'use strict'; function asArray$1(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; } const SelfClosingTags = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["meta", "link", "base"]); const TagsWithInnerContent = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["title", "titleTemplate", "script", "style", "noscript"]); const HasElementTags = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "base", "meta", "link", "style", "script", "noscript" ]); const ValidHeadTags = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "title", "titleTemplate", "templateParams", "base", "htmlAttrs", "bodyAttrs", "meta", "link", "style", "script", "noscript" ]); const UniqueTags = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["base", "title", "titleTemplate", "bodyAttrs", "htmlAttrs", "templateParams"]); const TagConfigKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["tagPosition", "tagPriority", "tagDuplicateStrategy", "children", "innerHTML", "textContent", "processTemplateParams"]); const IsBrowser = typeof window !== "undefined"; const composableNames = [ "getActiveHead", "useHead", "useSeoMeta", "useHeadSafe", "useServerHead", "useServerSeoMeta", "useServerHeadSafe" ]; function defineHeadPlugin(plugin) { return plugin; } function hashCode(s) { let h = 9; for (let i = 0; i < s.length; ) h = Math.imul(h ^ s.charCodeAt(i++), 9 ** 9); return ((h ^ h >>> 9) + 65536).toString(16).substring(1, 8).toLowerCase(); } function hashTag(tag) { if (tag._h) { return tag._h; } if (tag._d) { return hashCode(tag._d); } let content = `${tag.tag}:${tag.textContent || tag.innerHTML || ""}:`; for (const key in tag.props) { content += `${key}:${String(tag.props[key])},`; } return hashCode(content); } function asArray(input) { return Array.isArray(input) ? input : [input]; } const InternalKeySymbol = "_$key"; function packObject(input, options) { const keys = Object.keys(input); let [k, v] = keys; options = options || {}; options.key = options.key || k; options.value = options.value || v; options.resolveKey = options.resolveKey || ((k2) => k2); const resolveKey = (index) => { const arr = asArray(options[index]); return arr.find((k2) => { if (typeof k2 === "string" && k2.includes(".")) { return k2; } return k2 && keys.includes(k2); }); }; const resolveValue = (k2, input2) => { if (k2.includes(".")) { const paths = k2.split("."); let val = input2; for (const path of paths) val = val[path]; return val; } return input2[k2]; }; k = resolveKey("key") || k; v = resolveKey("value") || v; const dedupeKeyPrefix = input.key ? `${InternalKeySymbol}${input.key}-` : ""; let keyValue = resolveValue(k, input); keyValue = options.resolveKey(keyValue); return { [`${dedupeKeyPrefix}${keyValue}`]: resolveValue(v, input) }; } function packArray(input, options) { const packed = {}; for (const i of input) { const packedObj = packObject(i, options); const pKey = Object.keys(packedObj)[0]; const isDedupeKey = pKey.startsWith(InternalKeySymbol); if (!isDedupeKey && packed[pKey]) { packed[pKey] = Array.isArray(packed[pKey]) ? packed[pKey] : [packed[pKey]]; packed[pKey].push(Object.values(packedObj)[0]); } else { packed[isDedupeKey ? pKey.split("-").slice(1).join("-") || pKey : pKey] = packedObj[pKey]; } } return packed; } function unpackToArray(input, options) { const unpacked = []; const kFn = options.resolveKeyData || ((ctx) => ctx.key); const vFn = options.resolveValueData || ((ctx) => ctx.value); for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(input)) { unpacked.push(...(Array.isArray(v) ? v : [v]).map((i) => { const ctx = { key: k, value: i }; const val = vFn(ctx); if (typeof val === "object") return unpackToArray(val, options); if (Array.isArray(val)) return val; return { [typeof options.key === "function" ? options.key(ctx) : options.key]: kFn(ctx), [typeof options.value === "function" ? options.value(ctx) : options.value]: val }; }).flat()); } return unpacked; } function unpackToString(value, options) { return Object.entries(value).map(([key, value2]) => { if (typeof value2 === "object") value2 = unpackToString(value2, options); if (options.resolve) { const resolved = options.resolve({ key, value: value2 }); if (typeof resolved !