Object.keys(defCache); var typeNameCount = typeNames.length; for (var i = 0; i < typeNameCount; ++i) { var typeName = typeNames[i]; var d = defCache[typeName]; if (d.finalized !== true) { throw new Error("" + typeName); } for (var j = 0; j < d.supertypeList.length; ++j) { var superTypeName = d.supertypeList[j]; if (hasOwn$, superTypeName)) { table[typeName] = superTypeName; break; } } } return table; } var builders = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); var nodePrototype = {}; function defineMethod(name, func) { var old = nodePrototype[name]; if (isUndefined.check(func)) { delete nodePrototype[name]; } else { isFunction.assert(func); Object.defineProperty(nodePrototype, name, { enumerable: true, // For discoverability. configurable: true, // For delete proto[name]. value: func }); } return old; } function getBuilderName(typeName) { return typeName.replace(/^[A-Z]+/, function(upperCasePrefix) { var len = upperCasePrefix.length; switch (len) { case 0: return ""; case 1: return upperCasePrefix.toLowerCase(); default: return upperCasePrefix.slice( 0, len - 1 ).toLowerCase() + upperCasePrefix.charAt(len - 1); } }); } function getStatementBuilderName(typeName) { typeName = getBuilderName(typeName); return typeName.replace(/(Expression)?$/, "Statement"); } var namedTypes = {}; function getFieldNames(object) { var d = defFromValue(object); if (d) { return d.fieldNames.slice(0); } if ("type" in object) { throw new Error( "did not recognize object of type " + JSON.stringify(object.type) ); } return Object.keys(object); } function getFieldValue(object, fieldName) { var d = defFromValue(object); if (d) { var field = d.allFields[fieldName]; if (field) { return field.getValue(object); } } return object && object[fieldName]; } function eachField(object, callback, context) { getFieldNames(object).forEach(function(name) {, name, getFieldValue(object, name)); }, context); } function someField(object, callback, context) { return getFieldNames(object).some(function(name) { return, name, getFieldValue(object, name)); }, context); } function wrapExpressionBuilderWithStatement(typeName) { var wrapperName = getStatementBuilderName(typeName); if (builders[wrapperName]) return; var wrapped = builders[getBuilderName(typeName)]; if (!wrapped) return; const builder = function(...args) { return builders.expressionStatement(wrapped.apply(builders, args)); }; builder.from = function(...args) { return builders.expressionStatement(wrapped.from.apply(builders, args)); }; builders[wrapperName] = builder; } function populateSupertypeList(typeName, list) { list.length = 0; list.push(typeName); var lastSeen = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (var pos = 0; pos < list.length; ++pos) { typeName = list[pos]; var d = defCache[typeName]; if (d.finalized !== true) { throw new Error(""); } if (hasOwn$, typeName)) { delete list[lastSeen[typeName]]; } lastSeen[typeName] = pos; list.push.apply(list, d.baseNames); } for (var to = 0, from = to, len = list.length; from < len; ++from) { if (hasOwn$, from)) { list[to++] = list[from]; } } list.length = to; } function extend(into, from) { Object.keys(from).forEach(function(name) { into[name] = from[name]; }); return into; } function finalize() { Object.keys(defCache).forEach(function(name) { defCache[name].finalize(); }); } return { Type, builtInTypes, getSupertypeNames, computeSupertypeLookupTable, builders, defineMethod, getBuilderName, getStatementBuilderName, namedTypes, getFieldNames, getFieldValue, eachField, someField, finalize }; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); var Op = Object.prototype; var hasOwn$5 = Op.hasOwnProperty; function pathPlugin(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var isNumber = types.builtInTypes.number; const Path = function Path2(value, parentPath, name) { if (!(this instanceof Path2)) { throw new Error("Path constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'"); } if (parentPath) { if (!(parentPath instanceof Path2)) { throw new Error(""); } } else { parentPath = null; name = null; } this.value = value; this.parentPath = parentPath; = name; this.__childCache = null; }; var Pp = Path.prototype; function getChildCache(path) { return path.__childCache || (path.__childCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)); } function getChildPath(path, name) { var cache = getChildCache(path); var actualChildValue = path.getValueProperty(name); var childPath = cache[name]; if (!hasOwn$, name) || // Ensure consistency between cache and reality. childPath.value !== actualChildValue) { childPath = cache[name] = new path.constructor( actualChildValue, path, name ); } return childPath; } Pp.getValueProperty = function getValueProperty(name) { return this.value[name]; }; Pp.get = function get(...names) { var path = this; var count = names.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { path = getChildPath(path, names[i]); } return path; }; Pp.each = function each(callback, context) { var childPaths = []; var len = this.value.length; var i = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (hasOwn$, i)) { childPaths[i] = this.get(i); } } context = context || this; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (hasOwn$, i)) {, childPaths[i]); } } }; = function map(callback, context) { var result = []; this.each(function(childPath) { result.push(, childPath)); }, context); return result; }; Pp.filter = function filter(callback, context) { var result = []; this.each(function(childPath) { if (, childPath)) { result.push(childPath); } }, context); return result; }; function emptyMoves() { } function getMoves(path, offset, start, end) { isArray.assert(path.value); if (offset === 0) { return emptyMoves; } var length = path.value.length; if (length < 1) { return emptyMoves; } var argc = arguments.length; if (argc === 2) { start = 0; end = length; } else if (argc === 3) { start = Math.max(start, 0); end = length; } else { start = Math.max(start, 0); end = Math.min(end, length); } isNumber.assert(start); isNumber.assert(end); var moves = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); var cache = getChildCache(path); for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) { if (hasOwn$, i)) { var childPath = path.get(i); if ( !== i) { throw new Error(""); } var newIndex = i + offset; = newIndex; moves[newIndex] = childPath; delete cache[i]; } } delete cache.length; return function() { for (var newIndex2 in moves) { var childPath2 = moves[newIndex2]; if ( !== +newIndex2) { throw new Error(""); } cache[newIndex2] = childPath2; path.value[newIndex2] = childPath2.value; } }; } Pp.shift = function shift() { var move = getMoves(this, -1); var result = this.value.shift(); move(); return result; }; Pp.unshift = function unshift(...args) { var move = getMoves(this, args.length); var result = this.value.unshift.apply(this.value, args); move(); return result; }; Pp.push = function push(...args) { isArray.assert(this.value); delete getChildCache(this).length; return this.value.push.apply(this.value, args); }; Pp.pop = function pop() { isArray.assert(this.value); var cache = getChildCache(this); delete cache[this.value.length - 1]; delete cache.length; return this.value.pop(); }; Pp.insertAt = function insertAt(index) { var argc = arguments.length; var move = getMoves(this, argc - 1, index); if (move === emptyMoves && argc <= 1) { return this; } index = Math.max(index, 0); for (var i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { this.value[index + i - 1] = arguments[i]; } move(); return this; }; Pp.insertBefore = function insertBefore(...args) { var pp = this.parentPath; var argc = args.length; var insertAtArgs = []; for (var i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { insertAtArgs.push(args[i]); } return pp.insertAt.apply(pp, insertAtArgs); }; Pp.insertAfter = function insertAfter(...args) { var pp = this.parentPath; var argc = args.length; var insertAtArgs = [ + 1]; for (var i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { insertAtArgs.push(args[i]); } return pp.insertAt.apply(pp, insertAtArgs); }; function repairRelationshipWithParent(path) { if (!(path instanceof Path)) { throw new Error(""); } var pp = path.parentPath; if (!pp) { return path; } var parentValue = pp.value; var parentCache = getChildCache(pp); if (parentValue[] === path.value) { parentCache[] = path; } else if (isArray.check(parentValue)) { var i = parentValue.indexOf(path.value); if (i >= 0) { parentCache[ = i] = path; } } else { parentValue[] = path.value; parentCache[] = path; } if (parentValue[] !== path.value) { throw new Error(""); } if (path.parentPath.get( !== path) { throw new Error(""); } return path; } Pp.replace = function replace(replacement) { var results = []; var parentValue = this.parentPath.value; var parentCache = getChildCache(this.parentPath); var count = arguments.length; repairRelationshipWithParent(this); if (isArray.check(parentValue)) { var originalLength = parentValue.length; var move = getMoves(this.parentPath, count - 1, + 1); var spliceArgs = [, 1]; for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) { spliceArgs.push(arguments[i]); } var splicedOut = parentValue.splice.apply(parentValue, spliceArgs); if (splicedOut[0] !== this.value) { throw new Error(""); } if (parentValue.length !== originalLength - 1 + count) { throw new Error(""); } move(); if (count === 0) { delete this.value; delete parentCache[]; this.__childCache = null; } else { if (parentValue[] !== replacement) { throw new Error(""); } if (this.value !== replacement) { this.value = replacement; this.__childCache = null; } for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { results.push(this.parentPath.get( + i)); } if (results[0] !== this) { throw new Error(""); } } } else if (count === 1) { if (this.value !== replacement) { this.__childCache = null; } this.value = parentValue[] = replacement; results.push(this); } else if (count === 0) { delete parentValue[]; delete this.value; this.__childCache = null; } else { throw new Error("Could not replace path"); } return results; }; return Path; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); var hasOwn$4 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function scopePlugin(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var Type = types.Type; var namedTypes = types.namedTypes; var Node = namedTypes.Node; var Expression = namedTypes.Expression; var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var b =; const Scope = function Scope2(path, parentScope) { if (!(this instanceof Scope2)) { throw new Error("Scope constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'"); } if (!TypeParameterScopeType.check(path.value)) { ScopeType.assert(path.value); } var depth; if (parentScope) { if (!(parentScope instanceof Scope2)) { throw new Error(""); } depth = parentScope.depth + 1; } else { parentScope = null; depth = 0; } Object.defineProperties(this, { path: { value: path }, node: { value: path.value }, isGlobal: { value: !parentScope, enumerable: true }, depth: { value: depth }, parent: { value: parentScope }, bindings: { value: {} }, types: { value: {} } }); }; var ScopeType = Type.or( // Program nodes introduce global scopes. namedTypes.Program, // Function is the supertype of FunctionExpression, // FunctionDeclaration, ArrowExpression, etc. namedTypes.Function, // In case you didn't know, the caught parameter shadows any variable // of the same name in an outer scope. namedTypes.CatchClause ); var TypeParameterScopeType = Type.or( namedTypes.Function, namedTypes.ClassDeclaration, namedTypes.ClassExpression, namedTypes.InterfaceDeclaration, namedTypes.TSInterfaceDeclaration, namedTypes.TypeAlias, namedTypes.TSTypeAliasDeclaration ); var FlowOrTSTypeParameterType = Type.or( namedTypes.TypeParameter, namedTypes.TSTypeParameter ); Scope.isEstablishedBy = function(node) { return ScopeType.check(node) || TypeParameterScopeType.check(node); }; var Sp = Scope.prototype; Sp.didScan = false; Sp.declares = function(name) { this.scan(); return hasOwn$, name); }; Sp.declaresType = function(name) { this.scan(); return hasOwn$, name); }; Sp.declareTemporary = function(prefix) { if (prefix) { if (!/^[a-z$_]/i.test(prefix)) { throw new Error(""); } } else { prefix = "t$"; } prefix += this.depth.toString(36) + "$"; this.scan(); var index = 0; while (this.declares(prefix + index)) { ++index; } var name = prefix + index; return this.bindings[name] =; }; Sp.injectTemporary = function(identifier, init) { identifier || (identifier = this.declareTemporary()); var bodyPath = this.path.get("body"); if (namedTypes.BlockStatement.check(bodyPath.value)) { bodyPath = bodyPath.get("body"); } bodyPath.unshift( b.variableDeclaration( "var", [b.variableDeclarator(identifier, init || null)] ) ); return identifier; }; Sp.scan = function(force) { if (force || !this.didScan) { for (var name in this.bindings) { delete this.bindings[name]; } for (var name in this.types) { delete this.types[name]; } scanScope(this.path, this.bindings, this.types); this.didScan = true; } }; Sp.getBindings = function() { this.scan(); return this.bindings; }; Sp.getTypes = function() { this.scan(); return this.types; }; function scanScope(path, bindings, scopeTypes) { var node = path.value; if (TypeParameterScopeType.check(node)) { const params = path.get("typeParameters", "params"); if (isArray.check(params.value)) { params.each((childPath) => { addTypeParameter(childPath, scopeTypes); }); } } if (ScopeType.check(node)) { if (namedTypes.CatchClause.check(node)) { addPattern(path.get("param"), bindings); } else { recursiveScanScope(path, bindings, scopeTypes); } } } function recursiveScanScope(path, bindings, scopeTypes) { var node = path.value; if (path.parent && namedTypes.FunctionExpression.check(path.parent.node) && { addPattern(path.parent.get("id"), bindings); } if (!node) ; else if (isArray.check(node)) { path.each((childPath) => { recursiveScanChild(childPath, bindings, scopeTypes); }); } else if (namedTypes.Function.check(node)) { path.get("params").each((paramPath) => { addPattern(paramPath, bindings); }); recursiveScanChild(path.get("body"), bindings, scopeTypes); recursiveScanScope(path.get("typeParameters"), bindings, scopeTypes); } else if (namedTypes.TypeAlias && namedTypes.TypeAlias.check(node) || namedTypes.InterfaceDeclaration && namedTypes.InterfaceDeclaration.check(node) || namedTypes.TSTypeAliasDeclaration && namedTypes.TSTypeAliasDeclaration.check(node) || namedTypes.TSInterfaceDeclaration && namedTypes.TSInterfaceDeclaration.check(node)) { addTypePattern(path.get("id"), scopeTypes); } else if (namedTypes.VariableDeclarator.check(node)) { addPattern(path.get("id"), bindings); recursiveScanChild(path.get("init"), bindings, scopeTypes); } else if (node.type === "ImportSpecifier" || node.type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" || node.type === "ImportDefaultSpecifier") { addPattern( // Esprima used to use the .name field to refer to the local // binding identifier for ImportSpecifier nodes, but .id for // ImportNamespaceSpecifier and ImportDefaultSpecifier nodes. // ESTree/Acorn/ESpree use .local for all three node types. path.get(node.local ? "local" : ? "name" : "id"), bindings ); } else if (Node.check(node) && !Expression.check(node)) { types.eachField(node, function(name, child) { var childPath = path.get(name); if (!pathHasValue(childPath, child)) { throw new Error(""); } recursiveScanChild(childPath, bindings, scopeTypes); }); } } function pathHasValue(path, value) { if (path.value === value) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(path.value) && path.value.length === 0 && Array.isArray(value) && value.length === 0) { return true; } return false; } function recursiveScanChild(path, bindings, scopeTypes) { var node = path.value; if (!node || Expression.check(node)) ; else if (namedTypes.FunctionDeclaration.check(node) && !== null) { addPattern(path.get("id"), bindings); } else if (namedTypes.ClassDeclaration && namedTypes.ClassDeclaration.check(node) && !== null) { addPattern(path.get("id"), bindings); recursiveScanScope(path.get("typeParameters"), bindings, scopeTypes); } else if (namedTypes.InterfaceDeclaration && namedTypes.InterfaceDeclaration.check(node) || namedTypes.TSInterfaceDeclaration && namedTypes.TSInterfaceDeclaration.check(node)) { addTypePattern(path.get("id"), scopeTypes); } else if (ScopeType.check(node)) { if (namedTypes.CatchClause.check(node) && // TODO Broaden this to accept any pattern. namedTypes.Identifier.check(node.param)) { var catchParamName =; var hadBinding = hasOwn$, catchParamName); recursiveScanScope(path.get("body"), bindings, scopeTypes); if (!hadBinding) { delete bindings[catchParamName]; } } } else { recursiveScanScope(path, bindings, scopeTypes); } } function addPattern(patternPath, bindings) { var pattern = patternPath.value; namedTypes.Pattern.assert(pattern); if (namedTypes.Identifier.check(pattern)) { if (hasOwn$, { bindings[].push(patternPath); } else { bindings[] = [patternPath]; } } else if (namedTypes.AssignmentPattern && namedTypes.AssignmentPattern.check(pattern)) { addPattern(patternPath.get("left"), bindings); } else if (namedTypes.ObjectPattern && namedTypes.ObjectPattern.check(pattern)) { patternPath.get("properties").each(function(propertyPath) { var property = propertyPath.value; if (namedTypes.Pattern.check(property)) { addPattern(propertyPath, bindings); } else if (namedTypes.Property.check(property) || namedTypes.ObjectProperty && namedTypes.ObjectProperty.check(property)) { addPattern(propertyPath.get("value"), bindings); } else if (namedTypes.SpreadProperty && namedTypes.SpreadProperty.check(property)) { addPattern(propertyPath.get("argument"), bindings); } }); } else if (namedTypes.ArrayPattern && namedTypes.ArrayPattern.check(pattern)) { patternPath.get("elements").each(function(elementPath) { var element = elementPath.value; if (namedTypes.Pattern.check(element)) { addPattern(elementPath, bindings); } else if (namedTypes.SpreadElement && namedTypes.SpreadElement.check(element)) { addPattern(elementPath.get("argument"), bindings); } }); } else if (namedTypes.PropertyPattern && namedTypes.PropertyPattern.check(pattern)) { addPattern(patternPath.get("pattern"), bindings); } else if (namedTypes.SpreadElementPattern && namedTypes.SpreadElementPattern.check(pattern) || namedTypes.RestElement && namedTypes.RestElement.check(pattern) || namedTypes.SpreadPropertyPattern && namedTypes.SpreadPropertyPattern.check(pattern)) { addPattern(patternPath.get("argument"), bindings); } } function addTypePattern(patternPath, types2) { var pattern = patternPath.value; namedTypes.Pattern.assert(pattern); if (namedTypes.Identifier.check(pattern)) { if (hasOwn$, { types2[].push(patternPath); } else { types2[] = [patternPath]; } } } function addTypeParameter(parameterPath, types2) { var parameter = parameterPath.value; FlowOrTSTypeParameterType.assert(parameter); if (hasOwn$, { types2[].push(parameterPath); } else { types2[] = [parameterPath]; } } Sp.lookup = function(name) { for (var scope = this; scope; scope = scope.parent) if (scope.declares(name)) break; return scope; }; Sp.lookupType = function(name) { for (var scope = this; scope; scope = scope.parent) if (scope.declaresType(name)) break; return scope; }; Sp.getGlobalScope = function() { var scope = this; while (!scope.isGlobal) scope = scope.parent; return scope; }; return Scope; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function nodePathPlugin(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var n = types.namedTypes; var b =; var isNumber = types.builtInTypes.number; var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var Path2 = fork.use(pathPlugin); var Scope2 = fork.use(scopePlugin); const NodePath = function NodePath2(value, parentPath, name) { if (!(this instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error("NodePath constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'"); }, value, parentPath, name); }; var NPp = NodePath.prototype = Object.create(Path2.prototype, { constructor: { value: NodePath, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperties(NPp, { node: { get: function() { Object.defineProperty(this, "node", { configurable: true, // Enable deletion. value: this._computeNode() }); return this.node; } }, parent: { get: function() { Object.defineProperty(this, "parent", { configurable: true, // Enable deletion. value: this._computeParent() }); return this.parent; } }, scope: { get: function() { Object.defineProperty(this, "scope", { configurable: true, // Enable deletion. value: this._computeScope() }); return this.scope; } } }); NPp.replace = function() { delete this.node; delete this.parent; delete this.scope; return Path2.prototype.replace.apply(this, arguments); }; NPp.prune = function() { var remainingNodePath = this.parent; this.replace(); return cleanUpNodesAfterPrune(remainingNodePath); }; NPp._computeNode = function() { var value = this.value; if (n.Node.check(value)) { return value; } var pp = this.parentPath; return pp && pp.node || null; }; NPp._computeParent = function() { var value = this.value; var pp = this.parentPath; if (!n.Node.check(value)) { while (pp && !n.Node.check(pp.value)) { pp = pp.parentPath; } if (pp) { pp = pp.parentPath; } } while (pp && !n.Node.check(pp.value)) { pp = pp.parentPath; } return pp || null; }; NPp._computeScope = function() { var value = this.value; var pp = this.parentPath; var scope = pp && pp.scope; if (n.Node.check(value) && Scope2.isEstablishedBy(value)) { scope = new Scope2(this, scope); } return scope || null; }; NPp.getValueProperty = function(name) { return types.getFieldValue(this.value, name); }; NPp.needsParens = function(assumeExpressionContext) { var pp = this.parentPath; if (!pp) { return false; } var node = this.value; if (!n.Expression.check(node)) { return false; } if (node.type === "Identifier") { return false; } while (!n.Node.check(pp.value)) { pp = pp.parentPath; if (!pp) { return false; } } var parent = pp.value; switch (node.type) { case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": return parent.type === "MemberExpression" && === "object" && parent.object === node; case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "CallExpression": return === "callee" && parent.callee === node; case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": return true; case "MemberExpression": return === "object" && parent.object === node; case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": { const n2 = node; const po = parent.operator; const pp2 = PRECEDENCE[po]; const no = n2.operator; const np = PRECEDENCE[no]; if (pp2 > np) { return true; } if (pp2 === np && === "right") { if (parent.right !== n2) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } return true; } } default: return false; } case "SequenceExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "ForStatement": return false; case "ExpressionStatement": return !== "expression"; default: return true; } case "YieldExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": case "CallExpression": case "MemberExpression": case "NewExpression": case "ConditionalExpression": case "YieldExpression": return true; default: return false; } case "Literal": return parent.type === "MemberExpression" && isNumber.check(node.value) && === "object" && parent.object === node; case "AssignmentExpression": case "ConditionalExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": return true; case "CallExpression": return === "callee" && parent.callee === node; case "ConditionalExpression": return === "test" && parent.test === node; case "MemberExpression": return === "object" && parent.object === node; default: return false; } default: if (parent.type === "NewExpression" && === "callee" && parent.callee === node) { return containsCallExpression(node); } } if (assumeExpressionContext !== true && !this.canBeFirstInStatement() && this.firstInStatement()) return true; return false; }; function isBinary(node) { return n.BinaryExpression.check(node) || n.LogicalExpression.check(node); } var PRECEDENCE = {}; [ ["||"], ["&&"], ["|"], ["^"], ["&"], ["==", "===", "!=", "!=="], ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "in", "instanceof"], [">>", "<<", ">>>"], ["+", "-"], ["*", "/", "%"] ].forEach(function(tier, i) { tier.forEach(function(op) { PRECEDENCE[op] = i; }); }); function containsCallExpression(node) { if (n.CallExpression.check(node)) { return true; } if (isArray.check(node)) { return node.some(containsCallExpression); } if (n.Node.check(node)) { return types.someField(node, function(_name, child) { return containsCallExpression(child); }); } return false; } NPp.canBeFirstInStatement = function() { var node = this.node; return !n.FunctionExpression.check(node) && !n.ObjectExpression.check(node); }; NPp.firstInStatement = function() { return firstInStatement(this); }; function firstInStatement(path) { for (var node, parent; path.parent; path = path.parent) { node = path.node; parent = path.parent.node; if (n.BlockStatement.check(parent) && === "body" && === 0) { if (parent.body[0] !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } return true; } if (n.ExpressionStatement.check(parent) && === "expression") { if (parent.expression !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } return true; } if (n.SequenceExpression.check(parent) && === "expressions" && === 0) { if (parent.expressions[0] !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } continue; } if (n.CallExpression.check(parent) && === "callee") { if (parent.callee !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } continue; } if (n.MemberExpression.check(parent) && === "object") { if (parent.object !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } continue; } if (n.ConditionalExpression.check(parent) && === "test") { if (parent.test !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } continue; } if (isBinary(parent) && === "left") { if (parent.left !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } continue; } if (n.UnaryExpression.check(parent) && !parent.prefix && === "argument") { if (parent.argument !== node) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } continue; } return false; } return true; } function cleanUpNodesAfterPrune(remainingNodePath) { if (n.VariableDeclaration.check(remainingNodePath.node)) { var declarations = remainingNodePath.get("declarations").value; if (!declarations || declarations.length === 0) { return remainingNodePath.prune(); } } else if (n.ExpressionStatement.check(remainingNodePath.node)) { if (!remainingNodePath.get("expression").value) { return remainingNodePath.prune(); } } else if (n.IfStatement.check(remainingNodePath.node)) { cleanUpIfStatementAfterPrune(remainingNodePath); } return remainingNodePath; } function cleanUpIfStatementAfterPrune(ifStatement) { var testExpression = ifStatement.get("test").value; var alternate = ifStatement.get("alternate").value; var consequent = ifStatement.get("consequent").value; if (!consequent && !alternate) { var testExpressionStatement = b.expressionStatement(testExpression); ifStatement.replace(testExpressionStatement); } else if (!consequent && alternate) { var negatedTestExpression = b.unaryExpression("!", testExpression, true); if (n.UnaryExpression.check(testExpression) && testExpression.operator === "!") { negatedTestExpression = testExpression.argument; } ifStatement.get("test").replace(negatedTestExpression); ifStatement.get("consequent").replace(alternate); ifStatement.get("alternate").replace(); } } return NodePath; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); var hasOwn$3 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function pathVisitorPlugin(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var NodePath2 = fork.use(nodePathPlugin); var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object; var isFunction = types.builtInTypes.function; var undefined$1; const PathVisitor = function PathVisitor2() { if (!(this instanceof PathVisitor2)) { throw new Error( "PathVisitor constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'" ); } this._reusableContextStack = []; this._methodNameTable = computeMethodNameTable(this); this._shouldVisitComments = hasOwn$, "Block") || hasOwn$, "Line"); this.Context = makeContextConstructor(this); this._visiting = false; this._changeReported = false; }; function computeMethodNameTable(visitor) { var typeNames = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (var methodName in visitor) { if (/^visit[A-Z]/.test(methodName)) { typeNames[methodName.slice("visit".length)] = true; } } var supertypeTable = types.computeSupertypeLookupTable(typeNames); var methodNameTable = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); var typeNameKeys = Object.keys(supertypeTable); var typeNameCount = typeNameKeys.length; for (var i = 0; i < typeNameCount; ++i) { var typeName = typeNameKeys[i]; methodName = "visit" + supertypeTable[typeName]; if (isFunction.check(visitor[methodName])) { methodNameTable[typeName] = methodName; } } return methodNameTable; } PathVisitor.fromMethodsObject = function fromMethodsObject(methods) { if (methods instanceof PathVisitor) { return methods; } if (!isObject.check(methods)) { return new PathVisitor(); } const Visitor = function Visitor2() { if (!