'use strict'; const node_net = require('node:net'); const node_os = require('node:os'); const unsafePorts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ 1, // tcpmux 7, // echo 9, // discard 11, // systat 13, // daytime 15, // netstat 17, // qotd 19, // chargen 20, // ftp data 21, // ftp access 22, // ssh 23, // telnet 25, // smtp 37, // time 42, // name 43, // nicname 53, // domain 69, // tftp 77, // priv-rjs 79, // finger 87, // ttylink 95, // supdup 101, // hostriame 102, // iso-tsap 103, // gppitnp 104, // acr-nema 109, // pop2 110, // pop3 111, // sunrpc 113, // auth 115, // sftp 117, // uucp-path 119, // nntp 123, // NTP 135, // loc-srv /epmap 137, // netbios 139, // netbios 143, // imap2 161, // snmp 179, // BGP 389, // ldap 427, // SLP (Also used by Apple Filing Protocol) 465, // smtp+ssl 512, // print / exec 513, // login 514, // shell 515, // printer 526, // tempo 530, // courier 531, // chat 532, // netnews 540, // uucp 548, // AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) 554, // rtsp 556, // remotefs 563, // nntp+ssl 587, // smtp (rfc6409) 601, // syslog-conn (rfc3195) 636, // ldap+ssl 989, // ftps-data 990, // ftps 993, // ldap+ssl 995, // pop3+ssl 1719, // h323gatestat 1720, // h323hostcall 1723, // pptp 2049, // nfs 3659, // apple-sasl / PasswordServer 4045, // lockd 5060, // sip 5061, // sips 6e3, // X11 6566, // sane-port 6665, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6666, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6667, // Standard IRC [Apple addition] 6668, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6669, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6697, // IRC + TLS 10080 // Amanda ]); function isUnsafePort(port) { return unsafePorts.has(port); } function isSafePort(port) { return !isUnsafePort(port); } var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => { __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); return value; }; class GetPortError extends Error { constructor(message, opts) { super(message, opts); this.message = message; __publicField(this, "name", "GetPortError"); } } function _log(verbose, message) { if (verbose) { console.log(`[get-port] ${message}`); } } function _generateRange(from, to) { if (to < from) { return []; } const r = []; for (let index = from; index <= to; index++) { r.push(index); } return r; } function _tryPort(port, host) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const server = node_net.createServer(); server.unref(); server.on("error", () => { resolve(false); }); server.listen({ port, host }, () => { const { port: port2 } = server.address(); server.close(() => { resolve(isSafePort(port2) && port2); }); }); }); } function _getLocalHosts(additional) { const hosts = new Set(additional); for (const _interface of Object.values(node_os.networkInterfaces())) { for (const config of _interface || []) { if (config.address && !config.internal && !config.address.startsWith("fe80::")) { hosts.add(config.address); } } } return [...hosts]; } async function _findPort(ports, host) { for (const port of ports) { const r = await _tryPort(port, host); if (r) { return r; } } } function _fmtOnHost(hostname) { return hostname ? `on host ${JSON.stringify(hostname)}` : "on any host"; } const HOSTNAME_RE = /^(?!-)[\d.:A-Za-z-]{1,63}(? { if (!port) { return false; } if (!isSafePort(port)) { _log(options.verbose, `Ignoring unsafe port: ${port}`); return false; } return true; }); if (portsToCheck.length === 0) { portsToCheck.push(3e3); } let availablePort = await _findPort(portsToCheck, options.host); if (!availablePort && options.alternativePortRange.length > 0) { availablePort = await _findPort( _generateRange(...options.alternativePortRange), options.host ); if (portsToCheck.length > 0) { let message = `Unable to find an available port (tried ${portsToCheck.join( "-" )} ${_fmtOnHost(options.host)}).`; if (availablePort) { message += ` Using alternative port ${availablePort}.`; } _log(options.verbose, message); } } if (!availablePort && _userOptions.random !== false) { availablePort = await getRandomPort(options.host); if (availablePort) { _log(options.verbose, `Using random port ${availablePort}`); } } if (!availablePort) { const triedRanges = [ options.port, options.portRange.join("-"), options.alternativePortRange.join("-") ].filter(Boolean).join(", "); throw new GetPortError( `Unable to find an available port ${_fmtOnHost( options.host )} (tried ${triedRanges})` ); } return availablePort; } async function getRandomPort(host) { const port = await checkPort(0, host); if (port === false) { throw new GetPortError(`Unable to find a random port ${_fmtOnHost(host)}`); } return port; } async function waitForPort(port, options = {}) { const delay = options.delay || 500; const retries = options.retries || 4; for (let index = retries; index > 0; index--) { if (await _tryPort(port, options.host) === false) { return; } await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay)); } throw new GetPortError( `Timeout waiting for port ${port} after ${retries} retries with ${delay}ms interval.` ); } async function checkPort(port, host = process.env.HOST, verbose) { if (!host) { host = _getLocalHosts([void 0, ""]); } if (!Array.isArray(host)) { return _tryPort(port, host); } for (const _host of host) { const _port = await _tryPort(port, _host); if (_port === false) { if (port < 1024 && verbose) { _log( verbose, `Unable to listen to the privileged port ${port} ${_fmtOnHost( _host )}` ); } return false; } if (port === 0 && _port !== 0) { port = _port; } } return port; } exports.checkPort = checkPort; exports.getPort = getPort; exports.getRandomPort = getRandomPort; exports.isSafePort = isSafePort; exports.isUnsafePort = isUnsafePort; exports.waitForPort = waitForPort;