import { defineCommand, runMain as runMain$1 } from 'citty'; import { isAbsolute } from 'pathe'; import { listenAndWatch, createDevServer, listen } from './index.mjs'; import 'node:http'; import 'node:https'; import 'node:util'; import 'get-port-please'; import 'http-shutdown'; import 'consola'; import 'defu'; import 'consola/utils'; import 'uqr'; import 'node:child_process'; import 'node:fs'; import 'node:os'; import 'node:path'; import 'std-env'; import 'node-forge'; import 'node:fs/promises'; import 'mlly'; const name = "listhen"; const version = "1.8.0"; const description = "👂 Elegant HTTP Listener"; const main = defineCommand({ meta: { name, description, version }, args: { cwd: { type: "string", description: "Current working directory" }, entry: { type: "positional", description: "Listener entry file (./app.ts)", required: true }, name: { type: "string", description: "Name to use in the banner" }, baseURL: { type: "string", description: "Base URL to use" }, watch: { type: "boolean", description: "Watch for changes", alias: "w" }, ws: { type: "boolean", description: "Enable Experimental WebSocket support" }, ...getArgs() }, async run({ args }) { const opts = { ...args, ...parseArgs(args), baseURL: args.baseURL, name: }; const entry = isAbsolute(args.entry) || args.entry.startsWith(".") ? args.entry : `./${args.entry}`; if ( { await listenAndWatch(entry, opts); } else { const devServer = await createDevServer(entry, opts); await listen(devServer.nodeListener, { ...opts, _entry: devServer._entry, ws: ? devServer._ws : void 0 }); await devServer.reload(true); } } }); const runMain = () => runMain$1(main); function getArgs() { return { port: { type: "string", description: "Port to listen on (use `PORT` environment variable to override)" }, host: { description: "Host to listen on. If no value or an empty string provided, will listen on all available interfaces (use `HOST` environment variable to override)" }, clipboard: { type: "boolean", description: "Copy the URL to the clipboard" }, open: { type: "boolean", description: "Open the URL in the browser" }, https: { type: "boolean", description: "Enable HTTPS" }, "https.cert": { type: "string", description: "Path to TLS certificate used with HTTPS in PEM format" }, "https.key": { type: "string", description: "Path to TLS key used with HTTPS in PEM format" }, "https.pfx": { type: "string", description: "Path to PKCS#12 (.p12/.pfx) keystore containing a TLS certificate and Key" }, "https.passphrase": { type: "string", description: "Passphrase used for TLS key or keystore" }, "https.validityDays": { type: "string", description: "Validity in days of the autogenerated TLS certificate (https: true)" }, "": { type: "string", description: "Comma seperated list of domains and IPs, the autogenerated certificate should be valid for (https: true)" }, publicURL: { type: "string", description: "Displayed public URL (used for QR code)", required: false }, qr: { type: "boolean", description: "Display The QR code of public URL when available", required: false }, public: { type: "boolean", description: "Listen to all network interfaces", required: false }, tunnel: { type: "boolean", description: "Open a tunnel using", required: false } }; } function parseArgs(args) { return { port: args.port, // prettier-ignore hostname: typeof === "string" ? : === true ? "" : void 0, clipboard: args.clipboard, open:, qr: args.qr, publicURL: args.publicURL, public: args.public, tunnel: args.tunnel, https: args.https ? { cert: args["https.cert"], key: args["https.key"], pfx: args["https.pfx"], passphrase: args["https.passphrase"], validityDays: args["https.validityDays"] ? +args["https.validityDays"] : void 0, domains: args[""] ? args[""].split(",") : void 0 } : false }; } export { getArgs, main, parseArgs, runMain };