(this instanceof Visitor2)) { throw new Error( "Visitor constructor cannot be invoked without 'new'" ); }; }; var Vp = Visitor.prototype = Object.create(PVp); Vp.constructor = Visitor; extend(Vp, methods); extend(Visitor, PathVisitor); isFunction.assert(Visitor.fromMethodsObject); isFunction.assert(Visitor.visit); return new Visitor(); }; function extend(target, source) { for (var property in source) { if (hasOwn$, property)) { target[property] = source[property]; } } return target; } PathVisitor.visit = function visit(node, methods) { return PathVisitor.fromMethodsObject(methods).visit(node); }; var PVp = PathVisitor.prototype; PVp.visit = function() { if (this._visiting) { throw new Error( "Recursively calling visitor.visit(path) resets visitor state. Try this.visit(path) or this.traverse(path) instead." ); } this._visiting = true; this._changeReported = false; this._abortRequested = false; var argc = arguments.length; var args = new Array(argc); for (var i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } if (!(args[0] instanceof NodePath2)) { args[0] = new NodePath2({ root: args[0] }).get("root"); } this.reset.apply(this, args); var didNotThrow; try { var root = this.visitWithoutReset(args[0]); didNotThrow = true; } finally { this._visiting = false; if (!didNotThrow && this._abortRequested) { return args[0].value; } } return root; }; PVp.AbortRequest = function AbortRequest() { }; PVp.abort = function() { var visitor = this; visitor._abortRequested = true; var request = new visitor.AbortRequest(); request.cancel = function() { visitor._abortRequested = false; }; throw request; }; PVp.reset = function(_path) { }; PVp.visitWithoutReset = function(path) { if (this instanceof this.Context) { return this.visitor.visitWithoutReset(path); } if (!(path instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } var value = path.value; var methodName = value && typeof value === "object" && typeof value.type === "string" && this._methodNameTable[value.type]; if (methodName) { var context = this.acquireContext(path); try { return context.invokeVisitorMethod(methodName); } finally { this.releaseContext(context); } } else { return visitChildren(path, this); } }; function visitChildren(path, visitor) { if (!(path instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(visitor instanceof PathVisitor)) { throw new Error(""); } var value = path.value; if (isArray.check(value)) { path.each(visitor.visitWithoutReset, visitor); } else if (!isObject.check(value)) ; else { var childNames = types.getFieldNames(value); if (visitor._shouldVisitComments && value.comments && childNames.indexOf("comments") < 0) { childNames.push("comments"); } var childCount = childNames.length; var childPaths = []; for (var i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { var childName = childNames[i]; if (!hasOwn$, childName)) { value[childName] = types.getFieldValue(value, childName); } childPaths.push(path.get(childName)); } for (var i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { visitor.visitWithoutReset(childPaths[i]); } } return path.value; } PVp.acquireContext = function(path) { if (this._reusableContextStack.length === 0) { return new this.Context(path); } return this._reusableContextStack.pop().reset(path); }; PVp.releaseContext = function(context) { if (!(context instanceof this.Context)) { throw new Error(""); } this._reusableContextStack.push(context); context.currentPath = null; }; PVp.reportChanged = function() { this._changeReported = true; }; PVp.wasChangeReported = function() { return this._changeReported; }; function makeContextConstructor(visitor) { function Context(path) { if (!(this instanceof Context)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(this instanceof PathVisitor)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(path instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } Object.defineProperty(this, "visitor", { value: visitor, writable: false, enumerable: true, configurable: false }); this.currentPath = path; this.needToCallTraverse = true; Object.seal(this); } if (!(visitor instanceof PathVisitor)) { throw new Error(""); } var Cp = Context.prototype = Object.create(visitor); Cp.constructor = Context; extend(Cp, sharedContextProtoMethods); return Context; } var sharedContextProtoMethods = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); sharedContextProtoMethods.reset = function reset(path) { if (!(this instanceof this.Context)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(path instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } this.currentPath = path; this.needToCallTraverse = true; return this; }; sharedContextProtoMethods.invokeVisitorMethod = function invokeVisitorMethod(methodName) { if (!(this instanceof this.Context)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(this.currentPath instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } var result = this.visitor[methodName].call(this, this.currentPath); if (result === false) { this.needToCallTraverse = false; } else if (result !== undefined$1) { this.currentPath = this.currentPath.replace(result)[0]; if (this.needToCallTraverse) { this.traverse(this.currentPath); } } if (this.needToCallTraverse !== false) { throw new Error( "Must either call this.traverse or return false in " + methodName ); } var path = this.currentPath; return path && path.value; }; sharedContextProtoMethods.traverse = function traverse(path, newVisitor) { if (!(this instanceof this.Context)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(path instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(this.currentPath instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } this.needToCallTraverse = false; return visitChildren(path, PathVisitor.fromMethodsObject( newVisitor || this.visitor )); }; sharedContextProtoMethods.visit = function visit(path, newVisitor) { if (!(this instanceof this.Context)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(path instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } if (!(this.currentPath instanceof NodePath2)) { throw new Error(""); } this.needToCallTraverse = false; return PathVisitor.fromMethodsObject( newVisitor || this.visitor ).visitWithoutReset(path); }; sharedContextProtoMethods.reportChanged = function reportChanged() { this.visitor.reportChanged(); }; sharedContextProtoMethods.abort = function abort() { this.needToCallTraverse = false; this.visitor.abort(); }; return PathVisitor; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function equivPlugin(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var getFieldNames = types.getFieldNames; var getFieldValue = types.getFieldValue; var isArray = types.builtInTypes.array; var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object; var isDate = types.builtInTypes.Date; var isRegExp = types.builtInTypes.RegExp; var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function astNodesAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { if (isArray.check(problemPath)) { problemPath.length = 0; } else { problemPath = null; } return areEquivalent(a, b, problemPath); } astNodesAreEquivalent.assert = function(a, b) { var problemPath = []; if (!astNodesAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath)) { if (problemPath.length === 0) { if (a !== b) { throw new Error("Nodes must be equal"); } } else { throw new Error( "Nodes differ in the following path: " +"") ); } } }; function subscriptForProperty(property) { if (/[_$a-z][_$a-z0-9]*/i.test(property)) { return "." + property; } return "[" + JSON.stringify(property) + "]"; } function areEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { if (a === b) { return true; } if (isArray.check(a)) { return arraysAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath); } if (isObject.check(a)) { return objectsAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath); } if (isDate.check(a)) { return isDate.check(b) && +a === +b; } if (isRegExp.check(a)) { return isRegExp.check(b) && (a.source === b.source && === && a.multiline === b.multiline && a.ignoreCase === b.ignoreCase); } return a == b; } function arraysAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { isArray.assert(a); var aLength = a.length; if (!isArray.check(b) || b.length !== aLength) { if (problemPath) { problemPath.push("length"); } return false; } for (var i = 0; i < aLength; ++i) { if (problemPath) { problemPath.push(i); } if (i in a !== i in b) { return false; } if (!areEquivalent(a[i], b[i], problemPath)) { return false; } if (problemPath) { var problemPathTail = problemPath.pop(); if (problemPathTail !== i) { throw new Error("" + problemPathTail); } } } return true; } function objectsAreEquivalent(a, b, problemPath) { isObject.assert(a); if (!isObject.check(b)) { return false; } if (a.type !== b.type) { if (problemPath) { problemPath.push("type"); } return false; } var aNames = getFieldNames(a); var aNameCount = aNames.length; var bNames = getFieldNames(b); var bNameCount = bNames.length; if (aNameCount === bNameCount) { for (var i = 0; i < aNameCount; ++i) { var name = aNames[i]; var aChild = getFieldValue(a, name); var bChild = getFieldValue(b, name); if (problemPath) { problemPath.push(name); } if (!areEquivalent(aChild, bChild, problemPath)) { return false; } if (problemPath) { var problemPathTail = problemPath.pop(); if (problemPathTail !== name) { throw new Error("" + problemPathTail); } } } return true; } if (!problemPath) { return false; } var seenNames = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (i = 0; i < aNameCount; ++i) { seenNames[aNames[i]] = true; } for (i = 0; i < bNameCount; ++i) { name = bNames[i]; if (!, name)) { problemPath.push(name); return false; } delete seenNames[name]; } for (name in seenNames) { problemPath.push(name); break; } return false; } return astNodesAreEquivalent; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function fork(plugins) { const fork = createFork(); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); plugins.forEach(fork.use); types.finalize(); const PathVisitor = fork.use(pathVisitorPlugin); return { Type: types.Type, builtInTypes: types.builtInTypes, namedTypes: types.namedTypes, builders:, defineMethod: types.defineMethod, getFieldNames: types.getFieldNames, getFieldValue: types.getFieldValue, eachField: types.eachField, someField: types.someField, getSupertypeNames: types.getSupertypeNames, getBuilderName: types.getBuilderName, astNodesAreEquivalent: fork.use(equivPlugin), finalize: types.finalize, Path: fork.use(pathPlugin), NodePath: fork.use(nodePathPlugin), PathVisitor, use: fork.use, visit: PathVisitor.visit }; } function createFork() { const used = []; const usedResult = []; function use(plugin) { var idx = used.indexOf(plugin); if (idx === -1) { idx = used.length; used.push(plugin); usedResult[idx] = plugin(fork); } return usedResult[idx]; } var fork = { use }; return fork; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function coreOpsDef() { return { BinaryOperators: [ "==", "!=", "===", "!==", "<", "<=", ">", ">=", "<<", ">>", ">>>", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%", "&", "|", "^", "in", "instanceof" ], AssignmentOperators: [ "=", "+=", "-=", "*=", "/=", "%=", "<<=", ">>=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&=" ], LogicalOperators: [ "||", "&&" ] }; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2016OpsDef(fork) { const result = fork.use(coreOpsDef); if (result.BinaryOperators.indexOf("**") < 0) { result.BinaryOperators.push("**"); } if (result.AssignmentOperators.indexOf("**=") < 0) { result.AssignmentOperators.push("**="); } return result; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2020OpsDef(fork) { const result = fork.use(es2016OpsDef); if (result.LogicalOperators.indexOf("??") < 0) { result.LogicalOperators.push("??"); } return result; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2021OpsDef(fork) { const result = fork.use(es2020OpsDef); result.LogicalOperators.forEach((op) => { const assignOp = op + "="; if (result.AssignmentOperators.indexOf(assignOp) < 0) { result.AssignmentOperators.push(assignOp); } }); return result; } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function coreDef(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var Type = types.Type; var def = Type.def; var or = Type.or; var shared = fork.use(sharedPlugin); var defaults = shared.defaults; var geq = shared.geq; const { BinaryOperators, AssignmentOperators, LogicalOperators } = fork.use(coreOpsDef); def("Printable").field("loc", or( def("SourceLocation"), null ), defaults["null"], true); def("Node").bases("Printable").field("type", String).field("comments", or( [def("Comment")], null ), defaults["null"], true); def("SourceLocation").field("start", def("Position")).field("end", def("Position")).field("source", or(String, null), defaults["null"]); def("Position").field("line", geq(1)).field("column", geq(0)); def("File").bases("Node").build("program", "name").field("program", def("Program")).field("name", or(String, null), defaults["null"]); def("Program").bases("Node").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]); def("Function").bases("Node").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]).field("params", [def("Pattern")]).field("body", def("BlockStatement")).field("generator", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("async", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("Statement").bases("Node"); def("EmptyStatement").bases("Statement").build(); def("BlockStatement").bases("Statement").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]); def("ExpressionStatement").bases("Statement").build("expression").field("expression", def("Expression")); def("IfStatement").bases("Statement").build("test", "consequent", "alternate").field("test", def("Expression")).field("consequent", def("Statement")).field("alternate", or(def("Statement"), null), defaults["null"]); def("LabeledStatement").bases("Statement").build("label", "body").field("label", def("Identifier")).field("body", def("Statement")); def("BreakStatement").bases("Statement").build("label").field("label", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]); def("ContinueStatement").bases("Statement").build("label").field("label", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]); def("WithStatement").bases("Statement").build("object", "body").field("object", def("Expression")).field("body", def("Statement")); def("SwitchStatement").bases("Statement").build("discriminant", "cases", "lexical").field("discriminant", def("Expression")).field("cases", [def("SwitchCase")]).field("lexical", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("ReturnStatement").bases("Statement").build("argument").field("argument", or(def("Expression"), null)); def("ThrowStatement").bases("Statement").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); def("TryStatement").bases("Statement").build("block", "handler", "finalizer").field("block", def("BlockStatement")).field("handler", or(def("CatchClause"), null), function() { return this.handlers && this.handlers[0] || null; }).field("handlers", [def("CatchClause")], function() { return this.handler ? [this.handler] : []; }, true).field("guardedHandlers", [def("CatchClause")], defaults.emptyArray).field("finalizer", or(def("BlockStatement"), null), defaults["null"]); def("CatchClause").bases("Node").build("param", "guard", "body").field("param", def("Pattern")).field("guard", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]).field("body", def("BlockStatement")); def("WhileStatement").bases("Statement").build("test", "body").field("test", def("Expression")).field("body", def("Statement")); def("DoWhileStatement").bases("Statement").build("body", "test").field("body", def("Statement")).field("test", def("Expression")); def("ForStatement").bases("Statement").build("init", "test", "update", "body").field("init", or( def("VariableDeclaration"), def("Expression"), null )).field("test", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("update", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("body", def("Statement")); def("ForInStatement").bases("Statement").build("left", "right", "body").field("left", or( def("VariableDeclaration"), def("Expression") )).field("right", def("Expression")).field("body", def("Statement")); def("DebuggerStatement").bases("Statement").build(); def("Declaration").bases("Statement"); def("FunctionDeclaration").bases("Function", "Declaration").build("id", "params", "body").field("id", def("Identifier")); def("FunctionExpression").bases("Function", "Expression").build("id", "params", "body"); def("VariableDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("kind", "declarations").field("kind", or("var", "let", "const")).field("declarations", [def("VariableDeclarator")]); def("VariableDeclarator").bases("Node").build("id", "init").field("id", def("Pattern")).field("init", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]); def("Expression").bases("Node"); def("ThisExpression").bases("Expression").build(); def("ArrayExpression").bases("Expression").build("elements").field("elements", [or(def("Expression"), null)]); def("ObjectExpression").bases("Expression").build("properties").field("properties", [def("Property")]); def("Property").bases("Node").build("kind", "key", "value").field("kind", or("init", "get", "set")).field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"))).field("value", def("Expression")); def("SequenceExpression").bases("Expression").build("expressions").field("expressions", [def("Expression")]); var UnaryOperator = or( "-", "+", "!", "~", "typeof", "void", "delete" ); def("UnaryExpression").bases("Expression").build("operator", "argument", "prefix").field("operator", UnaryOperator).field("argument", def("Expression")).field("prefix", Boolean, defaults["true"]); const BinaryOperator = or(...BinaryOperators); def("BinaryExpression").bases("Expression").build("operator", "left", "right").field("operator", BinaryOperator).field("left", def("Expression")).field("right", def("Expression")); const AssignmentOperator = or(...AssignmentOperators); def("AssignmentExpression").bases("Expression").build("operator", "left", "right").field("operator", AssignmentOperator).field("left", or(def("Pattern"), def("MemberExpression"))).field("right", def("Expression")); var UpdateOperator = or("++", "--"); def("UpdateExpression").bases("Expression").build("operator", "argument", "prefix").field("operator", UpdateOperator).field("argument", def("Expression")).field("prefix", Boolean); var LogicalOperator = or(...LogicalOperators); def("LogicalExpression").bases("Expression").build("operator", "left", "right").field("operator", LogicalOperator).field("left", def("Expression")).field("right", def("Expression")); def("ConditionalExpression").bases("Expression").build("test", "consequent", "alternate").field("test", def("Expression")).field("consequent", def("Expression")).field("alternate", def("Expression")); def("NewExpression").bases("Expression").build("callee", "arguments").field("callee", def("Expression")).field("arguments", [def("Expression")]); def("CallExpression").bases("Expression").build("callee", "arguments").field("callee", def("Expression")).field("arguments", [def("Expression")]); def("MemberExpression").bases("Expression").build("object", "property", "computed").field("object", def("Expression")).field("property", or(def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))).field("computed", Boolean, function() { var type =; if (type === "Literal" || type === "MemberExpression" || type === "BinaryExpression") { return true; } return false; }); def("Pattern").bases("Node"); def("SwitchCase").bases("Node").build("test", "consequent").field("test", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("consequent", [def("Statement")]); def("Identifier").bases("Expression", "Pattern").build("name").field("name", String).field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("Literal").bases("Expression").build("value").field("value", or(String, Boolean, null, Number, RegExp, BigInt)); def("Comment").bases("Printable").field("value", String).field("leading", Boolean, defaults["true"]).field("trailing", Boolean, defaults["false"]); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es6Def(fork) { fork.use(coreDef); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; def("Function").field("generator", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("expression", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("defaults", [or(def("Expression"), null)], defaults.emptyArray).field("rest", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]); def("RestElement").bases("Pattern").build("argument").field("argument", def("Pattern")).field( "typeAnnotation", // for Babylon. Flow parser puts it on the identifier or(def("TypeAnnotation"), def("TSTypeAnnotation"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("SpreadElementPattern").bases("Pattern").build("argument").field("argument", def("Pattern")); def("FunctionDeclaration").build("id", "params", "body", "generator", "expression").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null)); def("FunctionExpression").build("id", "params", "body", "generator", "expression"); def("ArrowFunctionExpression").bases("Function", "Expression").build("params", "body", "expression").field("id", null, defaults["null"]).field("body", or(def("BlockStatement"), def("Expression"))).field("generator", false, defaults["false"]); def("ForOfStatement").bases("Statement").build("left", "right", "body").field("left", or( def("VariableDeclaration"), def("Pattern") )).field("right", def("Expression")).field("body", def("Statement")); def("YieldExpression").bases("Expression").build("argument", "delegate").field("argument", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("delegate", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("GeneratorExpression").bases("Expression").build("body", "blocks", "filter").field("body", def("Expression")).field("blocks", [def("ComprehensionBlock")]).field("filter", or(def("Expression"), null)); def("ComprehensionExpression").bases("Expression").build("body", "blocks", "filter").field("body", def("Expression")).field("blocks", [def("ComprehensionBlock")]).field("filter", or(def("Expression"), null)); def("ComprehensionBlock").bases("Node").build("left", "right", "each").field("left", def("Pattern")).field("right", def("Expression")).field("each", Boolean); def("Property").field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))).field("value", or(def("Expression"), def("Pattern"))).field("method", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("shorthand", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("ObjectProperty").field("shorthand", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("PropertyPattern").bases("Pattern").build("key", "pattern").field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))).field("pattern", def("Pattern")).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("ObjectPattern").bases("Pattern").build("properties").field("properties", [or(def("PropertyPattern"), def("Property"))]); def("ArrayPattern").bases("Pattern").build("elements").field("elements", [or(def("Pattern"), null)]); def("SpreadElement").bases("Node").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); def("ArrayExpression").field("elements", [or( def("Expression"), def("SpreadElement"), def("RestElement"), null )]); def("NewExpression").field("arguments", [or(def("Expression"), def("SpreadElement"))]); def("CallExpression").field("arguments", [or(def("Expression"), def("SpreadElement"))]); def("AssignmentPattern").bases("Pattern").build("left", "right").field("left", def("Pattern")).field("right", def("Expression")); def("MethodDefinition").bases("Declaration").build("kind", "key", "value", "static").field("kind", or("constructor", "method", "get", "set")).field("key", def("Expression")).field("value", def("Function")).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("static", Boolean, defaults["false"]); const ClassBodyElement = or( def("MethodDefinition"), def("VariableDeclarator"), def("ClassPropertyDefinition"), def("ClassProperty"), def("StaticBlock") ); def("ClassProperty").bases("Declaration").build("key").field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("ClassPropertyDefinition").bases("Declaration").build("definition").field("definition", ClassBodyElement); def("ClassBody").bases("Declaration").build("body").field("body", [ClassBodyElement]); def("ClassDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id", "body", "superClass").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null)).field("body", def("ClassBody")).field("superClass", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]); def("ClassExpression").bases("Expression").build("id", "body", "superClass").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]).field("body", def("ClassBody")).field("superClass", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]); def("Super").bases("Expression").build(); def("Specifier").bases("Node"); def("ModuleSpecifier").bases("Specifier").field("local", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]).field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]).field("name", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]); def("ImportSpecifier").bases("ModuleSpecifier").build("imported", "local").field("imported", def("Identifier")); def("ImportDefaultSpecifier").bases("ModuleSpecifier").build("local"); def("ImportNamespaceSpecifier").bases("ModuleSpecifier").build("local"); def("ImportDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("specifiers", "source", "importKind").field("specifiers", [or( def("ImportSpecifier"), def("ImportNamespaceSpecifier"), def("ImportDefaultSpecifier") )], defaults.emptyArray).field("source", def("Literal")).field("importKind", or( "value", "type" ), function() { return "value"; }); def("ExportNamedDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("declaration", "specifiers", "source").field("declaration", or(def("Declaration"), null)).field("specifiers", [def("ExportSpecifier")], defaults.emptyArray).field("source", or(def("Literal"), null), defaults["null"]); def("ExportSpecifier").bases("ModuleSpecifier").build("local", "exported").field("exported", def("Identifier")); def("ExportDefaultDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("declaration").field("declaration", or(def("Declaration"), def("Expression"))); def("ExportAllDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("source").field("source", def("Literal")); def("TaggedTemplateExpression").bases("Expression").build("tag", "quasi").field("tag", def("Expression")).field("quasi", def("TemplateLiteral")); def("TemplateLiteral").bases("Expression").build("quasis", "expressions").field("quasis", [def("TemplateElement")]).field("expressions", [def("Expression")]); def("TemplateElement").bases("Node").build("value", "tail").field("value", { "cooked": String, "raw": String }).field("tail", Boolean); def("MetaProperty").bases("Expression").build("meta", "property").field("meta", def("Identifier")).field("property", def("Identifier")); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2016Def(fork) { fork.use(es2016OpsDef); fork.use(es6Def); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2017Def(fork) { fork.use(es2016Def); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; def("Function").field("async", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("AwaitExpression").bases("Expression").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2018Def(fork) { fork.use(es2017Def); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; def("ForOfStatement").field("await", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("SpreadProperty").bases("Node").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); def("ObjectExpression").field("properties", [or( def("Property"), def("SpreadProperty"), // Legacy def("SpreadElement") )]); def("TemplateElement").field("value", { "cooked": or(String, null), "raw": String }); def("SpreadPropertyPattern").bases("Pattern").build("argument").field("argument", def("Pattern")); def("ObjectPattern").field("properties", [or(def("PropertyPattern"), def("Property"), def("RestElement"), def("SpreadPropertyPattern"))]); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2019Def(fork) { fork.use(es2018Def); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; def("CatchClause").field("param", or(def("Pattern"), null), defaults["null"]); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2020Def(fork) { fork.use(es2020OpsDef); fork.use(es2019Def); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const shared = fork.use(sharedPlugin); const defaults = shared.defaults; def("ImportExpression").bases("Expression").build("source").field("source", def("Expression")); def("ExportAllDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("source", "exported").field("source", def("Literal")).field("exported", or( def("Identifier"), null, void 0 ), defaults["null"]); def("ChainElement").bases("Node").field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("CallExpression").bases("Expression", "ChainElement"); def("MemberExpression").bases("Expression", "ChainElement"); def("ChainExpression").bases("Expression").build("expression").field("expression", def("ChainElement")); def("OptionalCallExpression").bases("CallExpression").build("callee", "arguments", "optional").field("optional", Boolean, defaults["true"]); def("OptionalMemberExpression").bases("MemberExpression").build("object", "property", "computed", "optional").field("optional", Boolean, defaults["true"]); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2021Def(fork) { fork.use(es2021OpsDef); fork.use(es2020Def); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function es2022Def(fork) { fork.use(es2021Def); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; def("StaticBlock").bases("Declaration").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function esProposalsDef(fork) { fork.use(es2022Def); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const Type = types.Type; const def = types.Type.def; const or = Type.or; const shared = fork.use(sharedPlugin); const defaults = shared.defaults; def("AwaitExpression").build("argument", "all").field("argument", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("all", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("Decorator").bases("Node").build("expression").field("expression", def("Expression")); def("Property").field( "decorators", or([def("Decorator")], null), defaults["null"] ); def("MethodDefinition").field( "decorators", or([def("Decorator")], null), defaults["null"] ); def("PrivateName").bases("Expression", "Pattern").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")); def("ClassPrivateProperty").bases("ClassProperty").build("key", "value").field("key", def("PrivateName")).field("value", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]); def("ImportAttribute").bases("Node").build("key", "value").field("key", or(def("Identifier"), def("Literal"))).field("value", def("Expression")); [ "ImportDeclaration", "ExportAllDeclaration", "ExportNamedDeclaration" ].forEach((decl) => { def(decl).field( "assertions", [def("ImportAttribute")], defaults.emptyArray ); }); def("RecordExpression").bases("Expression").build("properties").field("properties", [or( def("ObjectProperty"), def("ObjectMethod"), def("SpreadElement") )]); def("TupleExpression").bases("Expression").build("elements").field("elements", [or( def("Expression"), def("SpreadElement"), null )]); def("ModuleExpression").bases("Node").build("body").field("body", def("Program")); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function jsxDef(fork) { fork.use(esProposalsDef); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; def("JSXAttribute").bases("Node").build("name", "value").field("name", or(def("JSXIdentifier"), def("JSXNamespacedName"))).field("value", or( def("Literal"), // attr="value" def("JSXExpressionContainer"), // attr={value} def("JSXElement"), // attr=