== "undefined") return resolved; } if (typeof value2 === "number") value2 = value2.toString(); if (typeof value2 === "string" && options.wrapValue) { value2 = value2.replace(new RegExp(options.wrapValue, "g"), `\\${options.wrapValue}`); value2 = `${options.wrapValue}${value2}${options.wrapValue}`; } return `${key}${options.keyValueSeparator || ""}${value2}`; }).join(options.entrySeparator || ""); } const p = (p2) => ({ keyValue: p2, metaKey: "property" }); const k = (p2) => ({ keyValue: p2 }); const MetaPackingSchema = { appleItunesApp: { unpack: { entrySeparator: ", ", resolve({ key, value }) { return `${fixKeyCase(key)}=${value}`; } } }, articleExpirationTime: p("article:expiration_time"), articleModifiedTime: p("article:modified_time"), articlePublishedTime: p("article:published_time"), bookReleaseDate: p("book:release_date"), charset: { metaKey: "charset" }, contentSecurityPolicy: { unpack: { entrySeparator: "; ", resolve({ key, value }) { return `${fixKeyCase(key)} ${value}`; } }, metaKey: "http-equiv" }, contentType: { metaKey: "http-equiv" }, defaultStyle: { metaKey: "http-equiv" }, fbAppId: p("fb:app_id"), msapplicationConfig: k("msapplication-Config"), msapplicationTileColor: k("msapplication-TileColor"), msapplicationTileImage: k("msapplication-TileImage"), ogAudioSecureUrl: p("og:audio:secure_url"), ogAudioUrl: p("og:audio"), ogImageSecureUrl: p("og:image:secure_url"), ogImageUrl: p("og:image"), ogSiteName: p("og:site_name"), ogVideoSecureUrl: p("og:video:secure_url"), ogVideoUrl: p("og:video"), profileFirstName: p("profile:first_name"), profileLastName: p("profile:last_name"), profileUsername: p("profile:username"), refresh: { metaKey: "http-equiv", unpack: { entrySeparator: ";", resolve({ key, value }) { if (key === "seconds") return `${value}`; } } }, robots: { unpack: { entrySeparator: ", ", resolve({ key, value }) { if (typeof value === "boolean") return `${fixKeyCase(key)}`; else return `${fixKeyCase(key)}:${value}`; } } }, xUaCompatible: { metaKey: "http-equiv" } }; const openGraphNamespaces = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "og", "book", "article", "profile" ]); function resolveMetaKeyType(key) { const fKey = fixKeyCase(key); const prefixIndex = fKey.indexOf(":"); if (openGraphNamespaces.has(fKey.substring(0, prefixIndex))) return "property"; return MetaPackingSchema[key]?.metaKey || "name"; } function resolveMetaKeyValue(key) { return MetaPackingSchema[key]?.keyValue || fixKeyCase(key); } function fixKeyCase(key) { const updated = key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase(); const prefixIndex = updated.indexOf("-"); const fKey = updated.substring(0, prefixIndex); if (fKey === "twitter" || openGraphNamespaces.has(fKey)) return key.replace(/([A-Z])/g, ":$1").toLowerCase(); return updated; } function changeKeyCasingDeep(input) { if (Array.isArray(input)) { return input.map((entry) => changeKeyCasingDeep(entry)); } if (typeof input !== "object" || Array.isArray(input)) return input; const output = {}; for (const key in input) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(input, key)) { continue; } output[fixKeyCase(key)] = changeKeyCasingDeep(input[key]); } return output; } function resolvePackedMetaObjectValue(value, key) { const definition = MetaPackingSchema[key]; if (key === "refresh") return `${value.seconds};url=${value.url}`; return unpackToString( changeKeyCasingDeep(value), { keyValueSeparator: "=", entrySeparator: ", ", resolve({ value: value2, key: key2 }) { if (value2 === null) return ""; if (typeof value2 === "boolean") return `${key2}`; }, ...definition?.unpack } ); } const ObjectArrayEntries = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["og:image", "og:video", "og:audio", "twitter:image"]); function sanitize(input) { const out = {}; for (const k2 in input) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(input, k2)) { continue; } const v = input[k2]; if (String(v) !