import { IncomingMessage, Server } from 'node:http'; import { Server as Server$1 } from 'node:https'; import { AddressInfo } from 'node:net'; import { GetPortInput } from 'get-port-please'; import { NodeOptions } from 'crossws/adapters/node'; type CrossWSOptions = NodeOptions; interface Certificate { key: string; cert: string; passphrase?: string; } interface HTTPSOptions { cert?: string; key?: string; pfx?: string; passphrase?: string; validityDays?: number; domains?: string[]; } interface ListenOptions { name: string; port: GetPortInput; hostname: string; showURL: boolean; baseURL: string; open: boolean; https: boolean | HTTPSOptions; clipboard: boolean; isTest: boolean; isProd: boolean; autoClose: boolean; _entry?: string; /** * Used as main public url to display * @default The first public IPV4 address listening to */ publicURL?: string; /** * Print QR Code for public IPv4 address * * @default true */ qr?: boolean; /** * When enabled, listhen tries to listen to all network interfaces * * @default `false` for development and `true` for production */ public: boolean; /** * Open a tunnel using */ tunnel?: boolean; /** * WebSocket Upgrade Handler * * Input can be an upgrade handler or CrossWS options * * @experimental CrossWS usage is subject to change * @see */ ws?: boolean | CrossWSOptions | ((req: IncomingMessage, head: Buffer) => void); } type GetURLOptions = Pick, "baseURL" | "publicURL">; type ShowURLOptions = Pick, "baseURL" | "name" | "publicURL" | "qr">; interface ListenURL { url: string; type: "local" | "network" | "tunnel"; } interface Listener { url: string; address: AddressInfo; server: Server | Server$1; https: false | Certificate; close: () => Promise; open: () => Promise; showURL: (options?: ShowURLOptions) => Promise; getURLs: (options?: GetURLOptions) => Promise; } export type { CrossWSOptions as C, GetURLOptions as G, HTTPSOptions as H, ListenOptions as L, ShowURLOptions as S, Listener as a, Certificate as b, ListenURL as c };