def("JSXFragment"), // attr=<> null // attr= or just attr ), defaults["null"]); def("JSXIdentifier").bases("Identifier").build("name").field("name", String); def("JSXNamespacedName").bases("Node").build("namespace", "name").field("namespace", def("JSXIdentifier")).field("name", def("JSXIdentifier")); def("JSXMemberExpression").bases("MemberExpression").build("object", "property").field("object", or(def("JSXIdentifier"), def("JSXMemberExpression"))).field("property", def("JSXIdentifier")).field("computed", Boolean, defaults.false); const JSXElementName = or( def("JSXIdentifier"), def("JSXNamespacedName"), def("JSXMemberExpression") ); def("JSXSpreadAttribute").bases("Node").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); const JSXAttributes = [or( def("JSXAttribute"), def("JSXSpreadAttribute") )]; def("JSXExpressionContainer").bases("Expression").build("expression").field("expression", or(def("Expression"), def("JSXEmptyExpression"))); const JSXChildren = [or( def("JSXText"), def("JSXExpressionContainer"), def("JSXSpreadChild"), def("JSXElement"), def("JSXFragment"), def("Literal") // Legacy: Esprima should return JSXText instead. )]; def("JSXElement").bases("Expression").build("openingElement", "closingElement", "children").field("openingElement", def("JSXOpeningElement")).field("closingElement", or(def("JSXClosingElement"), null), defaults["null"]).field("children", JSXChildren, defaults.emptyArray).field("name", JSXElementName, function() { return; }, true).field("selfClosing", Boolean, function() { return this.openingElement.selfClosing; }, true).field("attributes", JSXAttributes, function() { return this.openingElement.attributes; }, true); def("JSXOpeningElement").bases("Node").build("name", "attributes", "selfClosing").field("name", JSXElementName).field("attributes", JSXAttributes, defaults.emptyArray).field("selfClosing", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("JSXClosingElement").bases("Node").build("name").field("name", JSXElementName); def("JSXFragment").bases("Expression").build("openingFragment", "closingFragment", "children").field("openingFragment", def("JSXOpeningFragment")).field("closingFragment", def("JSXClosingFragment")).field("children", JSXChildren, defaults.emptyArray); def("JSXOpeningFragment").bases("Node").build(); def("JSXClosingFragment").bases("Node").build(); def("JSXText").bases("Literal").build("value", "raw").field("value", String).field("raw", String, function() { return this.value; }); def("JSXEmptyExpression").bases("Node").build(); def("JSXSpreadChild").bases("Node").build("expression").field("expression", def("Expression")); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function typeAnnotationsDef(fork) { var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var def = types.Type.def; var or = types.Type.or; var defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; var TypeAnnotation = or( def("TypeAnnotation"), def("TSTypeAnnotation"), null ); var TypeParamDecl = or( def("TypeParameterDeclaration"), def("TSTypeParameterDeclaration"), null ); def("Identifier").field("typeAnnotation", TypeAnnotation, defaults["null"]); def("ObjectPattern").field("typeAnnotation", TypeAnnotation, defaults["null"]); def("Function").field("returnType", TypeAnnotation, defaults["null"]).field("typeParameters", TypeParamDecl, defaults["null"]); def("ClassProperty").build("key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "static").field("value", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("static", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("typeAnnotation", TypeAnnotation, defaults["null"]); [ "ClassDeclaration", "ClassExpression" ].forEach((typeName) => { def(typeName).field("typeParameters", TypeParamDecl, defaults["null"]).field( "superTypeParameters", or( def("TypeParameterInstantiation"), def("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), null ), defaults["null"] ).field( "implements", or( [def("ClassImplements")], [def("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments")] ), defaults.emptyArray ); }); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function flowDef(fork) { fork.use(esProposalsDef); fork.use(typeAnnotationsDef); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; def("Flow").bases("Node"); def("FlowType").bases("Flow"); def("AnyTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("EmptyTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("MixedTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("VoidTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("SymbolTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("NumberTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("BigIntTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("value", "raw").field("value", Number).field("raw", String); def("NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("value", "raw").field("value", Number).field("raw", String); def("BigIntLiteralTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("value", "raw").field("value", null).field("raw", String); def("StringTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("StringLiteralTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("value", "raw").field("value", String).field("raw", String); def("BooleanTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("value", "raw").field("value", Boolean).field("raw", String); def("TypeAnnotation").bases("Node").build("typeAnnotation").field("typeAnnotation", def("FlowType")); def("NullableTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("typeAnnotation").field("typeAnnotation", def("FlowType")); def("NullLiteralTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("NullTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("ThisTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("ExistsTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build(); def("ExistentialTypeParam").bases("FlowType").build(); def("FunctionTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("params", "returnType", "rest", "typeParameters").field("params", [def("FunctionTypeParam")]).field("returnType", def("FlowType")).field("rest", or(def("FunctionTypeParam"), null)).field("typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterDeclaration"), null)); def("FunctionTypeParam").bases("Node").build("name", "typeAnnotation", "optional").field("name", or(def("Identifier"), null)).field("typeAnnotation", def("FlowType")).field("optional", Boolean); def("ArrayTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("elementType").field("elementType", def("FlowType")); def("ObjectTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("properties", "indexers", "callProperties").field("properties", [ or( def("ObjectTypeProperty"), def("ObjectTypeSpreadProperty") ) ]).field("indexers", [def("ObjectTypeIndexer")], defaults.emptyArray).field( "callProperties", [def("ObjectTypeCallProperty")], defaults.emptyArray ).field("inexact", or(Boolean, void 0), defaults["undefined"]).field("exact", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("internalSlots", [def("ObjectTypeInternalSlot")], defaults.emptyArray); def("Variance").bases("Node").build("kind").field("kind", or("plus", "minus")); const LegacyVariance = or( def("Variance"), "plus", "minus", null ); def("ObjectTypeProperty").bases("Node").build("key", "value", "optional").field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"))).field("value", def("FlowType")).field("optional", Boolean).field("variance", LegacyVariance, defaults["null"]); def("ObjectTypeIndexer").bases("Node").build("id", "key", "value").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("key", def("FlowType")).field("value", def("FlowType")).field("variance", LegacyVariance, defaults["null"]).field("static", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("ObjectTypeCallProperty").bases("Node").build("value").field("value", def("FunctionTypeAnnotation")).field("static", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("QualifiedTypeIdentifier").bases("Node").build("qualification", "id").field( "qualification", or( def("Identifier"), def("QualifiedTypeIdentifier") ) ).field("id", def("Identifier")); def("GenericTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("id", "typeParameters").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), def("QualifiedTypeIdentifier"))).field("typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterInstantiation"), null)); def("MemberTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("object", "property").field("object", def("Identifier")).field( "property", or( def("MemberTypeAnnotation"), def("GenericTypeAnnotation") ) ); def("IndexedAccessType").bases("FlowType").build("objectType", "indexType").field("objectType", def("FlowType")).field("indexType", def("FlowType")); def("OptionalIndexedAccessType").bases("FlowType").build("objectType", "indexType", "optional").field("objectType", def("FlowType")).field("indexType", def("FlowType")).field("optional", Boolean); def("UnionTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("types").field("types", [def("FlowType")]); def("IntersectionTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("types").field("types", [def("FlowType")]); def("TypeofTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("argument").field("argument", def("FlowType")); def("ObjectTypeSpreadProperty").bases("Node").build("argument").field("argument", def("FlowType")); def("ObjectTypeInternalSlot").bases("Node").build("id", "value", "optional", "static", "method").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("value", def("FlowType")).field("optional", Boolean).field("static", Boolean).field("method", Boolean); def("TypeParameterDeclaration").bases("Node").build("params").field("params", [def("TypeParameter")]); def("TypeParameterInstantiation").bases("Node").build("params").field("params", [def("FlowType")]); def("TypeParameter").bases("FlowType").build("name", "variance", "bound", "default").field("name", String).field("variance", LegacyVariance, defaults["null"]).field("bound", or(def("TypeAnnotation"), null), defaults["null"]).field("default", or(def("FlowType"), null), defaults["null"]); def("ClassProperty").field("variance", LegacyVariance, defaults["null"]); def("ClassImplements").bases("Node").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("superClass", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]).field( "typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterInstantiation"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("InterfaceTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("body", "extends").field("body", def("ObjectTypeAnnotation")).field("extends", or([def("InterfaceExtends")], null), defaults["null"]); def("InterfaceDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id", "body", "extends").field("id", def("Identifier")).field( "typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterDeclaration"), null), defaults["null"] ).field("body", def("ObjectTypeAnnotation")).field("extends", [def("InterfaceExtends")]); def("DeclareInterface").bases("InterfaceDeclaration").build("id", "body", "extends"); def("InterfaceExtends").bases("Node").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")).field( "typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterInstantiation"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TypeAlias").bases("Declaration").build("id", "typeParameters", "right").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterDeclaration"), null)).field("right", def("FlowType")); def("DeclareTypeAlias").bases("TypeAlias").build("id", "typeParameters", "right"); def("OpaqueType").bases("Declaration").build("id", "typeParameters", "impltype", "supertype").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("typeParameters", or(def("TypeParameterDeclaration"), null)).field("impltype", def("FlowType")).field("supertype", or(def("FlowType"), null)); def("DeclareOpaqueType").bases("OpaqueType").build("id", "typeParameters", "supertype").field("impltype", or(def("FlowType"), null)); def("TypeCastExpression").bases("Expression").build("expression", "typeAnnotation").field("expression", def("Expression")).field("typeAnnotation", def("TypeAnnotation")); def("TupleTypeAnnotation").bases("FlowType").build("types").field("types", [def("FlowType")]); def("DeclareVariable").bases("Statement").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")); def("DeclareFunction").bases("Statement").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("predicate", or(def("FlowPredicate"), null), defaults["null"]); def("DeclareClass").bases("InterfaceDeclaration").build("id"); def("DeclareModule").bases("Statement").build("id", "body").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), def("Literal"))).field("body", def("BlockStatement")); def("DeclareModuleExports").bases("Statement").build("typeAnnotation").field("typeAnnotation", def("TypeAnnotation")); def("DeclareExportDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("default", "declaration", "specifiers", "source").field("default", Boolean).field("declaration", or( def("DeclareVariable"), def("DeclareFunction"), def("DeclareClass"), def("FlowType"), // Implies default. def("TypeAlias"), // Implies named type def("DeclareOpaqueType"), // Implies named opaque type def("InterfaceDeclaration"), null )).field("specifiers", [or( def("ExportSpecifier"), def("ExportBatchSpecifier") )], defaults.emptyArray).field("source", or( def("Literal"), null ), defaults["null"]); def("DeclareExportAllDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("source").field("source", or( def("Literal"), null ), defaults["null"]); def("ImportDeclaration").field("importKind", or("value", "type", "typeof"), () => "value"); def("FlowPredicate").bases("Flow"); def("InferredPredicate").bases("FlowPredicate").build(); def("DeclaredPredicate").bases("FlowPredicate").build("value").field("value", def("Expression")); def("Function").field("predicate", or(def("FlowPredicate"), null), defaults["null"]); def("CallExpression").field("typeArguments", or( null, def("TypeParameterInstantiation") ), defaults["null"]); def("NewExpression").field("typeArguments", or( null, def("TypeParameterInstantiation") ), defaults["null"]); def("EnumDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id", "body").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("body", or( def("EnumBooleanBody"), def("EnumNumberBody"), def("EnumStringBody"), def("EnumSymbolBody") )); def("EnumBooleanBody").build("members", "explicitType").field("members", [def("EnumBooleanMember")]).field("explicitType", Boolean); def("EnumNumberBody").build("members", "explicitType").field("members", [def("EnumNumberMember")]).field("explicitType", Boolean); def("EnumStringBody").build("members", "explicitType").field("members", or([def("EnumStringMember")], [def("EnumDefaultedMember")])).field("explicitType", Boolean); def("EnumSymbolBody").build("members").field("members", [def("EnumDefaultedMember")]); def("EnumBooleanMember").build("id", "init").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("init", or(def("Literal"), Boolean)); def("EnumNumberMember").build("id", "init").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("init", def("Literal")); def("EnumStringMember").build("id", "init").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("init", def("Literal")); def("EnumDefaultedMember").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function esprimaDef(fork) { fork.use(esProposalsDef); var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; var def = types.Type.def; var or = types.Type.or; def("VariableDeclaration").field("declarations", [or( def("VariableDeclarator"), def("Identifier") // Esprima deviation. )]); def("Property").field("value", or( def("Expression"), def("Pattern") // Esprima deviation. )); def("ArrayPattern").field("elements", [or( def("Pattern"), def("SpreadElement"), null )]); def("ObjectPattern").field("properties", [or( def("Property"), def("PropertyPattern"), def("SpreadPropertyPattern"), def("SpreadProperty") // Used by Esprima. )]); def("ExportSpecifier").bases("ModuleSpecifier").build("id", "name"); def("ExportBatchSpecifier").bases("Specifier").build(); def("ExportDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("default", "declaration", "specifiers", "source").field("default", Boolean).field("declaration", or( def("Declaration"), def("Expression"), // Implies default. null )).field("specifiers", [or( def("ExportSpecifier"), def("ExportBatchSpecifier") )], defaults.emptyArray).field("source", or( def("Literal"), null ), defaults["null"]); def("Block").bases("Comment").build( "value", /*optional:*/ "leading", "trailing" ); def("Line").bases("Comment").build( "value", /*optional:*/ "leading", "trailing" ); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function babelCoreDef(fork) { fork.use(esProposalsDef); const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; const def = types.Type.def; const or = types.Type.or; const { undefined: isUndefined } = types.builtInTypes; def("Noop").bases("Statement").build(); def("DoExpression").bases("Expression").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]); def("BindExpression").bases("Expression").build("object", "callee").field("object", or(def("Expression"), null)).field("callee", def("Expression")); def("ParenthesizedExpression").bases("Expression").build("expression").field("expression", def("Expression")); def("ExportNamespaceSpecifier").bases("Specifier").build("exported").field("exported", def("Identifier")); def("ExportDefaultSpecifier").bases("Specifier").build("exported").field("exported", def("Identifier")); def("CommentBlock").bases("Comment").build( "value", /*optional:*/ "leading", "trailing" ); def("CommentLine").bases("Comment").build( "value", /*optional:*/ "leading", "trailing" ); def("Directive").bases("Node").build("value").field("value", def("DirectiveLiteral")); def("DirectiveLiteral").bases("Node", "Expression").build("value").field("value", String, defaults["use strict"]); def("InterpreterDirective").bases("Node").build("value").field("value", String); def("BlockStatement").bases("Statement").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]).field("directives", [def("Directive")], defaults.emptyArray); def("Program").bases("Node").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]).field("directives", [def("Directive")], defaults.emptyArray).field("interpreter", or(def("InterpreterDirective"), null), defaults["null"]); function makeLiteralExtra(rawValueType = String, toRaw) { return [ "extra", { rawValue: rawValueType, raw: String }, function getDefault() { const value = types.getFieldValue(this, "value"); return { rawValue: value, raw: toRaw ? toRaw(value) : String(value) }; } ]; } def("StringLiteral").bases("Literal").build("value").field("value", String).field(...makeLiteralExtra(String, (val) => JSON.stringify(val))); def("NumericLiteral").bases("Literal").build("value").field("value", Number).field("raw", or(String, null), defaults["null"]).field(...makeLiteralExtra(Number)); def("BigIntLiteral").bases("Literal").build("value").field("value", or(String, Number)).field(...makeLiteralExtra(String, (val) => val + "n")); def("DecimalLiteral").bases("Literal").build("value").field("value", String).field(...makeLiteralExtra(String, (val) => val + "m")); def("NullLiteral").bases("Literal").build().field("value", null, defaults["null"]); def("BooleanLiteral").bases("Literal").build("value").field("value", Boolean); def("RegExpLiteral").bases("Literal").build("pattern", "flags").field("pattern", String).field("flags", String).field("value", RegExp, function() { return new RegExp(this.pattern, this.flags); }).field(...makeLiteralExtra( or(RegExp, isUndefined), (exp) => `/${exp.pattern}/${exp.flags || ""}` )).field("regex", { pattern: String, flags: String }, function() { return { pattern: this.pattern, flags: this.flags }; }); var ObjectExpressionProperty = or( def("Property"), def("ObjectMethod"), def("ObjectProperty"), def("SpreadProperty"), def("SpreadElement") ); def("ObjectExpression").bases("Expression").build("properties").field("properties", [ObjectExpressionProperty]); def("ObjectMethod").bases("Node", "Function").build("kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed").field("kind", or("method", "get", "set")).field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))).field("params", [def("Pattern")]).field("body", def("BlockStatement")).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("generator", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("async", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field( "accessibility", // TypeScript or(def("Literal"), null), defaults["null"] ).field( "decorators", or([def("Decorator")], null), defaults["null"] ); def("ObjectProperty").bases("Node").build("key", "value").field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))).field("value", or(def("Expression"), def("Pattern"))).field( "accessibility", // TypeScript or(def("Literal"), null), defaults["null"] ).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]); var ClassBodyElement = or( def("MethodDefinition"), def("VariableDeclarator"), def("ClassPropertyDefinition"), def("ClassProperty"), def("ClassPrivateProperty"), def("ClassMethod"), def("ClassPrivateMethod"), def("ClassAccessorProperty"), def("StaticBlock") ); def("ClassBody").bases("Declaration").build("body").field("body", [ClassBodyElement]); def("ClassMethod").bases("Declaration", "Function").build("kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "static").field("key", or(def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("Expression"))); def("ClassPrivateMethod").bases("Declaration", "Function").build("key", "params", "body", "kind", "computed", "static").field("key", def("PrivateName")); def("ClassAccessorProperty").bases("Declaration").build("key", "value", "decorators", "computed", "static").field("key", or( def("Literal"), def("Identifier"), def("PrivateName"), // Only when .computed is true (TODO enforce this) def("Expression") )).field("value", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"]); [ "ClassMethod", "ClassPrivateMethod" ].forEach((typeName) => { def(typeName).field("kind", or("get", "set", "method", "constructor"), () => "method").field("body", def("BlockStatement")).field("access", or("public", "private", "protected", null), defaults["null"]); }); [ "ClassMethod", "ClassPrivateMethod", "ClassAccessorProperty" ].forEach((typeName) => { def(typeName).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("static", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("abstract", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("accessibility", or("public", "private", "protected", null), defaults["null"]).field("decorators", or([def("Decorator")], null), defaults["null"]).field("definite", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("override", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("readonly", Boolean, defaults["false"]); }); var ObjectPatternProperty = or( def("Property"), def("PropertyPattern"), def("SpreadPropertyPattern"), def("SpreadProperty"), // Used by Esprima def("ObjectProperty"), // Babel 6 def("RestProperty"), // Babel 6 def("RestElement") // Babel 6 ); def("ObjectPattern").bases("Pattern").build("properties").field("properties", [ObjectPatternProperty]).field( "decorators", or([def("Decorator")], null), defaults["null"] ); def("SpreadProperty").bases("Node").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); def("RestProperty").bases("Node").build("argument").field("argument", def("Expression")); def("ForAwaitStatement").bases("Statement").build("left", "right", "body").field("left", or( def("VariableDeclaration"), def("Expression") )).field("right", def("Expression")).field("body", def("Statement")); def("Import").bases("Expression").build(); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function babelDef(fork) { const types = fork.use(typesPlugin); const def = types.Type.def; fork.use(babelCoreDef); fork.use(flowDef); def("V8IntrinsicIdentifier").bases("Expression").build("name").field("name", String); def("TopicReference").bases("Expression").build(); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); function typescriptDef(fork) { fork.use(babelCoreDef); fork.use(typeAnnotationsDef); var types = fork.use(typesPlugin); var n = types.namedTypes; var def = types.Type.def; var or = types.Type.or; var defaults = fork.use(sharedPlugin).defaults; var StringLiteral = types.Type.from(function(value, deep) { if (n.StringLiteral && n.StringLiteral.check(value, deep)) { return true; } if (n.Literal && n.Literal.check(value, deep) && typeof value.value === "string") { return true; } return false; }, "StringLiteral"); def("TSType").bases("Node"); var TSEntityName = or( def("Identifier"), def("TSQualifiedName") ); def("TSTypeReference").bases("TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation").build("typeName", "typeParameters").field("typeName", TSEntityName); def("TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation").field( "typeParameters", or(def("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSHasOptionalTypeParameters").field( "typeParameters", or(def("TSTypeParameterDeclaration"), null, void 0), defaults["null"] ); def("TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation").field( "typeAnnotation", or(def("TSTypeAnnotation"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSQualifiedName").bases("Node").build("left", "right").field("left", TSEntityName).field("right", TSEntityName); def("TSAsExpression").bases("Expression", "Pattern").build("expression", "typeAnnotation").field("expression", def("Expression")).field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")).field( "extra", or({ parenthesized: Boolean }, null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSTypeCastExpression").bases("Expression").build("expression", "typeAnnotation").field("expression", def("Expression")).field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); def("TSSatisfiesExpression").bases("Expression", "Pattern").build("expression", "typeAnnotation").field("expression", def("Expression")).field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); def("TSNonNullExpression").bases("Expression", "Pattern").build("expression").field("expression", def("Expression")); [ // Define all the simple keyword types. "TSAnyKeyword", "TSBigIntKeyword", "TSBooleanKeyword", "TSNeverKeyword", "TSNullKeyword", "TSNumberKeyword", "TSObjectKeyword", "TSStringKeyword", "TSSymbolKeyword", "TSUndefinedKeyword", "TSUnknownKeyword", "TSVoidKeyword", "TSIntrinsicKeyword", "TSThisType" ].forEach((keywordType) => { def(keywordType).bases("TSType").build(); }); def("TSArrayType").bases("TSType").build("elementType").field("elementType", def("TSType")); def("TSLiteralType").bases("TSType").build("literal").field("literal", or( def("NumericLiteral"), def("StringLiteral"), def("BooleanLiteral"), def("TemplateLiteral"), def("UnaryExpression"), def("BigIntLiteral") )); def("TemplateLiteral").field("expressions", or( [def("Expression")], [def("TSType")] )); [ "TSUnionType", "TSIntersectionType" ].forEach((typeName) => { def(typeName).bases("TSType").build("types").field("types", [def("TSType")]); }); def("TSConditionalType").bases("TSType").build("checkType", "extendsType", "trueType", "falseType").field("checkType", def("TSType")).field("extendsType", def("TSType")).field("trueType", def("TSType")).field("falseType", def("TSType")); def("TSInferType").bases("TSType").build("typeParameter").field("typeParameter", def("TSTypeParameter")); def("TSParenthesizedType").bases("TSType").build("typeAnnotation").field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); var ParametersType = [or( def("Identifier"), def("RestElement"), def("ArrayPattern"), def("ObjectPattern") )]; [ "TSFunctionType", "TSConstructorType" ].forEach((typeName) => { def(typeName).bases( "TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters", "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation" ).build("parameters").field("parameters", ParametersType); }); def("TSDeclareFunction").