== "false" && k2) out[k2] = v; } return out; } function handleObjectEntry(key, v) { const value = sanitize(v); const fKey = fixKeyCase(key); const attr = resolveMetaKeyType(fKey); if (ObjectArrayEntries.has(fKey)) { const input = {}; for (const k2 in value) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(value, k2)) { continue; } input[`${key}${k2 === "url" ? "" : `${k2[0].toUpperCase()}${k2.slice(1)}`}`] = value[k2]; } return unpackMeta(input).sort((a, b) => (a[attr]?.length || 0) - (b[attr]?.length || 0)); } return [{ [attr]: fKey, ...value }]; } function unpackMeta(input) { const extras = []; const primitives = {}; for (const key in input) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(input, key)) { continue; } const value = input[key]; if (!Array.isArray(value)) { if (typeof value === "object" && value) { if (ObjectArrayEntries.has(fixKeyCase(key))) { extras.push(...handleObjectEntry(key, value)); continue; } primitives[key] = sanitize(value); } else { primitives[key] = value; } continue; } for (const v of value) { extras.push(...typeof v === "string" ? unpackMeta({ [key]: v }) : handleObjectEntry(key, v)); } } const meta = unpackToArray(primitives, { key({ key }) { return resolveMetaKeyType(key); }, value({ key }) { return key === "charset" ? "charset" : "content"; }, resolveKeyData({ key }) { return resolveMetaKeyValue(key); }, resolveValueData({ value, key }) { if (value === null) return "_null"; if (typeof value === "object") return resolvePackedMetaObjectValue(value, key); return typeof value === "number" ? value.toString() : value; } }); return [...extras, ...meta].map((m) => { if (m.content === "_null") m.content = null; return m; }); } function packMeta(inputs) { const mappedPackingSchema = Object.entries(MetaPackingSchema).map(([key, value]) => [key, value.keyValue]); return packArray(inputs, { key: ["name", "property", "httpEquiv", "http-equiv", "charset"], value: ["content", "charset"], resolveKey(k2) { let key = mappedPackingSchema.filter((sk) => sk[1] === k2)?.[0]?.[0] || k2; const replacer = (_, letter) => letter?.toUpperCase(); key = key.replace(/:([a-z])/g, replacer).replace(/-([a-z])/g, replacer); return key; } }); } function thenable(val, thenFn) { if (val instanceof Promise) { return val.then(thenFn); } return thenFn(val); } function normaliseTag(tagName, input, e, normalizedProps) { const props = normalizedProps || normaliseProps( // explicitly check for an object // @ts-expect-error untyped typeof input === "object" && typeof input !== "function" && !(input instanceof Promise) ? { ...input } : { [tagName === "script" || tagName === "noscript" || tagName === "style" ? "innerHTML" : "textContent"]: input }, tagName === "templateParams" || tagName === "titleTemplate" ); if (props instanceof Promise) { return props.then((val) => normaliseTag(tagName, input, e, val)); } const tag = { tag: tagName, props }; for (const k of TagConfigKeys) { const val = tag.props[k] !== void 0 ? tag.props[k] : e[k]; if (val !== void 0) { if (!(k === "innerHTML" || k === "textContent" || k === "children") || TagsWithInnerContent.has(tag.tag)) { tag[k === "children" ? "innerHTML" : k] = val; } delete tag.props[k]; } } if (tag.props.body) { tag.tagPosition = "bodyClose"; delete tag.props.body; } if (tag.tag === "script") { if (typeof tag.innerHTML === "object") { tag.innerHTML = JSON.stringify(tag.innerHTML); tag.props.type = tag.props.type || "application/json"; } } return Array.isArray(tag.props.content) ? tag.props.content.map((v) => ({ ...tag, props: { ...tag.props, content: v } })) : tag; } function normaliseStyleClassProps(key, v) { const sep = key === "class" ? " " : ";"; if (v && typeof v === "object" && !Array.isArray(v)) { v = Object.entries(v).filter(([, v2]) => v2).map(([k, v2]) => key === "style" ? `${k}:${v2}` : k); } return String(Array.isArray(v) ? v.join(sep) : v)?.split(sep).filter((c) => Boolean(c.trim())).join(sep); } function nestedNormaliseProps(props, virtual, keys, startIndex) { for (let i = startIndex; i < keys.length; i += 1) { const k = keys[i]; if (k === "class" || k === "style") { props[k] = normaliseStyleClassProps(k, props[k]); continue; } if (props[k] instanceof Promise) { return props[k].then((val) => { props[k] = val; return nestedNormaliseProps(props, virtual, keys, i); }); } if (!virtual && !TagConfigKeys.has(k)) { const v = String(props[k]); const isDataKey = k.startsWith("data-"); if (v === "true" || v === "") { props[k] = isDataKey ? "true" : true; } else if (!props[k]) { if (isDataKey && v === "false") props[k] = "false"; else delete props[k]; } } } } function normaliseProps(props, virtual = false) { const resolvedProps = nestedNormaliseProps(props, virtual, Object.keys(props), 0); if (resolvedProps instanceof Promise) { return resolvedProps.then(() => props); } return props; } const TagEntityBits = 10; function nestedNormaliseEntryTags(headTags, tagPromises, startIndex) { for (let i = startIndex; i < tagPromises.length; i += 1) { const tags = tagPromises[i]; if (tags instanceof Promise) { return tags.then((val) => { tagPromises[i] = val; return nestedNormaliseEntryTags(headTags, tagPromises, i); }); } if (Array.isArray(tags)) { headTags.push(...tags); } else { headTags.push(tags); } } } function normaliseEntryTags(e) { const tagPromises = []; const input = e.resolvedInput; for (const k in input) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(input, k)) { continue; } const v = input[k]; if (v === void 0 || !ValidHeadTags.has(k)) { continue; } if (Array.isArray(v)) { for (const props of v) { tagPromises.push(normaliseTag(k, props, e)); } continue; } tagPromises.push(normaliseTag(k, v, e)); } if (tagPromises.length === 0) { return []; } const headTags = []; return thenable(nestedNormaliseEntryTags(headTags, tagPromises, 0), () => headTags.map((t, i) => { t._e = e._i; e.mode && (t._m = e.mode); t._p = (e._i << TagEntityBits) + i; return t; })); } const WhitelistAttributes = { htmlAttrs: ["id", "class", "lang", "dir"], bodyAttrs: ["id", "class"], meta: ["id", "name", "property", "charset", "content"], noscript: ["id", "textContent"], script: ["id", "type", "textContent"], link: ["id", "color", "crossorigin", "fetchpriority", "href", "hreflang", "imagesrcset", "imagesizes", "integrity", "media", "referrerpolicy", "rel", "sizes", "type"] }; function acceptDataAttrs(value) { const filtered = {}; Object.keys(value || {}).filter((a) => a.startsWith("data-")).forEach((a) => { filtered[a] = value[a]; }); return filtered; } function whitelistSafeInput(input) { const filtered = {}; Object.keys(input).forEach((key) => { const tagValue = input[key]; if (!tagValue) return; switch (key) { case "title": case "titleTemplate": case "templateParams": filtered[key] = tagValue; break; case "htmlAttrs": case "bodyAttrs": filtered[key] = acceptDataAttrs(tagValue); WhitelistAttributes[key].forEach((a) => { if (tagValue[a]) filtered[key][a] = tagValue[a]; }); break; case "meta": if (Array.isArray(tagValue)) { filtered[key] = tagValue.map((meta) => { const safeMeta = acceptDataAttrs(meta); WhitelistAttributes.meta.forEach((key2) => { if (meta[key2]) safeMeta[key2] = meta[key2]; }); return safeMeta; }).filter((meta) => Object.keys(meta).length > 0); } break; case "link": if (Array.isArray(tagValue)) { filtered[key] = tagValue.map((meta) => { const link = acceptDataAttrs(meta); WhitelistAttributes.link.forEach((key2) => { const val = meta[key2]; if (key2 === "rel" && (val === "stylesheet" || val === "canonical" || val === "modulepreload" || val === "prerender" || val === "preload" || val === "prefetch")) return; if (key2 === "href") { if (val.includes("javascript:") || val.includes("data:")) return; link[key2] = val; } else if (val) { link[key2] = val; } }); return link; }).filter((link) => Object.keys(link).length > 1 && !!link.rel); } break; case "noscript": if (Array.isArray(tagValue)) { filtered[key] = tagValue.map((meta) => { const noscript = acceptDataAttrs(meta); WhitelistAttributes.noscript.forEach((key2) => { if (meta[key2]) noscript[key2] = meta[key2]; }); return noscript; }).filter((meta) => Object.keys(meta).length > 0); } break; case "script": if (Array.isArray(tagValue)) { filtered[key] = tagValue.map((script) => { const safeScript = acceptDataAttrs(script); WhitelistAttributes.script.forEach((s) => { if (script[s]) { if (s === "textContent") { try { const jsonVal = typeof script[s] === "string" ? JSON.parse(script[s]) : script[s]; safeScript[s] = JSON.stringify(jsonVal, null, 0); } catch (e) { } } else { safeScript[s] = script[s]; } } }); return safeScript; }).filter((meta) => Object.keys(meta).length > 0); } break; } }); return filtered; } const NetworkEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["onload", "onerror", "onabort", "onprogress", "onloadstart"]); const ScriptNetworkEvents = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["onload", "onerror"]); const TAG_WEIGHTS = { // tags base: -10, title: 10 }; const TAG_ALIASES = { // relative scores to their default values critical: -80, high: -10, low: 20 }; function tagWeight(tag) { const priority = tag.tagPriority; if (typeof priority === "number") return priority; let weight = 100; if (tag.tag === "meta") { if (tag.props["http-equiv"] === "content-security-policy") weight = -30; else if (tag.props.charset) weight = -20; else if (tag.props.name === "viewport") weight = -15; } else if (tag.tag === "link" && tag.props.rel === "preconnect") { weight = 20; } else if (tag.tag in TAG_WEIGHTS) { weight = TAG_WEIGHTS[tag.tag]; } if (priority && priority in TAG_ALIASES) { return weight + TAG_ALIASES[priority]; } return weight; } const SortModifiers = [{ prefix: "before:", offset: -1 }, { prefix: "after:", offset: 1 }]; const allowedMetaProperties = ["name", "property", "http-equiv"]; function tagDedupeKey(tag) { const { props, tag: tagName } = tag; if (UniqueTags.has(tagName)) return tagName; if (tagName === "link" && props.rel === "canonical") return "canonical"; if (props.charset) return "charset"; if (props.id) { return `${tagName}:id:${props.id}`; } for (const n of allowedMetaProperties) { if (props[n] !== void 0) { return `${tagName}:${n}:${props[n]}`; } } return false; } const sepSub = "%separator"; function sub(p, token) { let val; if (token === "s" || token === "pageTitle") { val = p.pageTitle; } else if (token.includes(".")) { const dotIndex = token.indexOf("."); val = p[token.substring(0, dotIndex)]?.[token.substring(dotIndex + 1)]; } else { val = p[token]; } return val !== void 0 ? (val || "").replace(/"/g, '\\"') : void 0; } const sepSubRe = new RegExp(`${sepSub}(?:\\s*${sepSub})*`, "g"); function processTemplateParams(s, p, sep) { if (typeof s !== "string" || !s.includes("%")) return s; let decoded = s; try { decoded = decodeURI(s); } catch { } const tokens = decoded.match(/%\w+(?:\.\w+)?/g); if (!tokens) { return s; } const hasSepSub = s.includes(sepSub); s = s.replace(/%\w+(?:\.\w+)?/g, (token) => { if (token === sepSub || !tokens.includes(token)) { return token; } const re = sub(p, token.slice(1)); return re !== void 0 ? re : token; }).trim(); if (hasSepSub) { if (s.endsWith(sepSub)) s = s.slice(0, -sepSub.length); if (s.startsWith(sepSub)) s = s.slice(sepSub.length); s = s.replace(sepSubRe, sep).trim(); } return s; } function resolveTitleTemplate(template, title) { if (template == null) return title || null; if (typeof template === "function") return template(title); return template; } exports.HasElementTags = HasElementTags; exports.IsBrowser = IsBrowser; exports.NetworkEvents = NetworkEvents; exports.ScriptNetworkEvents = ScriptNetworkEvents; exports.SelfClosingTags = SelfClosingTags; exports.SortModifiers = SortModifiers; exports.TAG_ALIASES = TAG_ALIASES; exports.TAG_WEIGHTS = TAG_WEIGHTS; exports.TagConfigKeys = TagConfigKeys; exports.TagEntityBits = TagEntityBits; exports.TagsWithInnerContent = TagsWithInnerContent; exports.UniqueTags = UniqueTags; exports.ValidHeadTags = ValidHeadTags; exports.asArray = asArray$1; exports.composableNames = composableNames; exports.defineHeadPlugin = defineHeadPlugin; exports.hashCode = hashCode; exports.hashTag = hashTag; exports.normaliseEntryTags = normaliseEntryTags; exports.normaliseProps = normaliseProps; exports.normaliseStyleClassProps = normaliseStyleClassProps; exports.normaliseTag = normaliseTag; exports.packMeta = packMeta; exports.processTemplateParams = processTemplateParams; exports.resolveMetaKeyType = resolveMetaKeyType; exports.resolveMetaKeyValue = resolveMetaKeyValue; exports.resolvePackedMetaObjectValue = resolvePackedMetaObjectValue; exports.resolveTitleTemplate = resolveTitleTemplate; exports.tagDedupeKey = tagDedupeKey; exports.tagWeight = tagWeight; exports.thenable = thenable; exports.unpackMeta = unpackMeta; exports.whitelistSafeInput = whitelistSafeInput;