import { M as Message, P as Peer, t as toBufferLike } from '../shared/crossws.DTY7a69w.mjs'; import { d as defineWebSocketAdapter, a as adapterUtils, A as AdapterHookable } from '../shared/crossws.B4sHId41.mjs'; import 'uncrypto'; const uws = defineWebSocketAdapter( (options = {}) => { const hooks = new AdapterHookable(options); const peers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); return { ...adapterUtils(peers), websocket: { ...options.uws, close(ws, code, message) { const peer = getPeer(ws, peers); = 2; peers.delete(peer); hooks.callHook("close", peer, { code, reason: message?.toString() }); = 3; }, message(ws, message, isBinary) { const peer = getPeer(ws, peers); hooks.callHook("message", peer, new Message(message, peer)); }, open(ws) { const peer = getPeer(ws, peers); peers.add(peer); hooks.callHook("open", peer); }, async upgrade(res, req, context) { let aborted = false; res.onAborted(() => { aborted = true; }); const _res = await hooks.callHook("upgrade", new UWSReqProxy(req)); if (aborted) { return; } if (_res instanceof Response) { res.writeStatus(`${_res.status} ${_res.statusText}`); for (const [key, value] of _res.headers) { res.writeHeader(key, value); } if (_res.body) { for await (const chunk of _res.body) { if (aborted) { break; } res.write(chunk); } } if (!aborted) { res.end(); } return; } res.writeStatus("101 Switching Protocols"); if (_res?.headers) { for (const [key, value] of new Headers(_res.headers)) { res.writeHeader(key, value); } } res.cork(() => { const key = req.getHeader("sec-websocket-key"); const protocol = req.getHeader("sec-websocket-protocol"); const extensions = req.getHeader("sec-websocket-extensions"); res.upgrade( { req, res, protocol, extensions }, key, protocol, extensions, context ); }); } } }; } ); function getPeer(uws, peers) { const uwsData = uws.getUserData(); if (uwsData.peer) { return uwsData.peer; } const peer = new UWSPeer({ peers, uws, ws: new UwsWebSocketProxy(uws), request: new UWSReqProxy(uwsData.req), uwsData }); uwsData.peer = peer; return peer; } class UWSPeer extends Peer { get remoteAddress() { try { const addr = new TextDecoder().decode( this._internal.uws.getRemoteAddressAsText() ); return addr; } catch { } } send(data, options) { const dataBuff = toBufferLike(data); const isBinary = typeof data !== "string"; return this._internal.uws.send(dataBuff, isBinary, options?.compress); } subscribe(topic) { this._internal.uws.subscribe(topic); } publish(topic, message, options) { const data = toBufferLike(message); const isBinary = typeof data !== "string"; this._internal.uws.publish(topic, data, isBinary, options?.compress); return 0; } close(code, reason) { this._internal.uws.end(code, reason); } terminate() { this._internal.uws.close(); } } class UWSReqProxy { _headers; _rawHeaders = []; url; constructor(_req) { let host = "localhost"; let proto = "http"; _req.forEach((key, value) => { if (key === "host") { host = value; } else if (key === "x-forwarded-proto" && value === "https") { proto = "https"; } this._rawHeaders.push([key, value]); }); const query = _req.getQuery(); const pathname = _req.getUrl(); this.url = `${proto}://${host}${pathname}${query ? `?${query}` : ""}`; } get headers() { if (!this._headers) { this._headers = new Headers(this._rawHeaders); } return this._headers; } } class UwsWebSocketProxy { constructor(_uws) { this._uws = _uws; } readyState = 1; get bufferedAmount() { return this._uws?.getBufferedAmount(); } get protocol() { return this._uws?.getUserData().protocol; } get extensions() { return this._uws?.getUserData().extensions; } } export { uws as default };