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters").build("id", "params", "returnType").field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("async", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("generator", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("id", or(def("Identifier"), null), defaults["null"]).field("params", [def("Pattern")]).field( "returnType", or( def("TSTypeAnnotation"), def("Noop"), // Still used? null ), defaults["null"] ); def("TSDeclareMethod").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters").build("key", "params", "returnType").field("async", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("generator", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("params", [def("Pattern")]).field("abstract", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field( "accessibility", or("public", "private", "protected", void 0), defaults["undefined"] ).field("static", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("key", or( def("Identifier"), def("StringLiteral"), def("NumericLiteral"), // Only allowed if .computed is true. def("Expression") )).field( "kind", or("get", "set", "method", "constructor"), function getDefault() { return "method"; } ).field( "access", // Not "accessibility"? or("public", "private", "protected", void 0), defaults["undefined"] ).field( "decorators", or([def("Decorator")], null), defaults["null"] ).field( "returnType", or( def("TSTypeAnnotation"), def("Noop"), // Still used? null ), defaults["null"] ); def("TSMappedType").bases("TSType").build("typeParameter", "typeAnnotation").field("readonly", or(Boolean, "+", "-"), defaults["false"]).field("typeParameter", def("TSTypeParameter")).field("optional", or(Boolean, "+", "-"), defaults["false"]).field( "typeAnnotation", or(def("TSType"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSTupleType").bases("TSType").build("elementTypes").field("elementTypes", [or( def("TSType"), def("TSNamedTupleMember") )]); def("TSNamedTupleMember").bases("TSType").build("label", "elementType", "optional").field("label", def("Identifier")).field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("elementType", def("TSType")); def("TSRestType").bases("TSType").build("typeAnnotation").field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); def("TSOptionalType").bases("TSType").build("typeAnnotation").field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); def("TSIndexedAccessType").bases("TSType").build("objectType", "indexType").field("objectType", def("TSType")).field("indexType", def("TSType")); def("TSTypeOperator").bases("TSType").build("operator").field("operator", String).field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); def("TSTypeAnnotation").bases("Node").build("typeAnnotation").field( "typeAnnotation", or( def("TSType"), def("TSTypeAnnotation") ) ); def("TSIndexSignature").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation").build("parameters", "typeAnnotation").field("parameters", [def("Identifier")]).field("readonly", Boolean, defaults["false"]); def("TSPropertySignature").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation").build("key", "typeAnnotation", "optional").field("key", def("Expression")).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("readonly", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field( "initializer", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSMethodSignature").bases( "Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters", "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation" ).build("key", "parameters", "typeAnnotation").field("key", def("Expression")).field("computed", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("optional", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("parameters", ParametersType); def("TSTypePredicate").bases("TSTypeAnnotation", "TSType").build("parameterName", "typeAnnotation", "asserts").field( "parameterName", or( def("Identifier"), def("TSThisType") ) ).field( "typeAnnotation", or(def("TSTypeAnnotation"), null), defaults["null"] ).field("asserts", Boolean, defaults["false"]); [ "TSCallSignatureDeclaration", "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" ].forEach((typeName) => { def(typeName).bases( "Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters", "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation" ).build("parameters", "typeAnnotation").field("parameters", ParametersType); }); def("TSEnumMember").bases("Node").build("id", "initializer").field("id", or(def("Identifier"), StringLiteral)).field( "initializer", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSTypeQuery").bases("TSType").build("exprName").field("exprName", or(TSEntityName, def("TSImportType"))); var TSTypeMember = or( def("TSCallSignatureDeclaration"), def("TSConstructSignatureDeclaration"), def("TSIndexSignature"), def("TSMethodSignature"), def("TSPropertySignature") ); def("TSTypeLiteral").bases("TSType").build("members").field("members", [TSTypeMember]); def("TSTypeParameter").bases("Identifier").build("name", "constraint", "default").field("name", or(def("Identifier"), String)).field("constraint", or(def("TSType"), void 0), defaults["undefined"]).field("default", or(def("TSType"), void 0), defaults["undefined"]); def("TSTypeAssertion").bases("Expression", "Pattern").build("typeAnnotation", "expression").field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")).field("expression", def("Expression")).field( "extra", or({ parenthesized: Boolean }, null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSTypeParameterDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("params").field("params", [def("TSTypeParameter")]); def("TSInstantiationExpression").bases("Expression", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation").build("expression", "typeParameters").field("expression", def("Expression")); def("TSTypeParameterInstantiation").bases("Node").build("params").field("params", [def("TSType")]); def("TSEnumDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id", "members").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("const", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("members", [def("TSEnumMember")]).field( "initializer", or(def("Expression"), null), defaults["null"] ); def("TSTypeAliasDeclaration").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters").build("id", "typeAnnotation").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("typeAnnotation", def("TSType")); def("TSModuleBlock").bases("Node").build("body").field("body", [def("Statement")]); def("TSModuleDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id", "body").field("id", or(StringLiteral, TSEntityName)).field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("global", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field( "body", or( def("TSModuleBlock"), def("TSModuleDeclaration"), null ), defaults["null"] ); def("TSImportType").bases("TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation").build("argument", "qualifier", "typeParameters").field("argument", StringLiteral).field("qualifier", or(TSEntityName, void 0), defaults["undefined"]); def("TSImportEqualsDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id", "moduleReference").field("id", def("Identifier")).field("isExport", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field( "moduleReference", or( TSEntityName, def("TSExternalModuleReference") ) ); def("TSExternalModuleReference").bases("Declaration").build("expression").field("expression", StringLiteral); def("TSExportAssignment").bases("Statement").build("expression").field("expression", def("Expression")); def("TSNamespaceExportDeclaration").bases("Declaration").build("id").field("id", def("Identifier")); def("TSInterfaceBody").bases("Node").build("body").field("body", [TSTypeMember]); def("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments").bases("TSType", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation").build("expression", "typeParameters").field("expression", TSEntityName); def("TSInterfaceDeclaration").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters").build("id", "body").field("id", TSEntityName).field("declare", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field( "extends", or([def("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments")], null), defaults["null"] ).field("body", def("TSInterfaceBody")); def("TSParameterProperty").bases("Pattern").build("parameter").field( "accessibility", or("public", "private", "protected", void 0), defaults["undefined"] ).field("readonly", Boolean, defaults["false"]).field("parameter", or( def("Identifier"), def("AssignmentPattern") )); def("ClassProperty").field( "access", // Not "accessibility"? or("public", "private", "protected", void 0), defaults["undefined"] ); def("ClassAccessorProperty").bases("Declaration", "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation"); def("ClassBody").field("body", [or( def("MethodDefinition"), def("VariableDeclarator"), def("ClassPropertyDefinition"), def("ClassProperty"), def("ClassPrivateProperty"), def("ClassAccessorProperty"), def("ClassMethod"), def("ClassPrivateMethod"), def("StaticBlock"), // Just need to add these types: def("TSDeclareMethod"), TSTypeMember )]); } maybeSetModuleExports(() => module); var namedTypes$1; ((namedTypes2) => { })(namedTypes$1 || (namedTypes$1 = {})); const { astNodesAreEquivalent, builders: builders$1, builtInTypes, defineMethod, eachField, finalize, getBuilderName, getFieldNames, getFieldValue, getSupertypeNames, namedTypes: n$3, NodePath, Path, PathVisitor, someField, Type, use, visit } = fork([ // Feel free to add to or remove from this list of extension modules to // configure the precise type hierarchy that you need. esProposalsDef, jsxDef, flowDef, esprimaDef, babelDef, typescriptDef ]); Object.assign(namedTypes$1, n$3); const n$2 = namedTypes$1; const SourceMapConsumer = sourceMap.SourceMapConsumer; const SourceMapGenerator = sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator; const hasOwn$2 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; function getLineTerminator() { return "\n"; } function getOption(options, key, defaultValue) { if (options && hasOwn$, key)) { return options[key]; } return defaultValue; } function getUnionOfKeys(...args) { const result = {}; const argc = args.length; for (let i = 0; i < argc; ++i) { const keys = Object.keys(args[i]); const keyCount = keys.length; for (let j = 0; j < keyCount; ++j) { result[keys[j]] = true; } } return result; } function comparePos(pos1, pos2) { return pos1.line - pos2.line || pos1.column - pos2.column; } function copyPos(pos) { return { line: pos.line, column: pos.column }; } function composeSourceMaps(formerMap, latterMap) { if (formerMap) { if (!latterMap) { return formerMap; } } else { return latterMap || null; } const smcFormer = new SourceMapConsumer(formerMap); const smcLatter = new SourceMapConsumer(latterMap); const smg = new SourceMapGenerator({ file: latterMap.file, sourceRoot: latterMap.sourceRoot }); const sourcesToContents = {}; smcLatter.eachMapping(function(mapping) { const origPos = smcFormer.originalPositionFor({ line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn }); const sourceName = origPos.source; if (sourceName === null) { return; } smg.addMapping({ source: sourceName, original: copyPos(origPos), generated: { line: mapping.generatedLine, column: mapping.generatedColumn }, name: }); const sourceContent = smcFormer.sourceContentFor(sourceName); if (sourceContent && !hasOwn$, sourceName)) { sourcesToContents[sourceName] = sourceContent; smg.setSourceContent(sourceName, sourceContent); } }); return smg.toJSON(); } function getTrueLoc(node, lines) { if (!node.loc) { return null; } const result = { start: node.loc.start, end: node.loc.end }; function include(node2) { expandLoc(result, node2.loc); } if (node.declaration && node.declaration.decorators && isExportDeclaration(node)) { node.declaration.decorators.forEach(include); } if (comparePos(result.start, result.end) < 0) { result.start = copyPos(result.start); lines.skipSpaces(result.start, false, true); if (comparePos(result.start, result.end) < 0) { result.end = copyPos(result.end); lines.skipSpaces(result.end, true, true); } } if (node.comments) { node.comments.forEach(include); } return result; } function expandLoc(parentLoc, childLoc) { if (parentLoc && childLoc) { if (comparePos(childLoc.start, parentLoc.start) < 0) { parentLoc.start = childLoc.start; } if (comparePos(parentLoc.end, childLoc.end) < 0) { parentLoc.end = childLoc.end; } } } function fixFaultyLocations(node, lines) { const loc = node.loc; if (loc) { if (loc.start.line < 1) { loc.start.line = 1; } if (loc.end.line < 1) { loc.end.line = 1; } } if (node.type === "File") { loc.start = lines.firstPos(); loc.end = lines.lastPos(); } fixForLoopHead(node, lines); fixTemplateLiteral(node, lines); if (loc && node.decorators) { node.decorators.forEach(function(decorator) { expandLoc(loc, decorator.loc); }); } else if (node.declaration && isExportDeclaration(node)) { node.declaration.loc = null; const decorators = node.declaration.decorators; if (decorators) { decorators.forEach(function(decorator) { expandLoc(loc, decorator.loc); }); } } else if (n$2.MethodDefinition && n$2.MethodDefinition.check(node) || n$2.Property.check(node) && (node.method || node.shorthand)) { node.value.loc = null; if (n$2.FunctionExpression.check(node.value)) { = null; } } else if (node.type === "ObjectTypeProperty") { const loc2 = node.loc; let end = loc2 && loc2.end; if (end) { end = copyPos(end); if (lines.prevPos(end) && lines.charAt(end) === ",") { if (end = lines.skipSpaces(end, true, true)) { loc2.end = end; } } } } } function fixForLoopHead(node, lines) { if (node.type !== "ForStatement") { return; } function fix(child) { const loc = child && child.loc; const start = loc && loc.start; const end = loc && copyPos(loc.end); while (start && end && comparePos(start, end) < 0) { lines.prevPos(end); if (lines.charAt(end) === ";") { loc.end.line = end.line; loc.end.column = end.column; } else { break; } } } fix(node.init); fix(node.test); fix(node.update); } function fixTemplateLiteral(node, lines) { if (node.type !== "TemplateLiteral") { return; } if (node.quasis.length === 0) { return; } if (node.loc) { const afterLeftBackTickPos = copyPos(node.loc.start); const firstQuasi = node.quasis[0]; if (comparePos(firstQuasi.loc.start, afterLeftBackTickPos) < 0) { firstQuasi.loc.start = afterLeftBackTickPos; } const rightBackTickPos = copyPos(node.loc.end); const lastQuasi = node.quasis[node.quasis.length - 1]; if (comparePos(rightBackTickPos, lastQuasi.loc.end) < 0) { lastQuasi.loc.end = rightBackTickPos; } } node.expressions.forEach(function(expr, i) { const dollarCurlyPos = lines.skipSpaces(expr.loc.start, true, false); if (lines.prevPos(dollarCurlyPos) && lines.charAt(dollarCurlyPos) === "{" && lines.prevPos(dollarCurlyPos) && lines.charAt(dollarCurlyPos) === "$") { const quasiBefore = node.quasis[i]; if (comparePos(dollarCurlyPos, quasiBefore.loc.end) < 0) { quasiBefore.loc.end = dollarCurlyPos; } } const rightCurlyPos = lines.skipSpaces(expr.loc.end, false, false); if (lines.charAt(rightCurlyPos) === "}") { const quasiAfter = node.quasis[i + 1]; if (comparePos(quasiAfter.loc.start, rightCurlyPos) < 0) { quasiAfter.loc.start = rightCurlyPos; } } }); } function isExportDeclaration(node) { if (node) switch (node.type) { case "ExportDeclaration": case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": case "ExportDefaultSpecifier": case "DeclareExportDeclaration": case "ExportNamedDeclaration": case "ExportAllDeclaration": return true; } return false; } function getParentExportDeclaration(path) { const parentNode = path.getParentNode(); if (path.getName() === "declaration" && isExportDeclaration(parentNode)) { return parentNode; } return null; } function isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, context) { const trailingComma = options.trailingComma; if (typeof trailingComma === "object") { return !!trailingComma[context]; } return !!trailingComma; } const defaults = { tabWidth: 4, useTabs: false, reuseWhitespace: true, lineTerminator: getLineTerminator(), wrapColumn: 74, // Aspirational for now. sourceFileName: null, sourceMapName: null, sourceRoot: null, inputSourceMap: null, range: false, tolerant: true, quote: null, trailingComma: false, arrayBracketSpacing: false, objectCurlySpacing: true, arrowParensAlways: false, flowObjectCommas: true, tokens: true }; const hasOwn$1 = defaults.hasOwnProperty; function normalize(opts) { const options = opts || defaults; function get(key) { return hasOwn$, key) ? options[key] : defaults[key]; } return { tabWidth: +get("tabWidth"), useTabs: !!get("useTabs"), reuseWhitespace: !!get("reuseWhitespace"), lineTerminator: get("lineTerminator"), wrapColumn: Math.max(get("wrapColumn"), 0), sourceFileName: get("sourceFileName"), sourceMapName: get("sourceMapName"), sourceRoot: get("sourceRoot"), inputSourceMap: get("inputSourceMap"), parser: get("esprima") || get("parser"), range: get("range"), tolerant: get("tolerant"), quote: get("quote"), trailingComma: get("trailingComma"), arrayBracketSpacing: get("arrayBracketSpacing"), objectCurlySpacing: get("objectCurlySpacing"), arrowParensAlways: get("arrowParensAlways"), flowObjectCommas: get("flowObjectCommas"), tokens: !!get("tokens") }; } class Mapping { constructor(sourceLines, sourceLoc, targetLoc = sourceLoc) { this.sourceLines = sourceLines; this.sourceLoc = sourceLoc; this.targetLoc = targetLoc; } slice(lines, start, end = lines.lastPos()) { const sourceLines = this.sourceLines; let sourceLoc = this.sourceLoc; let targetLoc = this.targetLoc; function skip(name) { const sourceFromPos = sourceLoc[name]; const targetFromPos = targetLoc[name]; let targetToPos = start; if (name === "end") { targetToPos = end; } return skipChars( sourceLines, sourceFromPos, lines, targetFromPos, targetToPos ); } if (comparePos(start, targetLoc.start) <= 0) { if (comparePos(targetLoc.end, end) <= 0) { targetLoc = { start: subtractPos(targetLoc.start, start.line, start.column), end: subtractPos(targetLoc.end, start.line, start.column) }; } else if (comparePos(end, targetLoc.start) <= 0) { return null; } else { sourceLoc = { start: sourceLoc.start, end: skip("end") }; targetLoc = { start: subtractPos(targetLoc.start, start.line, start.column), end: subtractPos(end, start.line, start.column) }; } } else { if (comparePos(targetLoc.end, start) <= 0) { return null; } if (comparePos(targetLoc.end, end) <= 0) { sourceLoc = { start: skip("start"), end: sourceLoc.end }; targetLoc = { // Same as subtractPos(start, start.line, start.column): start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: subtractPos(targetLoc.end, start.line, start.column) }; } else { sourceLoc = { start: skip("start"), end: skip("end") }; targetLoc = { // Same as subtractPos(start, start.line, start.column): start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: subtractPos(end, start.line, start.column) }; } } return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, sourceLoc, targetLoc); } add(line, column) { return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, this.sourceLoc, { start: addPos(this.targetLoc.start, line, column), end: addPos(this.targetLoc.end, line, column) }); } subtract(line, column) { return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, this.sourceLoc, { start: subtractPos(this.targetLoc.start, line, column), end: subtractPos(this.targetLoc.end, line, column) }); } indent(by, skipFirstLine = false, noNegativeColumns = false) { if (by === 0) { return this; } let targetLoc = this.targetLoc; const startLine = targetLoc.start.line; const endLine = targetLoc.end.line; if (skipFirstLine && startLine === 1 && endLine === 1) { return this; } targetLoc = { start: targetLoc.start, end: targetLoc.end }; if (!skipFirstLine || startLine > 1) { const startColumn = targetLoc.start.column + by; targetLoc.start = { line: startLine, column: noNegativeColumns ? Math.max(0, startColumn) : startColumn }; } if (!skipFirstLine || endLine > 1) { const endColumn = targetLoc.end.column + by; targetLoc.end = { line: endLine, column: noNegativeColumns ? Math.max(0, endColumn) : endColumn }; } return new Mapping(this.sourceLines, this.sourceLoc, targetLoc); } } function addPos(toPos, line, column) { return { line: toPos.line + line - 1, column: toPos.line === 1 ? toPos.column + column : toPos.column }; } function subtractPos(fromPos, line, column) { return { line: fromPos.line - line + 1, column: fromPos.line === line ? fromPos.column - column : fromPos.column }; } function skipChars(sourceLines, sourceFromPos, targetLines, targetFromPos, targetToPos) { const targetComparison = comparePos(targetFromPos, targetToPos); if (targetComparison === 0) { return sourceFromPos; } let sourceCursor, targetCursor; if (targetComparison < 0) { sourceCursor = sourceLines.skipSpaces(sourceFromPos) || sourceLines.lastPos(); targetCursor = targetLines.skipSpaces(targetFromPos) || targetLines.lastPos(); const lineDiff = targetToPos.line - targetCursor.line; sourceCursor.line += lineDiff; targetCursor.line += lineDiff; if (lineDiff > 0) { sourceCursor.column = 0; targetCursor.column = 0; } while (comparePos(targetCursor, targetToPos) < 0 && targetLines.nextPos(targetCursor, true)) { } } else { sourceCursor = sourceLines.skipSpaces(sourceFromPos, true) || sourceLines.firstPos(); targetCursor = targetLines.skipSpaces(targetFromPos, true) || targetLines.firstPos(); const lineDiff = targetToPos.line - targetCursor.line; sourceCursor.line += lineDiff; targetCursor.line += lineDiff; if (lineDiff < 0) { sourceCursor.column = sourceLines.getLineLength(sourceCursor.line); targetCursor.column = targetLines.getLineLength(targetCursor.line); } while (comparePos(targetToPos, targetCursor) < 0 && targetLines.prevPos(targetCursor, true)) { } } return sourceCursor; } var __defProp$1 = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp$1 = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp$1(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField$1 = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp$1(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; class Lines { constructor(infos, sourceFileName = null) { this.infos = infos; __publicField$1(this, "length"); __publicField$1(this, "name"); __publicField$1(this, "mappings", []); __publicField$1(this, "cachedSourceMap", null); __publicField$1(this, "cachedTabWidth"); this.length = infos.length; = sourceFileName || null; if ( { this.mappings.push( new Mapping(this, { start: this.firstPos(), end: this.lastPos() }) ); } } toString(options) { return this.sliceString(this.firstPos(), this.lastPos(), options); } getSourceMap(sourceMapName, sourceRoot) { if (!sourceMapName) { return null; } const targetLines = this; function updateJSON(json) { json = json || {}; json.file = sourceMapName; if (sourceRoot) { json.sourceRoot = sourceRoot; } return json; } if (targetLines.cachedSourceMap) { return updateJSON(targetLines.cachedSourceMap.toJSON()); } const smg = new sourceMap.SourceMapGenerator(updateJSON()); const sourcesToContents = {}; targetLines.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { const sourceCursor = mapping.sourceLines.skipSpaces(mapping.sourceLoc.start) || mapping.sourceLines.lastPos(); const targetCursor = targetLines.skipSpaces(mapping.targetLoc.start) || targetLines.lastPos(); while (comparePos(sourceCursor, mapping.sourceLoc.end) < 0 && comparePos(targetCursor, mapping.targetLoc.end) < 0) { mapping.sourceLines.charAt(sourceCursor); targetLines.charAt(targetCursor); const sourceName =; smg.addMapping({ source: sourceName, original: { line: sourceCursor.line, column: sourceCursor.column }, generated: { line: targetCursor.line, column: targetCursor.column } }); if (!, sourceName)) { const sourceContent = mapping.sourceLines.toString(); smg.setSourceContent(sourceName, sourceContent); sourcesToContents[sourceName] = sourceContent; } targetLines.nextPos(targetCursor, true); mapping.sourceLines.nextPos(sourceCursor, true); } }); targetLines.cachedSourceMap = smg; return smg.toJSON(); } bootstrapCharAt(pos) { const line = pos.line, column = pos.column, strings = this.toString().split(lineTerminatorSeqExp), string = strings[line - 1]; if (typeof string === "undefined") return ""; if (column === string.length && line < strings.length) return "\n"; if (column >= string.length) return ""; return string.charAt(column); } charAt(pos) { let line = pos.line, column = pos.column, secret = this, infos = secret.infos, info = infos[line - 1], c = column; if (typeof info === "undefined" || c < 0) return ""; const indent = this.getIndentAt(line); if (c < indent) return " "; c += info.sliceStart - indent; if (c === info.sliceEnd && line < this.length) return "\n"; if (c >= info.sliceEnd) return ""; return info.line.charAt(c); } stripMargin(width, skipFirstLine) { if (width === 0) return this; if (skipFirstLine && this.length === 1) return this; const lines = new Lines(, i) { if (info.line && (i > 0 || !skipFirstLine)) { info = {, indent: Math.max(0, info.indent - width) }; } return info; }) ); if (this.mappings.length > 0) { const newMappings = lines.mappings; this.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { newMappings.push(mapping.indent(width, skipFirstLine, true)); }); } return lines; } indent(by) { if (by === 0) { return this; } const lines = new Lines( { if (info.line && !info.locked) { info = {, indent: info.indent + by }; } return info; }) ); if (this.mappings.length > 0) { const newMappings = lines.mappings; this.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { newMappings.push(mapping.indent(by)); }); } return lines; } indentTail(by) { if (by === 0) { return this; } if (this.length < 2) { return this; } const lines = new Lines(, i) { if (i > 0 && info.line && !info.locked) { info = {, indent: info.indent + by }; } return info; }) ); if (this.mappings.length > 0) { const newMappings = lines.mappings; this.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { newMappings.push(mapping.indent(by, true)); }); } return lines; } lockIndentTail() { if (this.length < 2) { return this; } return new Lines(, i) => ({, locked: i > 0 })) ); } getIndentAt(line) { return Math.max(this.infos[line - 1].indent, 0); } guessTabWidth() { if (typeof this.cachedTabWidth === "number") { return this.cachedTabWidth; } const counts = []; let lastIndent = 0; for (let line = 1, last = this.length; line <= last; ++line) { const info = this.infos[line - 1]; const sliced = info.line.slice(info.sliceStart, info.sliceEnd); if (isOnlyWhitespace(sliced)) { continue; } const diff = Math.abs(info.indent - lastIndent); counts[diff] = ~~counts[diff] + 1; lastIndent = info.indent; } let maxCount = -1; let result = 2; for (let tabWidth = 1; tabWidth < counts.length; tabWidth += 1) { if (, tabWidth) && counts[tabWidth] > maxCount) { maxCount = counts[tabWidth]; result = tabWidth; } } return this.cachedTabWidth = result; } // Determine if the list of lines has a first line that starts with a // // or /* comment. If this is the case, the code may need to be wrapped in // parens to avoid ASI issues. startsWithComment() { if (this.infos.length === 0) { return false; } const firstLineInfo = this.infos[0], sliceStart = firstLineInfo.sliceStart, sliceEnd = firstLineInfo.sliceEnd, firstLine = firstLineInfo.line.slice(sliceStart, sliceEnd).trim(); return firstLine.length === 0 || firstLine.slice(0, 2) === "//" || firstLine.slice(0, 2) === "/*"; } isOnlyWhitespace() { return isOnlyWhitespace(this.toString()); } isPrecededOnlyByWhitespace(pos) { const info = this.infos[pos.line - 1]; const indent = Math.max(info.indent, 0); const diff = pos.column - indent; if (diff <= 0) { return true; } const start = info.sliceStart; const end = Math.min(start + diff, info.sliceEnd); const prefix = info.line.slice(start, end); return isOnlyWhitespace(prefix); } getLineLength(line) { const info = this.infos[line - 1]; return this.getIndentAt(line) + info.sliceEnd - info.sliceStart; } nextPos(pos, skipSpaces = false) { const l = Math.max(pos.line, 0), c = Math.max(pos.column, 0); if (c < this.getLineLength(l)) { pos.column += 1; return skipSpaces ? !!this.skipSpaces(pos, false, true) : true; } if (l < this.length) { pos.line += 1; pos.column = 0; return skipSpaces ? !!this.skipSpaces(pos, false, true) : true; } return false; } prevPos(pos, skipSpaces = false) { let l = pos.line, c = pos.column; if (c < 1) { l -= 1; if (l < 1) return false; c = this.getLineLength(l); } else { c = Math.min(c - 1, this.getLineLength(l)); } pos.line = l; pos.column = c; return skipSpaces ? !!this.skipSpaces(pos, true, true) : true; } firstPos() { return { line: 1, column: 0 }; } lastPos() { return { line: this.length, column: this.getLineLength(this.length) }; } skipSpaces(pos, backward = false, modifyInPlace = false) { if (pos) { pos = modifyInPlace ? pos : { line: pos.line, column: pos.column }; } else if (backward) { pos = this.lastPos(); } else { pos = this.firstPos(); } if (backward) { while (this.prevPos(pos)) { if (!isOnlyWhitespace(this.charAt(pos)) && this.nextPos(pos)) { return pos; } } return null; } else { while (isOnlyWhitespace(this.charAt(pos))) { if (!this.nextPos(pos)) { return null; } } return pos; } } trimLeft() { const pos = this.skipSpaces(this.firstPos(), false, true); return pos ? this.slice(pos) : emptyLines; } trimRight() { const pos = this.skipSpaces(this.lastPos(), true, true); return pos ? this.slice(this.firstPos(), pos) : emptyLines; } trim() { const start = this.skipSpaces(this.firstPos(), false, true); if (start === null) { return emptyLines; } const end = this.skipSpaces(this.lastPos(), true, true); if (end === null) { return emptyLines; } return this.slice(start, end); } eachPos(callback, startPos = this.firstPos(), skipSpaces = false) { const pos = this.firstPos(); if (startPos) { pos.line = startPos.line, pos.column = startPos.column; } if (skipSpaces && !this.skipSpaces(pos, false, true)) { return; } do, pos); while (this.nextPos(pos, skipSpaces)); } bootstrapSlice(start, end) { const strings = this.toString().split(lineTerminatorSeqExp).slice(start.line - 1, end.line); if (strings.length > 0) { strings.push(strings.pop().slice(0, end.column)); strings[0] = strings[0].slice(start.column); } return fromString(strings.join("\n")); } slice(start, end) { if (!end) { if (!start) { return this; } end = this.lastPos(); } if (!start) { throw new Error("cannot slice with end but not start"); } const sliced = this.infos.slice(start.line - 1, end.line); if (start.line === end.line) { sliced[0] = sliceInfo(sliced[0], start.column, end.column); } else { sliced[0] = sliceInfo(sliced[0], start.column); sliced.push(sliceInfo(sliced.pop(), 0, end.column)); } const lines = new Lines(sliced); if (this.mappings.length > 0) { const newMappings = lines.mappings; this.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { const sliced2 = mapping.slice(this, start, end); if (sliced2) { newMappings.push(sliced2); } }, this); } return lines; } bootstrapSliceString(start, end, options) { return this.slice(start, end).toString(options); } sliceString(start = this.firstPos(), end = this.lastPos(), options) { const { tabWidth, useTabs, reuseWhitespace, lineTerminator } = normalize(options); const parts = []; for (let line = start.line; line <= end.line; ++line) { let info = this.infos[line - 1]; if (line === start.line) { if (line === end.line) { info = sliceInfo(info, start.column, end.column); } else { info = sliceInfo(info, start.column); } } else if (line === end.line) { info = sliceInfo(info, 0, end.column); } const indent = Math.max(info.indent, 0); const before = info.line.slice(0, info.sliceStart); if (reuseWhitespace && isOnlyWhitespace(before) && countSpaces(before, tabWidth) === indent) { parts.push(info.line.slice(0, info.sliceEnd)); continue; } let tabs = 0; let spaces = indent; if (useTabs) { tabs = Math.floor(indent / tabWidth); spaces -= tabs * tabWidth; } let result = ""; if (tabs > 0) { result += new Array(tabs + 1).join(" "); } if (spaces > 0) { result += new Array(spaces + 1).join(" "); } result += info.line.slice(info.sliceStart, info.sliceEnd); parts.push(result); } return parts.join(lineTerminator); } isEmpty() { return this.length < 2 && this.getLineLength(1) < 1; } join(elements) { const separator = this; const infos = []; const mappings = []; let prevInfo; function appendLines(linesOrNull) { if (linesOrNull === null) { return; } if (prevInfo) { const info = linesOrNull.infos[0]; const indent = new Array(info.indent + 1).join(" "); const prevLine = infos.length; const prevColumn = Math.max(prevInfo.indent, 0) + prevInfo.sliceEnd - prevInfo.sliceStart; prevInfo.line = prevInfo.line.slice(0, prevInfo.sliceEnd) + indent + info.line.slice(info.sliceStart, info.sliceEnd); prevInfo.locked = prevInfo.locked || info.locked; prevInfo.sliceEnd = prevInfo.line.length; if (linesOrNull.mappings.length > 0) { linesOrNull.mappings.forEach(function(mapping) { mappings.push(mapping.add(prevLine, prevColumn)); }); } } else if (linesOrNull.mappings.length > 0) { mappings.push.apply(mappings, linesOrNull.mappings); } linesOrNull.infos.forEach(function(info, i) { if (!prevInfo || i > 0) { prevInfo = { }; infos.push(prevInfo); } }); } function appendWithSeparator(linesOrNull, i) { if (i > 0) appendLines(separator); appendLines(linesOrNull); } { const lines2 = fromString(elem); if (lines2.isEmpty()) return null; return lines2; }).forEach((linesOrNull, i) => { if (separator.isEmpty()) { appendLines(linesOrNull); } else { appendWithSeparator(linesOrNull, i); } }); if (infos.length < 1) return emptyLines; const lines = new Lines(infos); lines.mappings = mappings; return lines; } concat(...args) { const list = [this]; list.push.apply(list, args); return emptyLines.join(list); } } const fromStringCache = {}; const hasOwn = fromStringCache.hasOwnProperty; const maxCacheKeyLen = 10; function countSpaces(spaces, tabWidth) { let count = 0; const len = spaces.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch (spaces.charCodeAt(i)) { case 9: { const next = Math.ceil(count / tabWidth) * tabWidth; if (next === count) { count += tabWidth; } else { count = next; } break; } case 11: case 12: case 13: case 65279: break; case 32: default: count += 1; break; } } return count; } const leadingSpaceExp = /^\s*/; const lineTerminatorSeqExp = /\u000D\u000A|\u000D(?!\u000A)|\u000A|\u2028|\u2029/; function fromString(string, options) { if (string instanceof Lines) return string; string += ""; const tabWidth = options && options.tabWidth; const tabless = string.indexOf(" ") < 0; const cacheable = !options && tabless && string.length <= maxCacheKeyLen; if (cacheable &&, string)) return fromStringCache[string]; const lines = new Lines( string.split(lineTerminatorSeqExp).map(function(line) { const spaces = leadingSpaceExp.exec(line)[0]; return { line, indent: countSpaces(spaces, tabWidth), // Boolean indicating whether this line can be reindented. locked: false, sliceStart: spaces.length, sliceEnd: line.length }; }), normalize(options).sourceFileName ); if (cacheable) fromStringCache[string] = lines; return lines; } function isOnlyWhitespace(string) { return !/\S/.test(string); } function sliceInfo(info, startCol, endCol) { let sliceStart = info.sliceStart; let sliceEnd = info.sliceEnd; let indent = Math.max(info.indent, 0); let lineLength = indent + sliceEnd - sliceStart; if (typeof endCol === "undefined") { endCol = lineLength; } startCol = Math.max(startCol, 0); endCol = Math.min(endCol, lineLength); endCol = Math.max(endCol, startCol); if (endCol < indent) { indent = endCol; sliceEnd = sliceStart; } else { sliceEnd -= lineLength - endCol; } lineLength = endCol; lineLength -= startCol; if (startCol < indent) { indent -= startCol; } else { startCol -= indent; indent = 0; sliceStart += startCol; } if (info.indent === indent && info.sliceStart === sliceStart && info.sliceEnd === sliceEnd) { return info; } return { line: info.line, indent, // A destructive slice always unlocks indentation. locked: false, sliceStart, sliceEnd }; } function concat(elements) { return emptyLines.join(elements); } const emptyLines = fromString(""); const n$1 = namedTypes$1; const isArray$3 = builtInTypes.array; const isObject$3 = builtInTypes.object; const childNodesCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function getSortedChildNodes(node, lines, resultArray) { if (!node) { return resultArray; } fixFaultyLocations(node, lines); if (resultArray) { if (n$1.Node.check(node) && n$1.SourceLocation.check(node.loc)) { let i = resultArray.length - 1; for (; i >= 0; --i) { const child = resultArray[i]; if (child && child.loc && comparePos(child.loc.end, node.loc.start) <= 0) { break; } } resultArray.splice(i + 1, 0, node); return resultArray; } } else { const childNodes = childNodesCache.get(node); if (childNodes) { return childNodes; } } let names; if (isArray$3.check(node)) { names = Object.keys(node); } else if (isObject$3.check(node)) { names = getFieldNames(node); } else { return resultArray; } if (!resultArray) { childNodesCache.set(node, resultArray = []); } for (let i = 0, nameCount = names.length; i < nameCount; ++i) { getSortedChildNodes(node[names[i]], lines, resultArray); } return resultArray; } function decorateComment(node, comment, lines) { const childNodes = getSortedChildNodes(node, lines); let left = 0; let right = childNodes && childNodes.length; let precedingNode; let followingNode; while (typeof right === "number" && left < right) { const middle = left + right >> 1; const child = childNodes[middle]; if (comparePos(child.loc.start, comment.loc.start) <= 0 && comparePos(comment.loc.end, child.loc.end) <= 0) { decorateComment(comment.enclosingNode = child, comment, lines); return; } if (comparePos(child.loc.end, comment.loc.start) <= 0) { precedingNode = child; left = middle + 1; continue; } if (comparePos(comment.loc.end, child.loc.start) <= 0) { followingNode = child; right = middle; continue; } throw new Error("Comment location overlaps with node location"); } if (precedingNode) { comment.precedingNode = precedingNode; } if (followingNode) { comment.followingNode = followingNode; } } function attach(comments, ast, lines) { if (!isArray$3.check(comments)) { return; } const tiesToBreak = []; comments.forEach(function(comment) { comment.loc.lines = lines; decorateComment(ast, comment, lines); const pn = comment.precedingNode; const en = comment.enclosingNode; const fn = comment.followingNode; if (pn && fn) { const tieCount = tiesToBreak.length; if (tieCount > 0) { const lastTie = tiesToBreak[tieCount - 1]; if (lastTie.followingNode !== comment.followingNode) { breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); } } tiesToBreak.push(comment); } else if (pn) { breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); addTrailingComment(pn, comment); } else if (fn) { breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); addLeadingComment(fn, comment); } else if (en) { breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); addDanglingComment(en, comment); } else { throw new Error("AST contains no nodes at all?"); } }); breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines); comments.forEach(function(comment) { delete comment.precedingNode; delete comment.enclosingNode; delete comment.followingNode; }); } function breakTies(tiesToBreak, lines) { const tieCount = tiesToBreak.length; if (tieCount === 0) { return; } const pn = tiesToBreak[0].precedingNode; const fn = tiesToBreak[0].followingNode; let gapEndPos = fn.loc.start; let indexOfFirstLeadingComment = tieCount; let comment; for (; indexOfFirstLeadingComment > 0; --indexOfFirstLeadingComment) { comment = tiesToBreak[indexOfFirstLeadingComment - 1]; const gap = lines.sliceString(comment.loc.end, gapEndPos); if (/\S/.test(gap)) { break; } gapEndPos = comment.loc.start; } while (indexOfFirstLeadingComment <= tieCount && (comment = tiesToBreak[indexOfFirstLeadingComment]) && // If the comment is a //-style comment and indented more // deeply than the node itself, reconsider it as trailing. (comment.type === "Line" || comment.type === "CommentLine") && comment.loc.start.column > fn.loc.start.column) { ++indexOfFirstLeadingComment; } if (indexOfFirstLeadingComment) { const { enclosingNode } = tiesToBreak[indexOfFirstLeadingComment - 1]; if (enclosingNode?.type === "CallExpression") { --indexOfFirstLeadingComment; } } tiesToBreak.forEach(function(comment2, i) { if (i < indexOfFirstLeadingComment) { addTrailingComment(pn, comment2); } else { addLeadingComment(fn, comment2); } }); tiesToBreak.length = 0; } function addCommentHelper(node, comment) { const comments = node.comments || (node.comments = []); comments.push(comment); } function addLeadingComment(node, comment) { comment.leading = true; comment.trailing = false; addCommentHelper(node, comment); } function addDanglingComment(node, comment) { comment.leading = false; comment.trailing = false; addCommentHelper(node, comment); } function addTrailingComment(node, comment) { comment.leading = false; comment.trailing = true; addCommentHelper(node, comment); } function printLeadingComment(commentPath, print) { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); n$1.Comment.assert(comment); const loc = comment.loc; const lines = loc && loc.lines; const parts = [print(commentPath)]; if (comment.trailing) { parts.push("\n"); } else if (lines instanceof Lines) { const trailingSpace = lines.slice( loc.end, lines.skipSpaces(loc.end) || lines.lastPos() ); if (trailingSpace.length === 1) { parts.push(trailingSpace); } else { parts.push(new Array(trailingSpace.length).join("\n")); } } else { parts.push("\n"); } return concat(parts); } function printTrailingComment(commentPath, print) { const comment = commentPath.getValue(commentPath); n$1.Comment.assert(comment); const loc = comment.loc; const lines = loc && loc.lines; const parts = []; if (lines instanceof Lines) { const fromPos = lines.skipSpaces(loc.start, true) || lines.firstPos(); const leadingSpace = lines.slice(fromPos, loc.start); if (leadingSpace.length === 1) { parts.push(leadingSpace); } else { parts.push(new Array(leadingSpace.length).join("\n")); } } parts.push(print(commentPath)); return concat(parts); } function printComments(path, print) { const value = path.getValue(); const innerLines = print(path); const comments = n$1.Node.check(value) && getFieldValue(value, "comments"); if (!comments || comments.length === 0) { return innerLines; } const leadingParts = []; const trailingParts = [innerLines]; path.each(function(commentPath) { const comment = commentPath.getValue(); const leading = getFieldValue(comment, "leading"); const trailing = getFieldValue(comment, "trailing"); if (leading || trailing && !(n$1.Statement.check(value) || comment.type === "Block" || comment.type === "CommentBlock")) { leadingParts.push(printLeadingComment(commentPath, print)); } else if (trailing) { trailingParts.push(printTrailingComment(commentPath, print)); } }, "comments"); leadingParts.push.apply(leadingParts, trailingParts); return concat(leadingParts); } const b$5 = builders$1; const isObject$2 = builtInTypes.object; const isArray$2 = builtInTypes.array; function parse(source, options) { options = normalize(options); const lines = fromString(source, options); const sourceWithoutTabs = lines.toString({ tabWidth: options.tabWidth, reuseWhitespace: false, useTabs: false }); let comments = []; const ast = options.parser.parse(sourceWithoutTabs, { jsx: true, loc: true, locations: true, range: options.range, comment: true, onComment: comments, tolerant: getOption(options, "tolerant", true), ecmaVersion: 6, sourceType: getOption(options, "sourceType", "module") }); const tokens = Array.isArray(ast.tokens) ? ast.tokens : false; delete ast.tokens; tokens.forEach(function(token) { if (typeof token.value !== "string") { token.value = lines.sliceString(token.loc.start, token.loc.end); } }); if (Array.isArray(ast.comments)) { comments = ast.comments; delete ast.comments; } if (ast.loc) { fixFaultyLocations(ast, lines); } else { ast.loc = { start: lines.firstPos(), end: lines.lastPos() }; } ast.loc.lines = lines; ast.loc.indent = 0; let file; let program; if (ast.type === "Program") { program = ast; file = b$5.file(ast, options.sourceFileName || null); file.loc = { start: lines.firstPos(), end: lines.lastPos(), lines, indent: 0 }; } else if (ast.type === "File") { file = ast; program = file.program; } if (options.tokens) { file.tokens = tokens; } const trueProgramLoc = getTrueLoc( { type: program.type, loc: program.loc, body: [], comments }, lines ); program.loc.start = trueProgramLoc.start; program.loc.end = trueProgramLoc.end; attach(comments, program.body.length ? file.program : file, lines); return new TreeCopier(lines, tokens).copy(file); } const TreeCopier = function TreeCopier2(lines, tokens) { this.lines = lines; this.tokens = tokens; this.startTokenIndex = 0; this.endTokenIndex = tokens.length; this.indent = 0; this.seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); }; const TCp = TreeCopier.prototype; TCp.copy = function(node) { if (this.seen.has(node)) { return this.seen.get(node); } if (isArray$2.check(node)) { const copy2 = new Array(node.length); this.seen.set(node, copy2); node.forEach(function(item, i) { copy2[i] = this.copy(item); }, this); return copy2; } if (!isObject$2.check(node)) { return node; } fixFaultyLocations(node, this.lines); const copy = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(node), { original: { // Provide a link from the copy to the original. value: node, configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: true } }); this.seen.set(node, copy); const loc = node.loc; const oldIndent = this.indent; let newIndent = oldIndent; const oldStartTokenIndex = this.startTokenIndex; const oldEndTokenIndex = this.endTokenIndex; if (loc) { if (node.type === "Block" || node.type === "Line" || node.type === "CommentBlock" || node.type === "CommentLine" || this.lines.isPrecededOnlyByWhitespace(loc.start)) { newIndent = this.indent = loc.start.column; } loc.lines = this.lines; loc.tokens = this.tokens; loc.indent = newIndent; this.findTokenRange(loc); } const keys = Object.keys(node); const keyCount = keys.length; for (let i = 0; i < keyCount; ++i) { const key = keys[i]; if (key === "loc") { copy[key] = node[key]; } else if (key === "tokens" && node.type === "File") { copy[key] = node[key]; } else { copy[key] = this.copy(node[key]); } } this.indent = oldIndent; this.startTokenIndex = oldStartTokenIndex; this.endTokenIndex = oldEndTokenIndex; return copy; }; TCp.findTokenRange = function(loc) { while (this.startTokenIndex > 0) { const token = loc.tokens[this.startTokenIndex]; if (comparePos(loc.start, token.loc.start) < 0) { --this.startTokenIndex; } else break; } while (this.endTokenIndex < loc.tokens.length) { const token = loc.tokens[this.endTokenIndex]; if (comparePos(token.loc.end, loc.end) < 0) { ++this.endTokenIndex; } else break; } while (this.startTokenIndex < this.endTokenIndex) { const token = loc.tokens[this.startTokenIndex]; if (comparePos(token.loc.start, loc.start) < 0) { ++this.startTokenIndex; } else break; } loc.start.token = this.startTokenIndex; while (this.endTokenIndex > this.startTokenIndex) { const token = loc.tokens[this.endTokenIndex - 1]; if (comparePos(loc.end, token.loc.end) < 0) { --this.endTokenIndex; } else break; } loc.end.token = this.endTokenIndex; }; const n = namedTypes$1; const isArray$1 = builtInTypes.array; const isNumber = builtInTypes.number; const PRECEDENCE = {}; [ ["??"], ["||"], ["&&"], ["|"], ["^"], ["&"], ["==", "===", "!=", "!=="], ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "in", "instanceof"], [">>", "<<", ">>>"], ["+", "-"], ["*", "/", "%"], ["**"] ].forEach(function(tier, i) { tier.forEach(function(op) { PRECEDENCE[op] = i; }); }); const FastPath = function FastPath2(value) { this.stack = [value]; }; const FPp = FastPath.prototype; FastPath.from = function(obj) { if (obj instanceof FastPath) { return obj.copy(); } if (obj instanceof NodePath) { const copy2 = Object.create(FastPath.prototype); const stack = [obj.value]; for (let pp; pp = obj.parentPath; obj = pp) stack.push(, pp.value); copy2.stack = stack.reverse(); return copy2; } return new FastPath(obj); }; FPp.copy = function copy() { const copy2 = Object.create(FastPath.prototype); copy2.stack = this.stack.slice(0); return copy2; }; FPp.getName = function getName() { const s = this.stack; const len = s.length; if (len > 1) { return s[len - 2]; } return null; }; FPp.getValue = function getValue() { const s = this.stack; return s[s.length - 1]; }; FPp.valueIsDuplicate = function() { const s = this.stack; const valueIndex = s.length - 1; return s.lastIndexOf(s[valueIndex], valueIndex - 1) >= 0; }; function getNodeHelper(path, count) { const s = path.stack; for (let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) { const value = s[i]; if (n.Node.check(value) && --count < 0) { return value; } } return null; } FPp.getNode = function getNode(count = 0) { return getNodeHelper(this, ~~count); }; FPp.getParentNode = function getParentNode(count = 0) { return getNodeHelper(this, ~~count + 1); }; FPp.getRootValue = function getRootValue() { const s = this.stack; if (s.length % 2 === 0) { return s[1]; } return s[0]; }; = function call(callback) { const s = this.stack; const origLen = s.length; let value = s[origLen - 1]; const argc = arguments.length; for (let i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const name = arguments[i]; value = value[name]; s.push(name, value); } const result = callback(this); s.length = origLen; return result; }; FPp.each = function each(callback) { const s = this.stack; const origLen = s.length; let value = s[origLen - 1]; const argc = arguments.length; for (let i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const name = arguments[i]; value = value[name]; s.push(name, value); } for (let i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { if (i in value) { s.push(i, value[i]); callback(this); s.length -= 2; } } s.length = origLen; }; = function map(callback) { const s = this.stack; const origLen = s.length; let value = s[origLen - 1]; const argc = arguments.length; for (let i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { const name = arguments[i]; value = value[name]; s.push(name, value); } const result = new Array(value.length); for (let i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) { if (i in value) { s.push(i, value[i]); result[i] = callback(this, i); s.length -= 2; } } s.length = origLen; return result; }; FPp.hasParens = function() { const node = this.getNode(); const prevToken = this.getPrevToken(node); if (!prevToken) { return false; } const nextToken = this.getNextToken(node); if (!nextToken) { return false; } if (prevToken.value === "(") { if (nextToken.value === ")") { return true; } const justNeedsOpeningParen = !this.canBeFirstInStatement() && this.firstInStatement() && !this.needsParens(true); if (justNeedsOpeningParen) { return true; } } return false; }; FPp.getPrevToken = function(node) { node = node || this.getNode(); const loc = node && node.loc; const tokens = loc && loc.tokens; if (tokens && loc.start.token > 0) { const token = tokens[loc.start.token - 1]; if (token) { const rootLoc = this.getRootValue().loc; if (comparePos(rootLoc.start, token.loc.start) <= 0) { return token; } } } return null; }; FPp.getNextToken = function(node) { node = node || this.getNode(); const loc = node && node.loc; const tokens = loc && loc.tokens; if (tokens && loc.end.token < tokens.length) { const token = tokens[loc.end.token]; if (token) { const rootLoc = this.getRootValue().loc; if (comparePos(token.loc.end, rootLoc.end) <= 0) { return token; } } } return null; }; FPp.needsParens = function(assumeExpressionContext) { const node = this.getNode(); if (node.type === "AssignmentExpression" && node.left.type === "ObjectPattern") { return true; } const parent = this.getParentNode(); const name = this.getName(); if (this.getValue() !== node) { return false; } if (n.Statement.check(node)) { return false; } if (node.type === "Identifier") { return false; } if (parent && parent.type === "ParenthesizedExpression") { return false; } if (node.extra && node.extra.parenthesized) { return true; } if (!parent) return false; if (node.type === "UnaryExpression" && parent.type === "BinaryExpression" && name === "left" && parent.left === node && parent.operator === "**") { return true; } switch (node.type) { case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": return parent.type === "MemberExpression" && name === "object" && parent.object === node; case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "CallExpression": return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node; case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": return true; case "MemberExpression": return name === "object" && parent.object === node; case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": { const po = parent.operator; const pp = PRECEDENCE[po]; const no = node.operator; const np = PRECEDENCE[no]; if (pp > np) { return true; } if (pp === np && name === "right") { return true; } break; } default: return false; } break; case "SequenceExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "ReturnStatement": return false; case "ForStatement": return false; case "ExpressionStatement": return name !== "expression"; default: return true; } case "OptionalIndexedAccessType": return node.optional && parent.type === "IndexedAccessType"; case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation": case "UnionTypeAnnotation": return parent.type === "NullableTypeAnnotation"; case "Literal": return parent.type === "MemberExpression" && isNumber.check(node.value) && name === "object" && parent.object === node; case "NumericLiteral": return parent.type === "MemberExpression" && name === "object" && parent.object === node; case "YieldExpression": case "AwaitExpression": case "AssignmentExpression": case "ConditionalExpression": switch (parent.type) { case "UnaryExpression": case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadProperty": case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": return true; case "CallExpression": case "NewExpression": return name === "callee" && parent.callee === node; case "ConditionalExpression": return name === "test" && parent.test === node; case "MemberExpression": return name === "object" && parent.object === node; default: return false; } case "ArrowFunctionExpression": if (n.CallExpression.check(parent) && name === "callee" && parent.callee === node) { return true; } if (n.MemberExpression.check(parent) && name === "object" && parent.object === node) { return true; } if (n.TSAsExpression && n.TSAsExpression.check(parent) && name === "expression" && parent.expression === node) { return true; } return isBinary(parent); case "ObjectExpression": if (parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && name === "body" && parent.body === node) { return true; } break; case "TSAsExpression": if (parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && name === "body" && parent.body === node && node.expression.type === "ObjectExpression") { return true; } break; case "CallExpression": if (name === "declaration" && n.ExportDefaultDeclaration.check(parent) && n.FunctionExpression.check(node.callee)) { return true; } } if (parent.type === "NewExpression" && name === "callee" && parent.callee === node) { return containsCallExpression(node); } if (assumeExpressionContext !== true && !this.canBeFirstInStatement() && this.firstInStatement()) { return true; } return false; }; function isBinary(node) { return n.BinaryExpression.check(node) || n.LogicalExpression.check(node); } function containsCallExpression(node) { if (n.CallExpression.check(node)) { return true; } if (isArray$1.check(node)) { return node.some(containsCallExpression); } if (n.Node.check(node)) { return someField( node, (_name, child) => containsCallExpression(child) ); } return false; } FPp.canBeFirstInStatement = function() { const node = this.getNode(); if (n.FunctionExpression.check(node)) { return false; } if (n.ObjectExpression.check(node)) { return false; } if (n.ClassExpression.check(node)) { return false; } return true; }; FPp.firstInStatement = function() { const s = this.stack; let parentName, parent; let childName, child; for (let i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (n.Node.check(s[i])) { childName = parentName; child = parent; parentName = s[i - 1]; parent = s[i]; } if (!parent || !child) { continue; } if (n.BlockStatement.check(parent) && parentName === "body" && childName === 0) { return true; } if (n.ExpressionStatement.check(parent) && childName === "expression") { return true; } if (n.AssignmentExpression.check(parent) && childName === "left") { return true; } if (n.ArrowFunctionExpression.check(parent) && childName === "body") { return true; } if (n.SequenceExpression.check(parent) && s[i + 1] === "expressions" && childName === 0) { continue; } if (n.CallExpression.check(parent) && childName === "callee") { continue; } if (n.MemberExpression.check(parent) && childName === "object") { continue; } if (n.ConditionalExpression.check(parent) && childName === "test") { continue; } if (isBinary(parent) && childName === "left") { continue; } if (n.UnaryExpression.check(parent) && !parent.prefix && childName === "argument") { continue; } return false; } return true; }; const Printable = namedTypes$1.Printable; const Expression = namedTypes$1.Expression; const ReturnStatement = namedTypes$1.ReturnStatement; const SourceLocation = namedTypes$1.SourceLocation; const isObject$1 = builtInTypes.object; const isArray = builtInTypes.array; const isString$1 = builtInTypes.string; const riskyAdjoiningCharExp = /[0-9a-z_$]/i; const Patcher = function Patcher2(lines) { const self = this, replacements = []; self.replace = function(loc, lines2) { if (isString$1.check(lines2)) lines2 = fromString(lines2); replacements.push({ lines: lines2, start: loc.start, end: loc.end }); }; self.get = function(loc) { loc = loc || { start: { line: 1, column: 0 }, end: { line: lines.length, column: lines.getLineLength(lines.length) } }; let sliceFrom = loc.start, toConcat = []; function pushSlice(from, to) { toConcat.push(lines.slice(from, to)); } replacements.sort((a, b) => comparePos(a.start, b.start)).forEach(function(rep) { if (comparePos(sliceFrom, rep.start) > 0) ; else { pushSlice(sliceFrom, rep.start); toConcat.push(rep.lines); sliceFrom = rep.end; } }); pushSlice(sliceFrom, loc.end); return concat(toConcat); }; }; const Pp = Patcher.prototype; Pp.tryToReprintComments = function(newNode, oldNode, print) { const patcher = this; if (!newNode.comments && !oldNode.comments) { return true; } const newPath = FastPath.from(newNode); const oldPath = FastPath.from(oldNode); newPath.stack.push("comments", getSurroundingComments(newNode)); oldPath.stack.push("comments", getSurroundingComments(oldNode)); const reprints = []; const ableToReprintComments = findArrayReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); if (ableToReprintComments && reprints.length > 0) { reprints.forEach(function(reprint) { const oldComment = reprint.oldPath.getValue(); patcher.replace( oldComment.loc, // Comments can't have .comments, so it doesn't matter whether we // print with comments or without. print(reprint.newPath).indentTail(oldComment.loc.indent) ); }); } return ableToReprintComments; }; function getSurroundingComments(node) { const result = []; if (node.comments && node.comments.length > 0) { node.comments.forEach(function(comment) { if (comment.leading || comment.trailing) { result.push(comment); } }); } return result; } Pp.deleteComments = function(node) { if (!node.comments) { return; } const patcher = this; node.comments.forEach(function(comment) { if (comment.leading) { patcher.replace( { start: comment.loc.start, end: node.loc.lines.skipSpaces(comment.loc.end, false, false) }, "" ); } else if (comment.trailing) { patcher.replace( { start: node.loc.lines.skipSpaces(comment.loc.start, true, false), end: comment.loc.end }, "" ); } }); }; function getReprinter(path) { const node = path.getValue(); if (!Printable.check(node)) return; const orig = node.original; const origLoc = orig && orig.loc; const lines = origLoc && origLoc.lines; const reprints = []; if (!lines || !findReprints(path, reprints)) return; return function(print) { const patcher = new Patcher(lines); reprints.forEach(function(reprint) { const newNode = reprint.newPath.getValue(); const oldNode = reprint.oldPath.getValue(); SourceLocation.assert(oldNode.loc, true); const needToPrintNewPathWithComments = !patcher.tryToReprintComments( newNode, oldNode, print ); if (needToPrintNewPathWithComments) { patcher.deleteComments(oldNode); } let newLines = print(reprint.newPath, { includeComments: needToPrintNewPathWithComments, // If the oldNode we're replacing already had parentheses, we may // not need to print the new node with any extra parentheses, // because the existing parentheses will suffice. However, if the // newNode has a different type than the oldNode, let the printer // decide if reprint.newPath needs parentheses, as usual. avoidRootParens: oldNode.type === newNode.type && reprint.oldPath.hasParens() }).indentTail(oldNode.loc.indent); const nls = needsLeadingSpace(lines, oldNode.loc, newLines); const nts = needsTrailingSpace(lines, oldNode.loc, newLines); if (nls || nts) { const newParts = []; nls && newParts.push(" "); newParts.push(newLines); nts && newParts.push(" "); newLines = concat(newParts); } patcher.replace(oldNode.loc, newLines); }); const patchedLines = patcher.get(origLoc).indentTail(-orig.loc.indent); if (path.needsParens()) { return concat(["(", patchedLines, ")"]); } return patchedLines; }; } function needsLeadingSpace(oldLines, oldLoc, newLines) { const posBeforeOldLoc = copyPos(oldLoc.start); const charBeforeOldLoc = oldLines.prevPos(posBeforeOldLoc) && oldLines.charAt(posBeforeOldLoc); const newFirstChar = newLines.charAt(newLines.firstPos()); return charBeforeOldLoc && riskyAdjoiningCharExp.test(charBeforeOldLoc) && newFirstChar && riskyAdjoiningCharExp.test(newFirstChar); } function needsTrailingSpace(oldLines, oldLoc, newLines) { const charAfterOldLoc = oldLines.charAt(oldLoc.end); const newLastPos = newLines.lastPos(); const newLastChar = newLines.prevPos(newLastPos) && newLines.charAt(newLastPos); return newLastChar && riskyAdjoiningCharExp.test(newLastChar) && charAfterOldLoc && riskyAdjoiningCharExp.test(charAfterOldLoc); } function findReprints(newPath, reprints) { const newNode = newPath.getValue(); Printable.assert(newNode); const oldNode = newNode.original; Printable.assert(oldNode); if (newNode.type !== oldNode.type) { return false; } const oldPath = new FastPath(oldNode); const canReprint = findChildReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); if (!canReprint) { reprints.length = 0; } return canReprint; } function findAnyReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints) { const newNode = newPath.getValue(); const oldNode = oldPath.getValue(); if (newNode === oldNode) return true; if (isArray.check(newNode)) return findArrayReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); if (isObject$1.check(newNode)) return findObjectReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); return false; } function findArrayReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints) { const newNode = newPath.getValue(); const oldNode = oldPath.getValue(); if (newNode === oldNode || newPath.valueIsDuplicate() || oldPath.valueIsDuplicate()) { return true; } isArray.assert(newNode); const len = newNode.length; if (!(isArray.check(oldNode) && oldNode.length === len)) return false; for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { newPath.stack.push(i, newNode[i]); oldPath.stack.push(i, oldNode[i]); const canReprint = findAnyReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); newPath.stack.length -= 2; oldPath.stack.length -= 2; if (!canReprint) { return false; } } return true; } function findObjectReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints) { const newNode = newPath.getValue(); isObject$1.assert(newNode); if (newNode.original === null) { return false; } const oldNode = oldPath.getValue(); if (!isObject$1.check(oldNode)) return false; if (newNode === oldNode || newPath.valueIsDuplicate() || oldPath.valueIsDuplicate()) { return true; } if (Printable.check(newNode)) { if (!Printable.check(oldNode)) { return false; } const newParentNode = newPath.getParentNode(); const oldParentNode = oldPath.getParentNode(); if (oldParentNode !== null && oldParentNode.type === "FunctionTypeAnnotation" && newParentNode !== null && newParentNode.type === "FunctionTypeAnnotation") { const oldNeedsParens = oldParentNode.params.length !== 1 || !!oldParentNode.params[0].name; const newNeedParens = newParentNode.params.length !== 1 || !!newParentNode.params[0].name; if (!oldNeedsParens && newNeedParens) { return false; } } if (newNode.type === oldNode.type) { const childReprints = []; if (findChildReprints(newPath, oldPath, childReprints)) { reprints.push.apply(reprints, childReprints); } else if (oldNode.loc) { reprints.push({ oldPath: oldPath.copy(), newPath: newPath.copy() }); } else { return false; } return true; } if (Expression.check(newNode) && Expression.check(oldNode) && // If we have no .loc information for oldNode, then we won't be // able to reprint it. oldNode.loc) { reprints.push({ oldPath: oldPath.copy(), newPath: newPath.copy() }); return true; } return false; } return findChildReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); } function findChildReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints) { const newNode = newPath.getValue(); const oldNode = oldPath.getValue(); isObject$1.assert(newNode); isObject$1.assert(oldNode); if (newNode.original === null) { return false; } if (newPath.needsParens() && !oldPath.hasParens()) { return false; } const keys = getUnionOfKeys(oldNode, newNode); if (oldNode.type === "File" || newNode.type === "File") { delete keys.tokens; } delete keys.loc; const originalReprintCount = reprints.length; for (let k in keys) { if (k.charAt(0) === "_") { continue; } newPath.stack.push(k, getFieldValue(newNode, k)); oldPath.stack.push(k, getFieldValue(oldNode, k)); const canReprint = findAnyReprints(newPath, oldPath, reprints); newPath.stack.length -= 2; oldPath.stack.length -= 2; if (!canReprint) { return false; } } if (ReturnStatement.check(newPath.getNode()) && reprints.length > originalReprintCount) { return false; } return true; } const namedTypes = namedTypes$1; const isString = builtInTypes.string; const isObject = builtInTypes.object; const PrintResult = function PrintResult2(code, sourceMap) { isString.assert(code); this.code = code; if (sourceMap) { isObject.assert(sourceMap); = sourceMap; } }; const PRp = PrintResult.prototype; let warnedAboutToString = false; PRp.toString = function() { if (!warnedAboutToString) { console.warn( "Deprecation warning: recast.print now returns an object with a .code property. You appear to be treating the object as a string, which might still work but is strongly discouraged." ); warnedAboutToString = true; } return this.code; }; const emptyPrintResult = new PrintResult(""); const Printer = function Printer2(config) { const explicitTabWidth = config && config.tabWidth; config = normalize(config); config.sourceFileName = null; function makePrintFunctionWith(options, overrides) { options = Object.assign({}, options, overrides); return (path) => print(path, options); } function print(path, options) { options = options || {}; if (options.includeComments) { return printComments( path, makePrintFunctionWith(options, { includeComments: false }) ); } const oldTabWidth = config.tabWidth; if (!explicitTabWidth) { const loc = path.getNode().loc; if (loc && loc.lines && loc.lines.guessTabWidth) { config.tabWidth = loc.lines.guessTabWidth(); } } const reprinter = getReprinter(path); const lines = reprinter ? ( // Since the print function that we pass to the reprinter will // be used to print "new" nodes, it's tempting to think we // should pass printRootGenerically instead of print, to avoid // calling maybeReprint again, but that would be a mistake // because the new nodes might not be entirely new, but merely // moved from elsewhere in the AST. The print function is the // right choice because it gives us the opportunity to reprint // such nodes using their original source. reprinter(print) ) : genericPrint( path, config, options, makePrintFunctionWith(options, { includeComments: true, avoidRootParens: false }) ); config.tabWidth = oldTabWidth; return lines; } this.print = function(ast) { if (!ast) { return emptyPrintResult; } const lines = print(FastPath.from(ast), { includeComments: true, avoidRootParens: false }); return new PrintResult( lines.toString(config), composeSourceMaps( config.inputSourceMap, lines.getSourceMap(config.sourceMapName, config.sourceRoot) ) ); }; this.printGenerically = function(ast) { if (!ast) { return emptyPrintResult; } function printGenerically(path2) { return printComments( path2, (path3) => genericPrint( path3, config, { includeComments: true, avoidRootParens: false }, printGenerically ) ); } const path = FastPath.from(ast); const oldReuseWhitespace = config.reuseWhitespace; config.reuseWhitespace = false; const pr = new PrintResult(printGenerically(path).toString(config)); config.reuseWhitespace = oldReuseWhitespace; return pr; }; }; function genericPrint(path, config, options, printPath) { const node = path.getValue(); const parts = []; const linesWithoutParens = genericPrintNoParens(path, config, printPath); if (!node || linesWithoutParens.isEmpty()) { return linesWithoutParens; } let shouldAddParens = false; const decoratorsLines = printDecorators(path, printPath); if (decoratorsLines.isEmpty()) { if (!options.avoidRootParens) { shouldAddParens = path.needsParens(); } } else { parts.push(decoratorsLines); } if (shouldAddParens) { parts.unshift("("); } parts.push(linesWithoutParens); if (shouldAddParens) { parts.push(")"); } return concat(parts); } function genericPrintNoParens(path, options, print) { const n = path.getValue(); if (!n) { return fromString(""); } if (typeof n === "string") { return fromString(n, options); } namedTypes.Printable.assert(n); const parts = []; switch (n.type) { case "File": return, "program"); case "Program": if (n.directives) { path.each(function(childPath) { parts.push(print(childPath), ";\n"); }, "directives"); } if (n.interpreter) { parts.push(, "interpreter")); } parts.push( (bodyPath) => printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print), "body" ) ); return concat(parts); case "Noop": case "EmptyStatement": return fromString(""); case "ExpressionStatement": return concat([, "expression"), ";"]); case "ParenthesizedExpression": return concat(["(",, "expression"), ")"]); case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": case "AssignmentExpression": return fromString(" ").join([, "left"), n.operator,, "right") ]); case "AssignmentPattern": return concat([, "left"), " = ",, "right") ]); case "MemberExpression": case "OptionalMemberExpression": { parts.push(, "object")); const property =, "property"); const optional = getFieldValue(n, "optional"); if (n.computed) { parts.push(optional ? "?.[" : "[", property, "]"); } else { parts.push(optional ? "?." : ".", property); } return concat(parts); } case "ChainExpression": return, "expression"); case "MetaProperty": return concat([, "meta"), ".",, "property") ]); case "BindExpression": if (n.object) { parts.push(, "object")); } parts.push("::",, "callee")); return concat(parts); case "Path": return fromString(".").join(n.body); case "Identifier": return concat([ fromString(, options), n.optional ? "?" : "",, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadElementPattern": case "RestProperty": case "SpreadProperty": case "SpreadPropertyPattern": case "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty": case "RestElement": return concat([ "...",, "argument"),, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "FunctionDeclaration": case "FunctionExpression": case "TSDeclareFunction": if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } if (n.async) { parts.push("async "); } parts.push("function"); if (n.generator) parts.push("*"); if ( { parts.push( " ",, "id"),, "typeParameters") ); } else { if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(, "typeParameters")); } } parts.push( "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")",, "returnType") ); if (n.body) { parts.push(" ",, "body")); } return concat(parts); case "ArrowFunctionExpression": if (n.async) { parts.push("async "); } if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(, "typeParameters")); } if (!options.arrowParensAlways && n.params.length === 1 && ! && n.params[0].type === "Identifier" && !n.params[0].typeAnnotation && !n.returnType) { parts.push(, "params", 0)); } else { parts.push( "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")",, "returnType") ); } parts.push(" => ",, "body")); return concat(parts); case "MethodDefinition": return printMethod(path, options, print); case "YieldExpression": parts.push("yield"); if (n.delegate) parts.push("*"); if (n.argument) parts.push(" ",, "argument")); return concat(parts); case "AwaitExpression": parts.push("await"); if (n.all) parts.push("*"); if (n.argument) parts.push(" ",, "argument")); return concat(parts); case "ModuleExpression": return concat([ "module {\n",, "body").indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}" ]); case "ModuleDeclaration": parts.push("module",, "id")); if (n.source) { parts.push("from",, "source")); } else { parts.push(, "body")); } return fromString(" ").join(parts); case "ImportSpecifier": if (n.importKind && n.importKind !== "value") { parts.push(n.importKind + " "); } if (n.imported) { parts.push(, "imported")); if (n.local && !== { parts.push(" as ",, "local")); } } else if ( { parts.push(, "id")); if ( { parts.push(" as ",, "name")); } } return concat(parts); case "ExportSpecifier": if (n.exportKind && n.exportKind !== "value") { parts.push(n.exportKind + " "); } if (n.local) { parts.push(, "local")); if (n.exported && !== { parts.push(" as ",, "exported")); } } else if ( { parts.push(, "id")); if ( { parts.push(" as ",, "name")); } } return concat(parts); case "ExportBatchSpecifier": return fromString("*"); case "ImportNamespaceSpecifier": parts.push("* as "); if (n.local) { parts.push(, "local")); } else if ( { parts.push(, "id")); } return concat(parts); case "ImportDefaultSpecifier": if (n.local) { return, "local"); } return, "id"); case "TSExportAssignment": return concat(["export = ",, "expression")]); case "ExportDeclaration": case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": case "ExportNamedDeclaration": return printExportDeclaration(path, options, print); case "ExportAllDeclaration": parts.push("export *"); if (n.exported) { parts.push(" as ",, "exported")); } parts.push(" from ",, "source"), ";"); return concat(parts); case "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration": parts.push("export as namespace ",, "id")); return maybeAddSemicolon(concat(parts)); case "ExportNamespaceSpecifier": return concat(["* as ",, "exported")]); case "ExportDefaultSpecifier": return, "exported"); case "Import": return fromString("import", options); case "ImportExpression": return concat(["import(",, "source"), ")"]); case "ImportDeclaration": { parts.push("import "); if (n.importKind && n.importKind !== "value") { parts.push(n.importKind + " "); } if (n.specifiers && n.specifiers.length > 0) { const unbracedSpecifiers = []; const bracedSpecifiers = []; path.each(function(specifierPath) { const spec = specifierPath.getValue(); if (spec.type === "ImportSpecifier") { bracedSpecifiers.push(print(specifierPath)); } else if (spec.type === "ImportDefaultSpecifier" || spec.type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { unbracedSpecifiers.push(print(specifierPath)); } }, "specifiers"); unbracedSpecifiers.forEach((lines, i) => { if (i > 0) { parts.push(", "); } parts.push(lines); }); if (bracedSpecifiers.length > 0) { let lines = fromString(", ").join(bracedSpecifiers); if (lines.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { lines = concat([ fromString(",\n").join(bracedSpecifiers).indent(options.tabWidth), "," ]); } if (unbracedSpecifiers.length > 0) { parts.push(", "); } if (lines.length > 1) { parts.push("{\n", lines, "\n}"); } else if (options.objectCurlySpacing) { parts.push("{ ", lines, " }"); } else { parts.push("{", lines, "}"); } } parts.push(" from "); } parts.push(, "source"), maybePrintImportAssertions(path, options, print), ";" ); return concat(parts); } case "ImportAttribute": return concat([, "key"), ": ",, "value")]); case "StaticBlock": parts.push("static "); case "BlockStatement": { const naked = (bodyPath) => printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print), "body" ); if (naked.isEmpty()) { if (!n.directives || n.directives.length === 0) { parts.push("{}"); return concat(parts); } } parts.push("{\n"); if (n.directives) { path.each(function(childPath) { parts.push( maybeAddSemicolon(print(childPath).indent(options.tabWidth)), n.directives.length > 1 || !naked.isEmpty() ? "\n" : "" ); }, "directives"); } parts.push(naked.indent(options.tabWidth)); parts.push("\n}"); return concat(parts); } case "ReturnStatement": { parts.push("return"); if (n.argument) { const argLines =, "argument"); if (argLines.startsWithComment() || argLines.length > 1 && namedTypes.JSXElement && namedTypes.JSXElement.check(n.argument)) { parts.push(" (\n", argLines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n)"); } else { parts.push(" ", argLines); } } parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); } case "CallExpression": case "OptionalCallExpression": parts.push(, "callee")); if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(, "typeParameters")); } if (n.typeArguments) { parts.push(, "typeArguments")); } if (getFieldValue(n, "optional")) { parts.push("?."); } parts.push(printArgumentsList(path, options, print)); return concat(parts); case "RecordExpression": parts.push("#"); case "ObjectExpression": case "ObjectPattern": case "ObjectTypeAnnotation": { const isTypeAnnotation = n.type === "ObjectTypeAnnotation"; const separator = options.flowObjectCommas ? "," : isTypeAnnotation ? ";" : ","; const fields = []; let allowBreak = false; if (isTypeAnnotation) { fields.push("indexers", "callProperties"); if (n.internalSlots != null) { fields.push("internalSlots"); } } fields.push("properties"); let len = 0; fields.forEach(function(field) { len += n[field].length; }); const oneLine = isTypeAnnotation && len === 1 || len === 0; const leftBrace = n.exact ? "{|" : "{"; const rightBrace = n.exact ? "|}" : "}"; parts.push(oneLine ? leftBrace : leftBrace + "\n"); const leftBraceIndex = parts.length - 1; let i = 0; fields.forEach(function(field) { path.each(function(childPath) { let lines = print(childPath); if (!oneLine) { lines = lines.indent(options.tabWidth); } const multiLine = !isTypeAnnotation && lines.length > 1; if (multiLine && allowBreak) { parts.push("\n"); } parts.push(lines); if (i < len - 1) { parts.push(separator + (multiLine ? "\n\n" : "\n")); allowBreak = !multiLine; } else if (len !== 1 && isTypeAnnotation) { parts.push(separator); } else if (!oneLine && isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "objects") && childPath.getValue().type !== "RestElement") { parts.push(separator); } i++; }, field); }); if (n.inexact) { const line = fromString("...", options); if (oneLine) { if (len > 0) { parts.push(separator, " "); } parts.push(line); } else { parts.push("\n", line.indent(options.tabWidth)); } } parts.push(oneLine ? rightBrace : "\n" + rightBrace); if (i !== 0 && oneLine && options.objectCurlySpacing) { parts[leftBraceIndex] = leftBrace + " "; parts[parts.length - 1] = " " + rightBrace; } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); } return concat(parts); } case "PropertyPattern": return concat([, "key"), ": ",, "pattern") ]); case "ObjectProperty": case "Property": { if (n.method || n.kind === "get" || n.kind === "set") { return printMethod(path, options, print); } if (n.shorthand && n.value.type === "AssignmentPattern") { return, "value"); } const key =, "key"); if (n.computed) { parts.push("[", key, "]"); } else { parts.push(key); } if (!n.shorthand || !== { parts.push(": ",, "value")); } return concat(parts); } case "ClassMethod": case "ObjectMethod": case "ClassPrivateMethod": case "TSDeclareMethod": return printMethod(path, options, print); case "PrivateName": return concat(["#",, "id")]); case "Decorator": return concat(["@",, "expression")]); case "TupleExpression": parts.push("#"); case "ArrayExpression": case "ArrayPattern": { const elems = n.elements; const len = elems.length; const printed =, "elements"); const joined = fromString(", ").join(printed); const oneLine = joined.getLineLength(1) <= options.wrapColumn; if (oneLine) { if (options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push("[ "); } else { parts.push("["); } } else { parts.push("[\n"); } path.each(function(elemPath) { const i = elemPath.getName(); const elem = elemPath.getValue(); if (!elem) { parts.push(","); } else { let lines = printed[i]; if (oneLine) { if (i > 0) parts.push(" "); } else { lines = lines.indent(options.tabWidth); } parts.push(lines); if (i < len - 1 || !oneLine && isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "arrays")) parts.push(","); if (!oneLine) parts.push("\n"); } }, "elements"); if (oneLine && options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push(" ]"); } else { parts.push("]"); } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); } return concat(parts); } case "SequenceExpression": return fromString(", ").join(, "expressions")); case "ThisExpression": return fromString("this"); case "Super": return fromString("super"); case "NullLiteral": return fromString("null"); case "RegExpLiteral": return fromString( getPossibleRaw(n) || `/${n.pattern}/${n.flags || ""}`, options ); case "BigIntLiteral": return fromString(getPossibleRaw(n) || n.value + "n", options); case "NumericLiteral": return fromString(getPossibleRaw(n) || n.value, options); case "DecimalLiteral": return fromString(getPossibleRaw(n) || n.value + "m", options); case "StringLiteral": return fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options)); case "BooleanLiteral": case "Literal": return fromString( getPossibleRaw(n) || (typeof n.value === "string" ? nodeStr(n.value, options) : n.value), options ); case "Directive": return, "value"); case "DirectiveLiteral": return fromString( getPossibleRaw(n) || nodeStr(n.value, options), options ); case "InterpreterDirective": return fromString(`#!${n.value} `, options); case "ModuleSpecifier": if (n.local) { throw new Error("The ESTree ModuleSpecifier type should be abstract"); } return fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options), options); case "UnaryExpression": parts.push(n.operator); if (/[a-z]$/.test(n.operator)) parts.push(" "); parts.push(, "argument")); return concat(parts); case "UpdateExpression": parts.push(, "argument"), n.operator); if (n.prefix) parts.reverse(); return concat(parts); case "ConditionalExpression": return concat([, "test"), " ? ",, "consequent"), " : ",, "alternate") ]); case "NewExpression": { parts.push("new ",, "callee")); if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(, "typeParameters")); } if (n.typeArguments) { parts.push(, "typeArguments")); } const args = n.arguments; if (args) { parts.push(printArgumentsList(path, options, print)); } return concat(parts); } case "VariableDeclaration": { if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } parts.push(n.kind, " "); let maxLen = 0; const printed = { const lines = print(childPath); maxLen = Math.max(lines.length, maxLen); return lines; }, "declarations"); if (maxLen === 1) { parts.push(fromString(", ").join(printed)); } else if (printed.length > 1) { parts.push( fromString(",\n").join(printed).indentTail(n.kind.length + 1) ); } else { parts.push(printed[0]); } const parentNode = path.getParentNode(); if (!namedTypes.ForStatement.check(parentNode) && !namedTypes.ForInStatement.check(parentNode) && !(namedTypes.ForOfStatement && namedTypes.ForOfStatement.check(parentNode)) && !(namedTypes.ForAwaitStatement && namedTypes.ForAwaitStatement.check(parentNode))) { parts.push(";"); } return concat(parts); } case "VariableDeclarator": return n.init ? fromString(" = ").join([, "id"),, "init") ]) :, "id"); case "WithStatement": return concat([ "with (",, "object"), ") ",, "body") ]); case "IfStatement": { const con = adjustClause(, "consequent"), options); parts.push("if (",, "test"), ")", con); if (n.alternate) parts.push( endsWithBrace(con) ? " else" : "\nelse", adjustClause(, "alternate"), options) ); return concat(parts); } case "ForStatement": { const init =, "init"); const sep = init.length > 1 ? ";\n" : "; "; const forParen = "for ("; const indented = fromString(sep).join([init,, "test"),, "update")]).indentTail(forParen.length); const head = concat([forParen, indented, ")"]); let clause = adjustClause(, "body"), options); parts.push(head); if (head.length > 1) { parts.push("\n"); clause = clause.trimLeft(); } parts.push(clause); return concat(parts); } case "WhileStatement": return concat([ "while (",, "test"), ")", adjustClause(, "body"), options) ]); case "ForInStatement": return concat([ n.each ? "for each (" : "for (",, "left"), " in ",, "right"), ")", adjustClause(, "body"), options) ]); case "ForOfStatement": case "ForAwaitStatement": parts.push("for "); if (n.await || n.type === "ForAwaitStatement") { parts.push("await "); } parts.push( "(",, "left"), " of ",, "right"), ")", adjustClause(, "body"), options) ); return concat(parts); case "DoWhileStatement": { const doBody = concat([ "do", adjustClause(, "body"), options) ]); parts.push(doBody); if (endsWithBrace(doBody)) parts.push(" while"); else parts.push("\nwhile"); parts.push(" (",, "test"), ");"); return concat(parts); } case "DoExpression": { const statements = (bodyPath) => printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print), "body" ); return concat(["do {\n", statements.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"]); } case "BreakStatement": parts.push("break"); if (n.label) parts.push(" ",, "label")); parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); case "ContinueStatement": parts.push("continue"); if (n.label) parts.push(" ",, "label")); parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); case "LabeledStatement": return concat([, "label"), ":\n",, "body") ]); case "TryStatement": parts.push("try ",, "block")); if (n.handler) { parts.push(" ",, "handler")); } else if (n.handlers) { path.each(function(handlerPath) { parts.push(" ", print(handlerPath)); }, "handlers"); } if (n.finalizer) { parts.push(" finally ",, "finalizer")); } return concat(parts); case "CatchClause": parts.push("catch "); if (n.param) { parts.push("(",, "param")); } if (n.guard) { parts.push(" if ",, "guard")); } if (n.param) { parts.push(") "); } parts.push(, "body")); return concat(parts); case "ThrowStatement": return concat(["throw ",, "argument"), ";"]); case "SwitchStatement": return concat([ "switch (",, "discriminant"), ") {\n", fromString("\n").join(, "cases")), "\n}" ]); case "SwitchCase": if (n.test) parts.push("case ",, "test"), ":"); else parts.push("default:"); if (n.consequent.length > 0) { parts.push( "\n", (consequentPath) => printStatementSequence(consequentPath, options, print), "consequent" ).indent(options.tabWidth) ); } return concat(parts); case "DebuggerStatement": return fromString("debugger;"); case "JSXAttribute": parts.push(, "name")); if (n.value) parts.push("=",, "value")); return concat(parts); case "JSXIdentifier": return fromString(, options); case "JSXNamespacedName": return fromString(":").join([, "namespace"),, "name") ]); case "JSXMemberExpression": return fromString(".").join([, "object"),, "property") ]); case "JSXSpreadAttribute": return concat(["{...",, "argument"), "}"]); case "JSXSpreadChild": return concat(["{...",, "expression"), "}"]); case "JSXExpressionContainer": return concat(["{",, "expression"), "}"]); case "JSXElement": case "JSXFragment": { const openingPropName = "opening" + (n.type === "JSXElement" ? "Element" : "Fragment"); const closingPropName = "closing" + (n.type === "JSXElement" ? "Element" : "Fragment"); const openingLines =, openingPropName); if (n[openingPropName].selfClosing) { return openingLines; } const childLines = concat( { const child = childPath.getValue(); if (namedTypes.Literal.check(child) && typeof child.value === "string") { if (/\S/.test(child.value)) { return child.value.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); } else if (/\n/.test(child.value)) { return "\n"; } } return print(childPath); }, "children") ).indentTail(options.tabWidth); const closingLines =, closingPropName); return concat([openingLines, childLines, closingLines]); } case "JSXOpeningElement": { parts.push("<",, "name")); const attrParts = []; path.each(function(attrPath) { attrParts.push(" ", print(attrPath)); }, "attributes"); let attrLines = concat(attrParts); const needLineWrap = attrLines.length > 1 || attrLines.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn; if (needLineWrap) { attrParts.forEach(function(part, i) { if (part === " ") { attrParts[i] = "\n"; } }); attrLines = concat(attrParts).indentTail(options.tabWidth); } parts.push(attrLines, n.selfClosing ? " />" : ">"); return concat(parts); } case "JSXClosingElement": return concat([""]); case "JSXOpeningFragment": return fromString("<>"); case "JSXClosingFragment": return fromString(""); case "JSXText": return fromString(n.value, options); case "JSXEmptyExpression": return fromString(""); case "TypeAnnotatedIdentifier": return concat([, "annotation"), " ",, "identifier") ]); case "ClassBody": if (n.body.length === 0) { return fromString("{}"); } return concat([ "{\n", (bodyPath) => printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print), "body" ).indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}" ]); case "ClassPropertyDefinition": parts.push("static ",, "definition")); if (!namedTypes.MethodDefinition.check(n.definition)) parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); case "ClassProperty": { if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } const access = n.accessibility || n.access; if (typeof access === "string") { parts.push(access, " "); } if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } if (n.abstract) { parts.push("abstract "); } if (n.readonly) { parts.push("readonly "); } let key =, "key"); if (n.computed) { key = concat(["[", key, "]"]); } if (n.variance) { key = concat([printVariance(path, print), key]); } parts.push(key); if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (n.definite) { parts.push("!"); } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); } if (n.value) { parts.push(" = ",, "value")); } parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); } case "ClassPrivateProperty": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts.push(, "key")); if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); } if (n.value) { parts.push(" = ",, "value")); } parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); case "ClassAccessorProperty": { parts.push( ...printClassMemberModifiers(n), "accessor " ); if (n.computed) { parts.push("[",, "key"), "]"); } else { parts.push(, "key")); } if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (n.definite) { parts.push("!"); } if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); } if (n.value) { parts.push(" = ",, "value")); } parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); } case "ClassDeclaration": case "ClassExpression": case "DeclareClass": if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } if (n.abstract) { parts.push("abstract "); } parts.push("class"); if ( { parts.push(" ",, "id")); } if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(, "typeParameters")); } if (n.superClass) { parts.push( " extends ",, "superClass"),, "superTypeParameters") ); } if (n.extends && n.extends.length > 0) { parts.push( " extends ", fromString(", ").join(, "extends")) ); } if (n["implements"] && n["implements"].length > 0) { parts.push( " implements ", fromString(", ").join(, "implements")) ); } parts.push(" ",, "body")); if (n.type === "DeclareClass") { return printFlowDeclaration(path, parts); } else { return concat(parts); } case "TemplateElement": return fromString(n.value.raw, options).lockIndentTail(); case "TemplateLiteral": { const expressions =, "expressions"); parts.push("`"); path.each(function(childPath) { const i = childPath.getName(); parts.push(print(childPath)); if (i < expressions.length) { parts.push("${", expressions[i], "}"); } }, "quasis"); parts.push("`"); return concat(parts).lockIndentTail(); } case "TaggedTemplateExpression": return concat([, "tag"),, "quasi")]); case "Node": case "Printable": case "SourceLocation": case "Position": case "Statement": case "Function": case "Pattern": case "Expression": case "Declaration": case "Specifier": case "NamedSpecifier": case "Comment": case "Flow": case "FlowType": case "FlowPredicate": case "MemberTypeAnnotation": case "Type": case "TSHasOptionalTypeParameterInstantiation": case "TSHasOptionalTypeParameters": case "TSHasOptionalTypeAnnotation": case "ChainElement": throw new Error("unprintable type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); case "CommentBlock": case "Block": return concat(["/*", fromString(n.value, options), "*/"]); case "CommentLine": case "Line": return concat(["//", fromString(n.value, options)]); case "TypeAnnotation": if (n.typeAnnotation) { if (n.typeAnnotation.type !== "FunctionTypeAnnotation") { parts.push(": "); } parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); return concat(parts); } return fromString(""); case "ExistentialTypeParam": case "ExistsTypeAnnotation": return fromString("*", options); case "EmptyTypeAnnotation": return fromString("empty", options); case "AnyTypeAnnotation": return fromString("any", options); case "MixedTypeAnnotation": return fromString("mixed", options); case "ArrayTypeAnnotation": return concat([, "elementType"), "[]"]); case "TupleTypeAnnotation": { const printed =, "types"); const joined = fromString(", ").join(printed); const oneLine = joined.getLineLength(1) <= options.wrapColumn; if (oneLine) { if (options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push("[ "); } else { parts.push("["); } } else { parts.push("[\n"); } path.each(function(elemPath) { const i = elemPath.getName(); const elem = elemPath.getValue(); if (!elem) { parts.push(","); } else { let lines = printed[i]; if (oneLine) { if (i > 0) parts.push(" "); } else { lines = lines.indent(options.tabWidth); } parts.push(lines); if (i < n.types.length - 1 || !oneLine && isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "arrays")) parts.push(","); if (!oneLine) parts.push("\n"); } }, "types"); if (oneLine && options.arrayBracketSpacing) { parts.push(" ]"); } else { parts.push("]"); } return concat(parts); } case "BooleanTypeAnnotation": return fromString("boolean", options); case "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation": return fromString("" + n.value, options); case "InterfaceTypeAnnotation": parts.push("interface"); if (n.extends && n.extends.length > 0) { parts.push( " extends ", fromString(", ").join(, "extends")) ); } parts.push(" ",, "body")); return concat(parts); case "DeclareFunction": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "function ",, "id"), ";" ]); case "DeclareModule": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "module ",, "id"), " ",, "body") ]); case "DeclareModuleExports": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "module.exports",, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "DeclareVariable": return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["var ",, "id"), ";"]); case "DeclareExportDeclaration": case "DeclareExportAllDeclaration": return concat(["declare ", printExportDeclaration(path, options, print)]); case "EnumDeclaration": return concat([ "enum ",, "id"),, "body") ]); case "EnumBooleanBody": case "EnumNumberBody": case "EnumStringBody": case "EnumSymbolBody": { if (n.type === "EnumSymbolBody" || n.explicitType) { parts.push( " of ", // EnumBooleanBody => boolean, etc. n.type.slice(4, -4).toLowerCase() ); } parts.push( " {\n", fromString("\n").join(, "members")).indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}" ); return concat(parts); } case "EnumDefaultedMember": return concat([, "id"), ","]); case "EnumBooleanMember": case "EnumNumberMember": case "EnumStringMember": return concat([, "id"), " = ",, "init"), "," ]); case "InferredPredicate": return fromString("%checks", options); case "DeclaredPredicate": return concat(["%checks(",, "value"), ")"]); case "FunctionTypeAnnotation": { const parent = path.getParentNode(0); const isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation = !(namedTypes.ObjectTypeCallProperty.check(parent) || namedTypes.ObjectTypeInternalSlot.check(parent) && parent.method || namedTypes.DeclareFunction.check(path.getParentNode(2))); const needsColon = isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation && !namedTypes.FunctionTypeParam.check(parent) && !namedTypes.TypeAlias.check(parent); if (needsColon) { parts.push(": "); } const hasTypeParameters = !!n.typeParameters; const needsParens = hasTypeParameters || n.params.length !== 1 || n.params[0].name; parts.push( hasTypeParameters ?, "typeParameters") : "", needsParens ? "(" : "", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), needsParens ? ")" : "" ); if (n.returnType) { parts.push( isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation ? " => " : ": ",, "returnType") ); } return concat(parts); } case "FunctionTypeParam": { const name =, "name"); parts.push(name); if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (name.infos[0].line) { parts.push(": "); } parts.push(, "typeAnnotation")); return concat(parts); } case "GenericTypeAnnotation": return concat([, "id"),, "typeParameters") ]); case "DeclareInterface": parts.push("declare "); case "InterfaceDeclaration": case "TSInterfaceDeclaration": if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } parts.push( "interface ",, "id"),, "typeParameters"), " " ); if (n["extends"] && n["extends"].length > 0) { parts.push( "extends ", fromString(", ").join(, "extends")), " " ); } if (n.body) { parts.push(, "body")); } return concat(parts); case "ClassImplements": case "InterfaceExtends": return concat([, "id"),, "typeParameters") ]); case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation": return fromString(" & ").join(, "types")); case "NullableTypeAnnotation": return concat(["?",, "typeAnnotation")]); case "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation": return fromString("null", options); case "ThisTypeAnnotation": return fromString("this", options); case "NumberTypeAnnotation": return fromString("number", options); case "ObjectTypeCallProperty": return, "value"); case "ObjectTypeIndexer": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts.push(printVariance(path, print), "["); if ( { parts.push(, "id"), ": "); } parts.push(, "key"), "]: ",, "value")); return concat(parts); case "ObjectTypeProperty": return concat([ printVariance(path, print),, "key"), n.optional ? "?" : "", ": ",, "value") ]); case "ObjectTypeInternalSlot": return concat([ n.static ? "static " : "", "[[",, "id"), "]]", n.optional ? "?" : "", n.value.type !== "FunctionTypeAnnotation" ? ": " : "",, "value") ]); case "QualifiedTypeIdentifier": return concat([, "qualification"), ".",, "id") ]); case "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation": return fromString(nodeStr(n.value, options), options); case "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation": case "NumericLiteralTypeAnnotation": return fromString(JSON.stringify(n.value), options); case "BigIntLiteralTypeAnnotation": return fromString(n.raw, options); case "StringTypeAnnotation": return fromString("string", options); case "DeclareTypeAlias": parts.push("declare "); case "TypeAlias": return concat([ "type ",, "id"),, "typeParameters"), " = ",, "right"), ";" ]); case "DeclareOpaqueType": parts.push("declare "); case "OpaqueType": parts.push( "opaque type ",, "id"),, "typeParameters") ); if (n["supertype"]) { parts.push(": ",, "supertype")); } if (n["impltype"]) { parts.push(" = ",, "impltype")); } parts.push(";"); return concat(parts); case "TypeCastExpression": return concat([ "(",, "expression"),, "typeAnnotation"), ")" ]); case "TypeParameterDeclaration": case "TypeParameterInstantiation": return concat([ "<", fromString(", ").join(, "params")), ">" ]); case "Variance": if (n.kind === "plus") { return fromString("+"); } if (n.kind === "minus") { return fromString("-"); } return fromString(""); case "TypeParameter": if (n.variance) { parts.push(printVariance(path, print)); } parts.push(, "name")); if (n.bound) { parts.push(, "bound")); } if (n["default"]) { parts.push("=",, "default")); } return concat(parts); case "TypeofTypeAnnotation": return concat([ fromString("typeof ", options),, "argument") ]); case "IndexedAccessType": case "OptionalIndexedAccessType": return concat([, "objectType"), n.optional ? "?." : "", "[",, "indexType"), "]" ]); case "UnionTypeAnnotation": return fromString(" | ").join(, "types")); case "VoidTypeAnnotation": return fromString("void", options); case "NullTypeAnnotation": return fromString("null", options); case "SymbolTypeAnnotation": return fromString("symbol", options); case "BigIntTypeAnnotation": return fromString("bigint", options); case "TSType": throw new Error("unprintable type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); case "TSNumberKeyword": return fromString("number", options); case "TSBigIntKeyword": return fromString("bigint", options); case "TSObjectKeyword": return fromString("object", options); case "TSBooleanKeyword": return fromString("boolean", options); case "TSStringKeyword": return fromString("string", options); case "TSSymbolKeyword": return fromString("symbol", options); case "TSAnyKeyword": return fromString("any", options); case "TSVoidKeyword": return fromString("void", options); case "TSIntrinsicKeyword": return fromString("intrinsic", options); case "TSThisType": return fromString("this", options); case "TSNullKeyword": return fromString("null", options); case "TSUndefinedKeyword": return fromString("undefined", options); case "TSUnknownKeyword": return fromString("unknown", options); case "TSNeverKeyword": return fromString("never", options); case "TSArrayType": return concat([, "elementType"), "[]"]); case "TSLiteralType": return, "literal"); case "TSUnionType": return fromString(" | ").join(, "types")); case "TSIntersectionType": return fromString(" & ").join(, "types")); case "TSConditionalType": parts.push(, "checkType"), " extends ",, "extendsType"), " ? ",, "trueType"), " : ",, "falseType") ); return concat(parts); case "TSInferType": parts.push("infer ",, "typeParameter")); return concat(parts); case "TSParenthesizedType": return concat(["(",, "typeAnnotation"), ")"]); case "TSFunctionType": return concat([, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ") => ",, "typeAnnotation", "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSConstructorType": return concat([ "new ",, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ") => ",, "typeAnnotation", "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSMappedType": { parts.push( n.readonly ? "readonly " : "", "[",, "typeParameter"), "]", n.optional ? "?" : "" ); if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push(": ",, "typeAnnotation"), ";"); } return concat(["{\n", concat(parts).indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"]); } case "TSTupleType": return concat([ "[", fromString(", ").join(, "elementTypes")), "]" ]); case "TSNamedTupleMember": parts.push(, "label")); if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } parts.push(": ",, "elementType")); return concat(parts); case "TSRestType": return concat(["...",, "typeAnnotation")]); case "TSOptionalType": return concat([, "typeAnnotation"), "?"]); case "TSIndexedAccessType": return concat([, "objectType"), "[",, "indexType"), "]" ]); case "TSTypeOperator": return concat([, "operator"), " ",, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSTypeLiteral": { const members = fromString("\n").join(, "members").map((member) => { if (lastNonSpaceCharacter(member) !== ";") { return member.concat(";"); } return member; }) ); if (members.isEmpty()) { return fromString("{}", options); } parts.push("{\n", members.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); return concat(parts); } case "TSEnumMember": parts.push(, "id")); if (n.initializer) { parts.push(" = ",, "initializer")); } return concat(parts); case "TSTypeQuery": return concat(["typeof ",, "exprName")]); case "TSParameterProperty": if (n.accessibility) { parts.push(n.accessibility, " "); } if (n.export) { parts.push("export "); } if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } if (n.readonly) { parts.push("readonly "); } parts.push(, "parameter")); return concat(parts); case "TSTypeReference": return concat([, "typeName"),, "typeParameters") ]); case "TSQualifiedName": return concat([, "left"), ".",, "right")]); case "TSAsExpression": case "TSSatisfiesExpression": { const expression =, "expression"); parts.push( expression, n.type === "TSSatisfiesExpression" ? " satisfies " : " as ",, "typeAnnotation") ); return concat(parts); } case "TSTypeCastExpression": return concat([, "expression"),, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSNonNullExpression": return concat([, "expression"), "!"]); case "TSTypeAnnotation": return concat([": ",, "typeAnnotation")]); case "TSIndexSignature": return concat([ n.readonly ? "readonly " : "", "[",, "parameters"), "]",, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSPropertySignature": parts.push(printVariance(path, print), n.readonly ? "readonly " : ""); if (n.computed) { parts.push("[",, "key"), "]"); } else { parts.push(, "key")); } parts.push(n.optional ? "?" : "",, "typeAnnotation")); return concat(parts); case "TSMethodSignature": if (n.computed) { parts.push("[",, "key"), "]"); } else { parts.push(, "key")); } if (n.optional) { parts.push("?"); } parts.push(, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")",, "typeAnnotation") ); return concat(parts); case "TSTypePredicate": if (n.asserts) { parts.push("asserts "); } parts.push(, "parameterName")); if (n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push( " is ",, "typeAnnotation", "typeAnnotation") ); } return concat(parts); case "TSCallSignatureDeclaration": return concat([, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")",, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration": if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push("new",, "typeParameters")); } else { parts.push("new "); } parts.push( "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")",, "typeAnnotation") ); return concat(parts); case "TSTypeAliasDeclaration": return concat([ n.declare ? "declare " : "", "type ",, "id"),, "typeParameters"), " = ",, "typeAnnotation"), ";" ]); case "TSTypeParameter": { parts.push(, "name")); const parent = path.getParentNode(0); const isInMappedType = namedTypes.TSMappedType.check(parent); if (n.constraint) { parts.push( isInMappedType ? " in " : " extends ",, "constraint") ); } if (n["default"]) { parts.push(" = ",, "default")); } return concat(parts); } case "TSTypeAssertion": { parts.push( "<",, "typeAnnotation"), "> ",, "expression") ); return concat(parts); } case "TSTypeParameterDeclaration": case "TSTypeParameterInstantiation": return concat([ "<", fromString(", ").join(, "params")), ">" ]); case "TSEnumDeclaration": { parts.push( n.declare ? "declare " : "", n.const ? "const " : "", "enum ",, "id") ); const memberLines = fromString(",\n").join(, "members")); if (memberLines.isEmpty()) { parts.push(" {}"); } else { parts.push(" {\n", memberLines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); } return concat(parts); } case "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments": return concat([, "expression"),, "typeParameters") ]); case "TSInterfaceBody": { const lines = fromString("\n").join(, "body").map((element) => { if (lastNonSpaceCharacter(element) !== ";") { return element.concat(";"); } return element; }) ); if (lines.isEmpty()) { return fromString("{}", options); } return concat(["{\n", lines.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"]); } case "TSImportType": parts.push("import(",, "argument"), ")"); if (n.qualifier) { parts.push(".",, "qualifier")); } if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(, "typeParameters")); } return concat(parts); case "TSImportEqualsDeclaration": if (n.isExport) { parts.push("export "); } parts.push( "import ",, "id"), " = ",, "moduleReference") ); return maybeAddSemicolon(concat(parts)); case "TSExternalModuleReference": return concat(["require(",, "expression"), ")"]); case "TSModuleDeclaration": { const parent = path.getParentNode(); if (parent.type === "TSModuleDeclaration") { parts.push("."); } else { if (n.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } if (! { const isExternal = === "StringLiteral" || === "Literal" && typeof === "string"; if (isExternal) { parts.push("module "); } else if (n.loc && n.loc.lines && { const prefix = n.loc.lines.sliceString(n.loc.start,; if (prefix.indexOf("module") >= 0) { parts.push("module "); } else { parts.push("namespace "); } } else { parts.push("namespace "); } } } parts.push(, "id")); if (n.body) { parts.push(" "); parts.push(, "body")); } return concat(parts); } case "TSModuleBlock": { const naked = (bodyPath) => printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print), "body" ); if (naked.isEmpty()) { parts.push("{}"); } else { parts.push("{\n", naked.indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}"); } return concat(parts); } case "TSInstantiationExpression": { parts.push(, "expression"),, "typeParameters") ); return concat(parts); } case "V8IntrinsicIdentifier": return concat(["%",, "name")]); case "TopicReference": return fromString("#"); case "ClassHeritage": case "ComprehensionBlock": case "ComprehensionExpression": case "Glob": case "GeneratorExpression": case "LetStatement": case "LetExpression": case "GraphExpression": case "GraphIndexExpression": case "XMLDefaultDeclaration": case "XMLAnyName": case "XMLQualifiedIdentifier": case "XMLFunctionQualifiedIdentifier": case "XMLAttributeSelector": case "XMLFilterExpression": case "XML": case "XMLElement": case "XMLList": case "XMLEscape": case "XMLText": case "XMLStartTag": case "XMLEndTag": case "XMLPointTag": case "XMLName": case "XMLAttribute": case "XMLCdata": case "XMLComment": case "XMLProcessingInstruction": default: debugger; throw new Error("unknown type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); } } function printDecorators(path, printPath) { const parts = []; const node = path.getValue(); if (node.decorators && node.decorators.length > 0 && // If the parent node is an export declaration, it will be // responsible for printing node.decorators. !getParentExportDeclaration(path)) { path.each(function(decoratorPath) { parts.push(printPath(decoratorPath), "\n"); }, "decorators"); } else if (isExportDeclaration(node) && node.declaration && node.declaration.decorators) { path.each( function(decoratorPath) { parts.push(printPath(decoratorPath), "\n"); }, "declaration", "decorators" ); } return concat(parts); } function printStatementSequence(path, options, print) { const filtered = []; path.each(function(stmtPath) { const stmt = stmtPath.getValue(); if (!stmt) { return; } if (stmt.type === "EmptyStatement" && !(stmt.comments && stmt.comments.length > 0)) { return; } if (namedTypes.Comment.check(stmt)) ; else if (namedTypes.Statement.check(stmt)) ; else { isString.assert(stmt); } filtered.push({ node: stmt, printed: print(stmtPath) }); }); let prevTrailingSpace = null; const len = filtered.length; const parts = []; filtered.forEach(function(info, i) { const printed = info.printed; const stmt = info.node; const multiLine = printed.length > 1; const notFirst = i > 0; const notLast = i < len - 1; let leadingSpace; let trailingSpace; const lines = stmt && stmt.loc && stmt.loc.lines; const trueLoc = lines && options.reuseWhitespace && getTrueLoc(stmt, lines); if (notFirst) { if (trueLoc) { const beforeStart = lines.skipSpaces(trueLoc.start, true); const beforeStartLine = beforeStart ? beforeStart.line : 1; const leadingGap = trueLoc.start.line - beforeStartLine; leadingSpace = Array(leadingGap + 1).join("\n"); } else { leadingSpace = multiLine ? "\n\n" : "\n"; } } else { leadingSpace = ""; } if (notLast) { if (trueLoc) { const afterEnd = lines.skipSpaces(trueLoc.end); const afterEndLine = afterEnd ? afterEnd.line : lines.length; const trailingGap = afterEndLine - trueLoc.end.line; trailingSpace = Array(trailingGap + 1).join("\n"); } else { trailingSpace = multiLine ? "\n\n" : "\n"; } } else { trailingSpace = ""; } parts.push(maxSpace(prevTrailingSpace, leadingSpace), printed); if (notLast) { prevTrailingSpace = trailingSpace; } else if (trailingSpace) { parts.push(trailingSpace); } }); return concat(parts); } function maxSpace(s1, s2) { if (!s1 && !s2) { return fromString(""); } if (!s1) { return fromString(s2); } if (!s2) { return fromString(s1); } const spaceLines1 = fromString(s1); const spaceLines2 = fromString(s2); if (spaceLines2.length > spaceLines1.length) { return spaceLines2; } return spaceLines1; } function printClassMemberModifiers(node) { const parts = []; if (node.declare) { parts.push("declare "); } const access = node.accessibility || node.access; if (typeof access === "string") { parts.push(access, " "); } if (node.static) { parts.push("static "); } if (node.override) { parts.push("override "); } if (node.abstract) { parts.push("abstract "); } if (node.readonly) { parts.push("readonly "); } return parts; } function printMethod(path, options, print) { const node = path.getNode(); const kind = node.kind; const parts = []; let nodeValue = node.value; if (!namedTypes.FunctionExpression.check(nodeValue)) { nodeValue = node; } parts.push(...printClassMemberModifiers(node)); if (nodeValue.async) { parts.push("async "); } if (nodeValue.generator) { parts.push("*"); } if (kind === "get" || kind === "set") { parts.push(kind, " "); } let key =, "key"); if (node.computed) { key = concat(["[", key, "]"]); } parts.push(key); if (node.optional) { parts.push("?"); } if (node === nodeValue) { parts.push(, "typeParameters"), "(", printFunctionParams(path, options, print), ")",, "returnType") ); if (node.body) { parts.push(" ",, "body")); } else { parts.push(";"); } } else { parts.push(, "value", "typeParameters"), "(", (valuePath) => printFunctionParams(valuePath, options, print), "value" ), ")",, "value", "returnType") ); if (nodeValue.body) { parts.push(" ",, "value", "body")); } else { parts.push(";"); } } return concat(parts); } function printArgumentsList(path, options, print) { const printed =, "arguments"); const trailingComma = isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "parameters"); let joined = fromString(", ").join(printed); if (joined.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { joined = fromString(",\n").join(printed); return concat([ "(\n", joined.indent(options.tabWidth), trailingComma ? ",\n)" : "\n)" ]); } return concat(["(", joined, ")"]); } function printFunctionParams(path, options, print) { const fun = path.getValue(); let params; let printed = []; if (fun.params) { params = fun.params; printed =, "params"); } else if (fun.parameters) { params = fun.parameters; printed =, "parameters"); } if (fun.defaults) { path.each(function(defExprPath) { const i = defExprPath.getName(); const p = printed[i]; if (p && defExprPath.getValue()) { printed[i] = concat([p, " = ", print(defExprPath)]); } }, "defaults"); } if ( { printed.push(concat(["...",, "rest")])); } let joined = fromString(", ").join(printed); if (joined.length > 1 || joined.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { joined = fromString(",\n").join(printed); if (isTrailingCommaEnabled(options, "parameters") && ! && params[params.length - 1].type !== "RestElement") { joined = concat([joined, ",\n"]); } else { joined = concat([joined, "\n"]); } return concat(["\n", joined.indent(options.tabWidth)]); } return joined; } function maybePrintImportAssertions(path, options, print) { const n = path.getValue(); if (n.assertions && n.assertions.length > 0) { const parts = [" assert {"]; const printed =, "assertions"); const flat = fromString(", ").join(printed); if (flat.length > 1 || flat.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { parts.push( "\n", fromString(",\n").join(printed).indent(options.tabWidth), "\n}" ); } else { parts.push(" ", flat, " }"); } return concat(parts); } return fromString(""); } function printExportDeclaration(path, options, print) { const decl = path.getValue(); const parts = ["export "]; if (decl.exportKind && decl.exportKind === "type") { if (!decl.declaration) { parts.push("type "); } } const shouldPrintSpaces = options.objectCurlySpacing; namedTypes.Declaration.assert(decl); if (decl["default"] || decl.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { parts.push("default "); } if (decl.declaration) { parts.push(, "declaration")); } else if (decl.specifiers) { if (decl.specifiers.length === 1 && decl.specifiers[0].type === "ExportBatchSpecifier") { parts.push("*"); } else if (decl.specifiers.length === 0) { parts.push("{}"); } else if (decl.specifiers[0].type === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { const unbracedSpecifiers = []; const bracedSpecifiers = []; path.each(function(specifierPath) { const spec = specifierPath.getValue(); if (spec.type === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { unbracedSpecifiers.push(print(specifierPath)); } else { bracedSpecifiers.push(print(specifierPath)); } }, "specifiers"); unbracedSpecifiers.forEach((lines2, i) => { if (i > 0) { parts.push(", "); } parts.push(lines2); }); if (bracedSpecifiers.length > 0) { let lines2 = fromString(", ").join(bracedSpecifiers); if (lines2.getLineLength(1) > options.wrapColumn) { lines2 = concat([ fromString(",\n").join(bracedSpecifiers).indent(options.tabWidth), "," ]); } if (unbracedSpecifiers.length > 0) { parts.push(", "); } if (lines2.length > 1) { parts.push("{\n", lines2, "\n}"); } else if (options.objectCurlySpacing) { parts.push("{ ", lines2, " }"); } else { parts.push("{", lines2, "}"); } } } else { parts.push( shouldPrintSpaces ? "{ " : "{", fromString(", ").join(, "specifiers")), shouldPrintSpaces ? " }" : "}" ); } if (decl.source) { parts.push( " from ",, "source"), maybePrintImportAssertions(path, options, print) ); } } let lines = concat(parts); if (lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines) !== ";" && !(decl.declaration && (decl.declaration.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "ClassDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "TSModuleDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "TSInterfaceDeclaration" || decl.declaration.type === "TSEnumDeclaration"))) { lines = concat([lines, ";"]); } return lines; } function printFlowDeclaration(path, parts) { const parentExportDecl = getParentExportDeclaration(path); if (parentExportDecl) ; else { parts.unshift("declare "); } return concat(parts); } function printVariance(path, print) { return { const value = variancePath.getValue(); if (value) { if (value === "plus") { return fromString("+"); } if (value === "minus") { return fromString("-"); } return print(variancePath); } return fromString(""); }, "variance"); } function adjustClause(clause, options) { if (clause.length > 1) return concat([" ", clause]); return concat(["\n", maybeAddSemicolon(clause).indent(options.tabWidth)]); } function lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines) { const pos = lines.lastPos(); do { const ch = lines.charAt(pos); if (/\S/.test(ch)) return ch; } while (lines.prevPos(pos)); } function endsWithBrace(lines) { return lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines) === "}"; } function swapQuotes(str) { return str.replace(/['"]/g, (m) => m === '"' ? "'" : '"'); } function getPossibleRaw(node) { const value = getFieldValue(node, "value"); const extra = getFieldValue(node, "extra"); if (extra && typeof extra.raw === "string" && value == extra.rawValue) { return extra.raw; } if (node.type === "Literal") { const raw = node.raw; if (typeof raw === "string" && value == raw) { return raw; } } } function jsSafeStringify(str) { return JSON.stringify(str).replace(/[\u2028\u2029]/g, function(m) { return "\\u" + m.charCodeAt(0).toString(16); }); } function nodeStr(str, options) { isString.assert(str); switch (options.quote) { case "auto": { const double = jsSafeStringify(str); const single = swapQuotes(jsSafeStringify(swapQuotes(str))); return double.length > single.length ? single : double; } case "single": return swapQuotes(jsSafeStringify(swapQuotes(str))); case "double": default: return jsSafeStringify(str); } } function maybeAddSemicolon(lines) { const eoc = lastNonSpaceCharacter(lines); if (!eoc || "\n};".indexOf(eoc) < 0) return concat([lines, ";"]); return lines; } function print(node, options) { return new Printer(options).print(node); } let _babelParser; function getBabelParser() { if (_babelParser) { return _babelParser; } const babelOptions = _getBabelOptions(); _babelParser = { parse(source, options) { return babelParser.parse(source, { ...babelOptions, ...options }); } }; return _babelParser; } function _getBabelOptions() { return { sourceType: "module", strictMode: false, allowImportExportEverywhere: true, allowReturnOutsideFunction: true, startLine: 1, tokens: true, plugins: [ "asyncGenerators", "bigInt", "classPrivateMethods", "classPrivateProperties", "classProperties", "classStaticBlock", "decimal", "decorators-legacy", "doExpressions", "dynamicImport", "exportDefaultFrom", "exportExtensions", "exportNamespaceFrom", "functionBind", "functionSent", "importAssertions", "importMeta", "nullishCoalescingOperator", "numericSeparator", "objectRestSpread", "optionalCatchBinding", "optionalChaining", [ "pipelineOperator", { proposal: "minimal" } ], [ "recordAndTuple", { syntaxType: "hash" } ], "throwExpressions", "topLevelAwait", "v8intrinsic", "jsx", "typescript" ] }; } var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; class MagicastError extends Error { constructor(message, options) { super(""); __publicField(this, "rawMessage"); __publicField(this, "options"); = "MagicastError"; this.rawMessage = message; this.options = options; if (options?.ast && options?.code && options.ast.loc) { const { line, column } = options.ast.loc.start; const lines = options.code.split("\n"); const start = Math.max(0, line - 3); const end = Math.min(lines.length, line + 3); const codeFrame = lines.slice(start, end).map((lineCode, i) => { const number = (start + i + 1).toString().padStart(3, " "); lineCode = `${number} | ${lineCode}`; if (start + i === line - 1) { lineCode += ` ${" ".repeat(6 + column)}^`; } return lineCode; }); message += ` ${codeFrame.join("\n")} `; } this.message = message; } } const LITERALS_AST = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "Literal", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BooleanLiteral", "NullLiteral", "RegExpLiteral", "BigIntLiteral" ]); const LITERALS_TYPEOF = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "string", "number", "boolean", "bigint", "symbol", "undefined" ]); const b$4 = builders$1; function isValidPropName(name) { return /^[$A-Z_a-z][\w$]*$/.test(name); } const PROXY_KEY = "__magicast_proxy"; function literalToAst(value, seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { if (value === void 0) { return b$4.identifier("undefined"); } if (value === null) { return b$4.literal(null); } if (LITERALS_TYPEOF.has(typeof value)) { return b$4.literal(value); } if (seen.has(value)) { throw new MagicastError("Can not serialize circular reference"); } seen.add(value); if (value[PROXY_KEY]) { return value.$ast; } if (value instanceof RegExp) { const regex = b$4.regExpLiteral(value.source, value.flags); delete regex.extra.raw; return regex; } if (value instanceof Set) { return b$4.newExpression(b$4.identifier("Set"), [ b$4.arrayExpression([...value].map((n) => literalToAst(n, seen))) ]); } if (value instanceof Date) { return b$4.newExpression(b$4.identifier("Date"), [ b$4.literal(value.toISOString()) ]); } if (value instanceof Map) { return b$4.newExpression(b$4.identifier("Map"), [ b$4.arrayExpression( [...value].map(([key, value2]) => { return b$4.arrayExpression([ literalToAst(key, seen), literalToAst(value2, seen) ]); }) ) ]); } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return b$4.arrayExpression( => literalToAst(n, seen)) ); } if (typeof value === "object") { return b$4.objectExpression( Object.entries(value).map(([key, value2]) => { return b$ "init", /^[$A-Z_a-z][\w$]*$/g.test(key) ? b$4.identifier(key) : b$4.literal(key), literalToAst(value2, seen) ); }) ); } return b$4.literal(value); } function makeProxyUtils(node, extend = {}) { const obj = extend; obj[PROXY_KEY] = true; obj.$ast = node; obj.$type || (obj.$type = "object"); return obj; } const propertyDescriptor = { enumerable: true, configurable: true }; function createProxy(node, extend, handler) { const utils = makeProxyUtils(node, extend); return new Proxy( {}, { ownKeys() { return Object.keys(utils).filter( (i) => i !== PROXY_KEY && !i.startsWith("$") ); }, getOwnPropertyDescriptor() { return propertyDescriptor; }, has(_target, key) { if (key in utils) { return true; } return false; }, ...handler, get(target, key, receiver) { if (key in utils) { return utils[key]; } if (handler.get) { return handler.get(target, key, receiver); } }, set(target, key, value, receiver) { if (key in utils) { utils[key] = value; return true; } if (handler.set) { return handler.set(target, key, value, receiver); } return false; } } ); } const b$3 = builders$1; const _importProxyCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function creatImportProxy(node, specifier, root) { if (_importProxyCache.has(specifier)) { return _importProxyCache.get(specifier); } const proxy = createProxy( specifier, { get $declaration() { return node; }, get imported() { if (specifier.type === "ImportDefaultSpecifier") { return "default"; } if (specifier.type === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { return "*"; } if (specifier.imported.type === "Identifier") { return; } return specifier.imported.value; }, set imported(value) { if (specifier.type !== "ImportSpecifier") { throw new MagicastError( "Changing import name is not yet implemented" ); } if (specifier.imported.type === "Identifier") { = value; } else { specifier.imported.value = value; } }, get local() { return; }, set local(value) { = value; }, get from() { return node.source.value; }, set from(value) { if (value === node.source.value) { return; } node.specifiers = node.specifiers.filter((s) => s !== specifier); if (node.specifiers.length === 0) { root.body = root.body.filter((s) => s !== node); } const declaration = root.body.find( (i) => i.type === "ImportDeclaration" && i.source.value === value ); if (declaration) { declaration.specifiers.push(specifier); } else { root.body.unshift( b$3.importDeclaration( [specifier], b$3.stringLiteral(value) ) ); } }, toJSON() { return { imported: this.imported, local: this.local, from: this.from }; } }, { ownKeys() { return ["imported", "local", "from", "toJSON"]; } } ); _importProxyCache.set(specifier, proxy); return proxy; } function createImportsProxy(root, mod) { const getAllImports = () => { const imports = []; for (const n of root.body) { if (n.type === "ImportDeclaration") { for (const specifier of n.specifiers) { imports.push(creatImportProxy(n, specifier, root)); } } } return imports; }; const updateImport = (key, value, order) => { const imports = getAllImports(); const item = imports.find((i) => i.local === key); const local = value.local || key; if (item) { item.imported = value.imported; item.local = local; item.from = value.from; return true; } const specifier = value.imported === "default" ? b$3.importDefaultSpecifier(b$3.identifier(local)) : value.imported === "*" ? b$3.importNamespaceSpecifier(b$3.identifier(local)) : b$3.importSpecifier( b$3.identifier(value.imported), b$3.identifier(local) ); const declaration = imports.find( (i) => i.from === value.from )?.$declaration; if (declaration) { declaration.specifiers.push(specifier); } else if (order === "prepend" || imports.length === 0) { root.body.unshift( b$3.importDeclaration([specifier], b$3.stringLiteral(value.from)) ); } else { const lastImport =$declaration; const lastImportIndex = root.body.indexOf(lastImport); root.body.splice( lastImportIndex + 1, 0, b$3.importDeclaration([specifier], b$3.stringLiteral(value.from)) ); } return true; }; const removeImport = (key) => { const item = getAllImports().find((i) => i.local === key); if (!item) { return false; } const node = item.$declaration; const specifier = item.$ast; node.specifiers = node.specifiers.filter((s) => s !== specifier); if (node.specifiers.length === 0) { root.body = root.body.filter((n) => n !== node); } return true; }; const proxy = createProxy( root, { $type: "imports", $add(item) { updateImport(item.local || item.imported, item, "prepend"); }, $prepend(item) { updateImport(item.local || item.imported, item, "prepend"); }, $append(item) { updateImport(item.local || item.imported, item, "append"); }, get $items() { return getAllImports(); }, toJSON() { return getAllImports().reduce((acc, i) => { acc[i.local] = i; return acc; }, {}); } }, { get(_, prop) { return getAllImports().find((i) => i.local === prop); }, set(_, prop, value) { return updateImport(prop, value, "prepend"); }, deleteProperty(_, prop) { return removeImport(prop); }, ownKeys() { return getAllImports().map((i) => i.local); }, has(_, prop) { return getAllImports().some((i) => i.local === prop); } } ); return proxy; } function proxifyArrayElements(node, elements, mod) { const getItem = (key) => { return elements[key]; }; const replaceItem = (key, value) => { elements[key] = value; }; return createProxy( node, { $type: "array", push(value) { elements.push(literalToAst(value)); }, pop() { return proxify(elements.pop(), mod); }, unshift(value) { elements.unshift(literalToAst(value)); }, shift() { return proxify(elements.shift(), mod); }, splice(start, deleteCount, ...items) { const deleted = elements.splice( start, deleteCount, => literalToAst(n)) ); return => proxify(n, mod)); }, find(predicate) { return => proxify(n, mod)).find(predicate); }, findIndex(predicate) { return => proxify(n, mod)).findIndex(predicate); }, includes(value) { return => proxify(n, mod)).includes(value); }, toJSON() { return => proxify(n, mod)); } }, { get(_, key) { if (key === "length") { return elements.length; } if (key === Symbol.iterator) { return function* () { for (const item of elements) { yield proxify(item, mod); } }; } if (typeof key === "symbol") { return; } const index = +key; if (Number.isNaN(index)) { return; } const prop = getItem(index); if (prop) { return proxify(prop, mod); } }, set(_, key, value) { if (typeof key === "symbol") { return false; } const index = +key; if (Number.isNaN(index)) { return false; } replaceItem(index, literalToAst(value)); return true; }, deleteProperty(_, key) { if (typeof key === "symbol") { return false; } const index = +key; if (Number.isNaN(index)) { return false; } elements[index] = literalToAst(void 0); return true; }, ownKeys() { return ["length",, i) => i.toString())]; } } ); } function proxifyArray(node, mod) { if (!("elements" in node)) { return void 0; } return proxifyArrayElements(node, node.elements, mod); } function proxifyFunctionCall(node, mod) { if (node.type !== "CallExpression") { throw new MagicastError("Not a function call"); } function stringifyExpression(node2) { if (node2.type === "Identifier") { return; } if (node2.type === "MemberExpression") { return `${stringifyExpression(node2.object)}.${stringifyExpression( )}`; } throw new MagicastError("Not implemented"); } const argumentsProxy = proxifyArrayElements(node, node.arguments, mod); return createProxy( node, { $type: "function-call", $callee: stringifyExpression(node.callee), $args: argumentsProxy }, {} ); } function proxifyArrowFunctionExpression(node, mod) { if (node.type !== "ArrowFunctionExpression") { throw new MagicastError("Not an arrow function expression"); } const parametersProxy = proxifyArrayElements(node, node.params, mod); return createProxy( node, { $type: "arrow-function-expression", $params: parametersProxy, $body: proxify(node.body, mod) }, {} ); } const b$2 = builders$1; function proxifyObject(node, mod) { if (!("properties" in node)) { return void 0; } const getProp = (key) => { for (const prop of { if ("key" in prop && "name" in prop.key && === key) { return prop.value; } if (prop.type === "ObjectProperty" && (prop.key.type === "StringLiteral" || prop.key.type === "NumericLiteral" || prop.key.type === "BooleanLiteral") && prop.key.value.toString() === key) { return prop.value.value ?? prop.value; } } }; const getPropName = (prop, throwError = false) => { if ("key" in prop && "name" in prop.key) { return; } if (prop.type === "ObjectProperty" && (prop.key.type === "StringLiteral" || prop.key.type === "NumericLiteral" || prop.key.type === "BooleanLiteral")) { return prop.key.value.toString(); } if (throwError) { throw new MagicastError(`Casting "${prop.type}" is not supported`, { ast: prop, code: mod?.$code }); } }; const replaceOrAddProp = (key, value) => { const prop = (prop2) => getPropName(prop2) === key ); if (prop) { prop.value = value; } else if (isValidPropName(key)) {{ type: "Property", key: { type: "Identifier", name: key }, value }); } else {{ type: "ObjectProperty", key: b$2.stringLiteral(key), value }); } }; return createProxy( node, { $type: "object", toJSON() { return, prop) => { if ("key" in prop && "name" in prop.key) { acc[] = proxify(prop.value, mod); } return acc; }, {}); } }, { get(_, key) { const prop = getProp(key); if (prop) { return proxify(prop, mod); } }, set(_, key, value) { if (typeof key !== "string") { key = String(key); } replaceOrAddProp(key, literalToAst(value)); return true; }, deleteProperty(_, key) { if (typeof key !== "string") { key = String(key); } const index = (prop) => "key" in prop && "name" in prop.key && === key ); if (index !== -1) {, 1); } return true; }, ownKeys() { return => getPropName(prop, true)).filter(Boolean); } } ); } function proxifyNewExpression(node, mod) { if (node.type !== "NewExpression") { throw new MagicastError("Not a new expression"); } function stringifyExpression(node2) { if (node2.type === "Identifier") { return; } if (node2.type === "MemberExpression") { return `${stringifyExpression(node2.object)}.${stringifyExpression( )}`; } throw new MagicastError("Not implemented"); } const argumentsProxy = proxifyArrayElements(node, node.arguments, mod); return createProxy( node, { $type: "new-expression", $callee: stringifyExpression(node.callee), $args: argumentsProxy }, {} ); } function proxifyIdentifier(node) { if (node.type !== "Identifier") { throw new MagicastError("Not an identifier"); } return createProxy( node, { $type: "identifier", $name: }, {} ); } function proxifyLogicalExpression(node) { if (node.type !== "LogicalExpression") { throw new MagicastError("Not a logical expression"); } return createProxy( node, { $type: "logicalExpression" }, {} ); } function proxifyMemberExpression(node) { if (node.type !== "MemberExpression") { throw new MagicastError("Not a member expression"); } return createProxy( node, { $type: "memberExpression" }, {} ); } const _cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); function proxify(node, mod) { if (LITERALS_TYPEOF.has(typeof node)) { return node; } if (LITERALS_AST.has(node.type)) { return node.value; } if (_cache.has(node)) { return _cache.get(node); } let proxy; switch (node.type) { case "ObjectExpression": { proxy = proxifyObject(node, mod); break; } case "ArrayExpression": { proxy = proxifyArray(node, mod); break; } case "CallExpression": { proxy = proxifyFunctionCall(node, mod); break; } case "ArrowFunctionExpression": { proxy = proxifyArrowFunctionExpression(node, mod); break; } case "NewExpression": { proxy = proxifyNewExpression(node, mod); break; } case "Identifier": { proxy = proxifyIdentifier(node); break; } case "LogicalExpression": { proxy = proxifyLogicalExpression(node); break; } case "MemberExpression": { proxy = proxifyMemberExpression(node); break; } case "TSAsExpression": case "TSSatisfiesExpression": { proxy = proxify(node.expression, mod); break; } default: { throw new MagicastError(`Casting "${node.type}" is not supported`, { ast: node, code: mod?.$code }); } } _cache.set(node, proxy); return proxy; } const b$1 = builders$1; function createExportsProxy(root, mod) { const findExport = (key) => { const type = key === "default" ? "ExportDefaultDeclaration" : "ExportNamedDeclaration"; for (const n of root.body) { if (n.type === type) { if (key === "default") { return n.declaration; } if (n.declaration && "declarations" in n.declaration) { const dec = n.declaration.declarations[0]; if ("name" in && === key) { return dec.init; } } } } }; const updateOrAddExport = (key, value) => { const type = key === "default" ? "ExportDefaultDeclaration" : "ExportNamedDeclaration"; const node = literalToAst(value); for (const n of root.body) { if (n.type === type) { if (key === "default") { n.declaration = node; return; } if (n.declaration && "declarations" in n.declaration) { const dec = n.declaration.declarations[0]; if ("name" in && === key) { dec.init = node; return; } } } } root.body.push( key === "default" ? b$1.exportDefaultDeclaration(node) : b$1.exportNamedDeclaration( b$1.variableDeclaration("const", [ b$1.variableDeclarator(b$1.identifier(key), node) ]) ) ); }; return createProxy( root, { $type: "exports" }, { get(_, prop) { const node = findExport(prop); if (node) { return proxify(node, mod); } }, set(_, prop, value) { updateOrAddExport(prop, value); return true; }, ownKeys() { return root.body.flatMap((i) => { if (i.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { return ["default"]; } if (i.type === "ExportNamedDeclaration" && i.declaration && "declarations" in i.declaration) { return (d) => "name" in ? : "" ); } return []; }).filter(Boolean); }, deleteProperty(_, prop) { const type = prop === "default" ? "ExportDefaultDeclaration" : "ExportNamedDeclaration"; for (let i = 0; i < root.body.length; i++) { const n = root.body[i]; if (n.type === type) { if (prop === "default") { root.body.splice(i, 1); return true; } if (n.declaration && "declarations" in n.declaration) { const dec = n.declaration.declarations[0]; if ("name" in && === prop) { root.body.splice(i, 1); return true; } } } } return false; } } ); } function proxifyModule(ast, code) { const root = ast.program; if (root.type !== "Program") { throw new MagicastError(`Cannot proxify ${ast.type} as module`); } const util = { $code: code, $type: "module" }; const mod = createProxy(root, util, { ownKeys() { return ["imports", "exports", "generate"]; } }); util.exports = createExportsProxy(root, mod); util.imports = createImportsProxy(root); util.generate = (options) => generateCode(mod, options); return mod; } function detectCodeFormat(code, userStyles = {}) { const detect = { wrapColumn: userStyles.wrapColumn === void 0, indent: userStyles.tabWidth === void 0 || userStyles.useTabs === void 0, quote: userStyles.quote === void 0, arrowParens: userStyles.arrowParensAlways === void 0, trailingComma: userStyles.trailingComma === void 0 }; let codeIndent = 2; let tabUsages = 0; let semiUsages = 0; let maxLineLength = 0; let multiLineTrailingCommaUsages = 0; const syntaxDetectRegex = /(?"[^"]+")|(?'[^']+')|(?\([^),]+\)\s*=>)|(?,\s*[\]}])/g; const syntaxUsages = { doubleQuote: 0, singleQuote: 0, singleParam: 0, trailingComma: 0 }; const lines = (code || "").split("\n"); let previousLineTrailing = false; for (const line of lines) { const trimmitedLine = line.trim(); if (trimmitedLine.length === 0) { continue; } if (detect.wrapColumn && line.length > maxLineLength) { maxLineLength = line.length; } if (detect.indent) { const lineIndent = line.match(/^\s+/)?.[0] || ""; if (lineIndent.length > 0) { if (lineIndent.length > 0 && lineIndent.length < codeIndent) { codeIndent = lineIndent.length; } if (lineIndent[0] === " ") { tabUsages++; } else if (lineIndent.length > 0) { tabUsages--; } } } if ( === ";") { semiUsages++; } else if (trimmitedLine.length > 0) { semiUsages--; } if (detect.quote || detect.arrowParens) { const matches = trimmitedLine.matchAll(syntaxDetectRegex); for (const match of matches) { if (!match.groups) { continue; } for (const key in syntaxUsages) { if (match.groups[key]) { syntaxUsages[key]++; } } } } if (detect.trailingComma) { if (line.startsWith("}") || line.startsWith("]")) { if (previousLineTrailing) { multiLineTrailingCommaUsages++; } else { multiLineTrailingCommaUsages--; } } previousLineTrailing = trimmitedLine.endsWith(","); } } return { wrapColumn: maxLineLength, useTabs: tabUsages > 0, tabWidth: codeIndent, quote: syntaxUsages.singleQuote > syntaxUsages.doubleQuote ? "single" : "double", arrowParensAlways: syntaxUsages.singleParam > 0, trailingComma: multiLineTrailingCommaUsages > 0 || syntaxUsages.trailingComma > 0, useSemi: semiUsages > 0, arrayBracketSpacing: void 0, // TODO objectCurlySpacing: void 0, // TODO ...userStyles }; } function parseModule(code, options) { const node = parse(code, { parser: options?.parser || getBabelParser(), ...options }); return proxifyModule(node, code); } function parseExpression(code, options) { const root = parse("(" + code + ")", { parser: options?.parser || getBabelParser(), ...options }); let body = root.program.body[0]; if (body.type === "ExpressionStatement") { body = body.expression; } if (body.extra?.parenthesized) { body.extra.parenthesized = false; } const mod = { $ast: root, $code: " " + code + " ", $type: "module" }; return proxify(body, mod); } function generateCode(node, options = {}) { const ast = node.$ast || node; const formatOptions = options.format === false || !("$code" in node) ? {} : detectCodeFormat(node.$code, options.format); const { code, map } = print(ast, { ...options, ...formatOptions }); return { code, map }; } async function loadFile(filename, options = {}) { const contents = await promises.readFile(filename, "utf8"); options.sourceFileName = options.sourceFileName ?? filename; return parseModule(contents, options); } async function writeFile(node, filename, options) { const ast = "$ast" in node ? node.$ast : node; const { code, map } = generateCode(ast, options); await promises.writeFile(filename, code); if (map) { await promises.writeFile(filename + ".map", map); } } const b = builders$1; const builders = { /** * Create a function call node. */ functionCall(callee, ...args) { const node = b.callExpression( b.identifier(callee), => literalToAst(i)) ); return proxifyFunctionCall(node); }, /** * Create a new expression node. */ newExpression(callee, ...args) { const node = b.newExpression( b.identifier(callee), => literalToAst(i)) ); return proxifyNewExpression(node); }, /** * Create a proxified version of a literal value. */ literal(value) { return literalToAst(value); }, /** * Parse a raw expression and return a proxified version of it. * * ```ts * const obj = builders.raw("{ foo: 1 }"); * console.log(; // 1 * ``` */ raw(code) { return parseExpression(code); } }; export { MagicastError, builders, detectCodeFormat, generateCode, loadFile, parseExpression, parseModule, writeFile };